Funnel Dat Yi
Boosters are everywhere at the start of the season, and even players that aren't boosting are starting to discover the wonders of having Master Yi as a hypercarry. He's not going to 1v5 by himself, but once you put a supporting cast around him he starts to get a little zany. Here's a fun twist to the duo funnel comp by building an entire team around Master Yi to get him really going.
Check out how to play it below!
Check out how to play it below!
Check out how to play it below!
Check out how to play it below!

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: B
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 3
Diving Power: S++
Dueling Power: S
Initiation: A
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: B
Sustain: B
Synergy: S
Waveclear: B
Early Game: A
Mid Game: S
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: B
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 3
Diving Power: S++
Dueling Power: S
Initiation: A
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: B
Sustain: B
Synergy: S
Waveclear: B
Early Game: A
Mid Game: S
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: B
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
Funnel Dat Yi
Boosters are everywhere at the start of the season, and even players that aren't boosting are starting to discover the wonders of having Master Yi as a hypercarry. He's not going to 1v5 by himself, but once you put a supporting cast around him he starts to get a little zany. Here's a fun twist to the duo funnel comp by building an entire team around Master Yi to get him really going.
Check out how to play it below!
Check out how to play it below!
Ashe [Bot] - As a marksman, Ashe doesn't have too much in the way of escapes once she's actually pounced on by enemy divers. However, she's luckily not the main threat on the team and of course, there's more than enough peel to help keep her alive. Her main use on this team is of course as an initiation device and also as a way to continuously AOE CC the enemy team to let Master Yi do his thing. Her arrow is also a potent initiation device and will help Master Yi get the initial reset off quickly.
Taric [Mid] - The cornerstone to funneling Master Yi, Taric provides two valuable assets that Master Yi players love. The first is of course his ultimate that gives Master Yi free reign to shred enemies. The second, and somewhat misunderstood portion of his kit is his stun. It appears slow and projected, but when you combine Taric's stun with Master Yi's alpha strike it becomes a 100% guaranteed AOE stun. Note that in this comp Taric farms minimally and instead Master Yi will take most of the lane farm while Taric tries to hold the lane close to, but not hitting the turret.
Lulu [Support] - An excellent support for Ashe in general, Lulu also doubles as being one of the most potent single-target enchanters in the game. Almost all her spells specialize in boosting a single unit to unimaginable heights, which is perfect for keeping your Master Yi alive and healthy while he dashes through entire enemy teams. She also packs on of the few remaining truly instant ranged point and click crowd-control spells in the game.
Master Yi [Jungler] - A true cornerstone of this comp (no really, you're going to need him). At the highest levels he's capable of 1v5ing the enemy team...with a little boost from his teammates of course. I've seen some boosters try and substitute him with champions like Fiora or Tryndamere but the effect isn't nearly the same...
Kayle [Top] - Kayle gives Yi a second chance at a Taric ultimate. There's not much else to be said but truth be told if the game goes long enough she's another 1v5 hypercarry by herself that can do nearly the same thing provided enemies stay along long enough. She also provides some nice speed boosts and heals that can further amplify Yi's already absurd gap closer and survivability.
Key Concepts
- Keep Yi Alive, build QSS and/or crucible (maybe multiple crucibles) if enemies are packing heavy crowd-control
- Use your voice communications to ensure maximum synergies
Countering this team involves pinning down the Master Yi and disengaging as hard as possible when he pops his ultimate.
Here is an example team that may succeed:
Here is an example team that may succeed:
- Zilean [Mid] - Preventing Master Yi from getting the initial reset will prevent him from utterly destroying your team. Zilean's AOE CC and speed-ups are also very valuable for keeping your team alive and well.
- Udyr [Jungle] - The split push and farm master himself, Udyr can continuously farm Master Yi's camps early while he's clearing lane minions, this will prevent him from getting free double gold and exp early. Later in the game, split pushing will prevent your team from getting demolished in team fights.
- Mordekaiser [Top] - This will only work for a bit, but if you can remove Master Yi from the fight the rest of his team should be easily steam-rolled early to mid-game. Of course, if he simply destroys you in the Shadow Realm for a reset and pops out then it's not very effective. Removing Taric from the fight before his ultimate goes off is also extremely valuable.
- Fiddlesticks [Support] - Fiddlestick's fear will send Master Yi running as fast as he can in the opposite direction, perfect for removing him quickly from the fight as far as possible.
- Vayne [Marksman] - In order to beat a strong duelist you'll need a strong duelist. Vayne is also one of the few marksmen that has a built-in self-peel spell, which will certainly help with keeping Master yi at bay.
Overall this team is decent, but very heavy in AP damage.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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