Move over Nasus we've got a new AFK top lane scaling God in town! Today we're bringing you an overly obnoxious, high survivability, high damage build in the form of Heartsteel Gangplank! When you combine Heartsteel with Grasp of the Undying and the other components of this build you get a monstrosity you can't help but gawk at x.X

Guide to Playing Heartsteel Grasp Gangplank
Move over Nasus we've got a new AFK top lane scaling God in town! Today we're bringing you an overly obnoxious, high survivability, high damage build in the form of Heartsteel Gangplank! When you combine Heartsteel with Grasp of the Undying and the other components of this build you get a monstrosity you can't help but gawk at x.X
Check out how to play him below!
How to Play Heartsteel Grasp Gangplank
Abilities: Q, E, W then prioritize R > Q > E > W
Summoner Spells:

Starting Items: Corrupting Potion
Strategy: Farm up Grasp procs as often as possible on enemy champions, rush Heartsteel, farm up Heartsteel procs on enemy champions, win
Core Items: Heartsteel, Mercury's Treads, Essence Reaver, Titanic Hydra, Navori Quickblades, Gargoyle Stoneplate
Summoner Spells:

Strategy: Farm up Grasp procs as often as possible on enemy champions, rush Heartsteel, farm up Heartsteel procs on enemy champions, win
Core Items: Heartsteel, Mercury's Treads, Essence Reaver, Titanic Hydra, Navori Quickblades, Gargoyle Stoneplate
Heartsteel Grasp Gangplank Runes Setup
Primary: Grasp of the Undying, Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth
Secondary: Transcendence, Scorch
How It Works
Heartsteel Procs on Gangplank [Q]
Already obnoxious with his Grasp procs on his Q, Gangplank can scale even harder with ranged Heartsteel Procs, resulting in insanely high HP end-game.
Abusive to ALL Melee
Gangplank often has trouble against certain matchups like Fiora or Aatrox. This build won't remove those problems altogether but it does allow him to get extra scaling benefit from poking and also grants him additional survivability for trades.
AFK Farming Lord
In many games Heartsteel doesn't always get to its full potential simply because reliably proccing it every 30 seconds can be difficult for melee champions. However, given Gangplank's usual strategy of infinite farming, you can easily max out Heartsteel in any game.
Potential Pitfalls
Expensive Build
While building mostly tank items, Gangplank still wants to pick up his usual Essence Reaver and potentially Navori Quickblades to enjoy the things that make Gangplank the hearty pirate he is. This means that in addition to his usual build, he also needs to get Heartsteel and Titanic Hydra to full enjoy the benefits of this stacked build.
Later Power Spike
Although you can and probably should build an early sheen component, this delays the completion of Heartsteel early on. Players will have to decide if the game is progressing slow enough to rush Heartsteel for maximum scaling efficiency or if they need Sheen to assist with some team fighting.
Countering Heartsteel Grasp Gangplank
Picking up strong all-in champions that can prevent him from free-farming will avoid the threat of the metagolem.
Heartsteel Grasp Gangplank Conclusions
This pick is definitely viable given the current state of the game and more importantly, very fun to play in any game that doesn't snowball out of control. Late game this build is insanely good and very enjoyable to run around dealing insane damage while simultaneously being nearly unkillable.
Suggested Tier: Tier 2
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