Singed Mid...a phrase that turns off players so quickly that it's instantly discounted as a troll pick. So why does it have the highest win rate as a mid laner hovering around 55% for five patches in a row? Sure, the pick rate isn't very high but after this consistent record of success, it's worth taking a look into.
Overall, the strategy as a mid-lane champion largely looks similar to Singed as a top lane champion. His chief strategy is to clear waves, run around, and sometimes gank. In mid, proxying is very difficult, but he does have the ability to clear fast and harass the jungle/lanes if allowed to do so.

Guide to Playing Singed Mid
Singed Mid...a phrase that turns off players so quickly that it's instantly discounted as a troll pick. So why does it have the highest win rate as a mid laner hovering around 55% for five patches in a row? Sure, the pick rate isn't very high but after this consistent record of success, it's worth taking a look into.
Overall, the strategy as a mid-lane champion largely looks similar to Singed as a top lane champion. His chief strategy is to clear waves, run around, and sometimes gank. In mid, proxying is very difficult, but he does have the ability to clear fast and harass the jungle/lanes if allowed to do so.
Check out how to play him below!
How to Play Singed Mid
Abilities: E, Q, W then prioritize R > Q > E > W
Summoner Spells:

Starting Items: Boots of Speed, Refillable Potion, Oracle Lens
Strategy: Clear waves, don't get stuck under turret, avoid fighting unless your jungle is there, gank everywhere
Core Items: Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Boots of Swiftness, Turbo Chemtank, Demonic Embrace, Deadman's Plate, Randuin's Omen
Summoner Spells:

Strategy: Clear waves, don't get stuck under turret, avoid fighting unless your jungle is there, gank everywhere
Core Items: Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Boots of Swiftness, Turbo Chemtank, Demonic Embrace, Deadman's Plate, Randuin's Omen
Singed Mid Top Runes Setup
Primary: Predator, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Ingenious Hunter
Secondary: Celerity, Waterwalking
How It Works
Huge Map Control
By starting Oracle Lens and boots, Singed naturally gets Predator unlocked instantly. This allows him to assist at scuttle crab much faster than the opposing lane player. It also gives him the ability to both gank and deny enemy lane sight.
Powerful Waveclear
When left to his own devices, Singed's ability to shove waves is second to none, which means that enemy mid laners who leave lane to roam will find themselves losing far more CS than against any other match-up and potentially their turrets as well.
Easy Strategy
While most champions rely on flashy, high-risk, high-reward mobility skills to succeed, Singed has one of the most basic kits in the game. This lets him really focus on his macro gameplay and avoid having to rely on personal fine motor skills.
Potential Pitfalls
Loses EVERY Lane-Matchup
Even against his "best" match-ups like Fizz or Kassadin, Singed has close to a 70% death in lane rate. The good news is, he's also got close to a 70% win rate against those same champions. The reason for this is that Singed cannot duel these champions during laning phase. If he's stuck in lane with champions like this, he's committed himself to death. Make sure to roam instead.
Difficult Counters
While Singed already has trouble with the majority of lane match-ups, to make matters worse he has some true hard counters that REALLY make his life difficult, like Veigar who not only stops him in his tracks but also scales extremely hard when left to his own devices.
Countering Singed
Play safe in other lanes and pick Veigar mid-lane.
Singed Mid Conclusions
Against the majority of melee assassins, Singed can snowball very quickly from the early game. However, if you stay in lane until level six then expect to die and die quickly. That being said, if your team is playing non-dominant lanes top and bottom coupled with a gank-oriented jungler, Singed can be very effective.
It's very fun to run around ganking with your jungler when your opponent is glued to their lane, and starting predator and boots gives Singed a very active vibe. It's definitely a niche pick and the fact that he loses almost every lane matchup is concerning, but not unexpected since he goes boots + predator.
Suggested Tier: Mid to High Tier 3
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