Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: A
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 3
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: S
Initiation: B
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: S
Synergy: S
Waveclear: S
Early Game: S
Mid Game: S
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 3
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: S
Initiation: B
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: S
Synergy: S
Waveclear: S
Early Game: S
Mid Game: S
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
Some of you tryhards were looking for an ideal team composition that synergizes with the top lane support Kayle + Master Yi combo that we highlighted a little while back. After giving it some thought, check out our top picks for the ultimate teammates to make it work.
Jinx[Marksman] - If you're looking for resets on Master Yi, few champions get as much benefit from the snowball effect as Jinx. While she doesn't need to take the kills to get the assists, she provides an excellent secondary damage source and crowd-control reset that can be extremely valuable once the team secures a single kill.
Anivia[Mid] - One of the potential difficulties the Kayle + Yi comp may face is that the enemy team could decide to just 5v3 elsewhere on the map and try to outpush the Kayle + Yi combo. However, with Anivia on guard with her omnipotent waveclear, this proves to be impossible.
Soraka [Support] - Global heals are absolutely broken when it comes to split-push strategies, and if your team decides to 5v5, a Soraka that rushes Crucible makes Master Yi even more unkillable than he already is with a Kayle by his side.
Master Yi [Jungler] - Self-explanatory, but check out the Yi + Kayle article for a more in-depth explanation
Kayle [Top Laner] - See Yi explanation.
Anivia[Mid] - One of the potential difficulties the Kayle + Yi comp may face is that the enemy team could decide to just 5v3 elsewhere on the map and try to outpush the Kayle + Yi combo. However, with Anivia on guard with her omnipotent waveclear, this proves to be impossible.
Soraka [Support] - Global heals are absolutely broken when it comes to split-push strategies, and if your team decides to 5v5, a Soraka that rushes Crucible makes Master Yi even more unkillable than he already is with a Kayle by his side.
Master Yi [Jungler] - Self-explanatory, but check out the Yi + Kayle article for a more in-depth explanation
Kayle [Top Laner] - See Yi explanation.
Key Concepts
- Make sure to get at least one potential reset available to Yi before popping your ultimate to jump into the team fight, or things could quickly fall apart.
- If the enemy team looks like they're getting too tanky to kill, make sure to split-push heavily to avoid team-fighting.
Countering this team generally involves sticking together and not letting the enemy team snowball too hard.
Here is an example team that may succeed:
Here is an example team that may succeed:
- Annie [Mid] - Bursting down Anivia is basically the only way you're going to get anything done. Annie's burst damage and engage is excellent. Use it to secure victory.
- Rammus [Jungle] - A natural Master Yi counter, he can also make sure any tower dives end in suffering.
- Sion [Top] - One of the best ways to avoid dying top is to pack so much wave-clear and crowd-control that they can't dive you. Even if they manage to kill Sion, he can still exact his revenge.
- Blitzcrank [Support] - If the enemy team decides to turtle, picking off either Soraka or Anivia will allow your team to shove in quickly.
- Ashe [Marksman] - Initiation is key to winning these fights, as a good Yi will annihilate any marksman regardless. While she can't do anything to Master Yi by herself, she can make it difficult to split-push without the rest of the team getting picked off.
As a whole, this counter composition works well as an initiation comp, and specializes in beating split-push teams.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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