However, what do you do in those instances where you do get auto-filled? If you're a support main this probably doesn't happen very often, but it does occur once in a while. Check out our tips below on how to maintain your rank even when Riot deals you a sour card!

Playing solo queue has always been more about preventing auto-losses than dominating games all by yourself. Even the highest win rate champions barely break 54%, and as long as you don't feed like crazy when you get autofilled, you can climb quickly if you're good at your main role.
However, what do you do in those instances where you do get auto-filled? If you're a support main this probably doesn't happen very often, but it does occur once in a while. Check out our tips below on how to maintain your rank even when Riot deals you a sour card!
This page was taken down once role assignments were implemented into the pre-game lobby, but I think it's still relevant for a large majority of players on their climb to greatness. We've revamped the article below for Season 8 but left the old comments on for old time's sake.
Check out the revised edition below!
However, what do you do in those instances where you do get auto-filled? If you're a support main this probably doesn't happen very often, but it does occur once in a while. Check out our tips below on how to maintain your rank even when Riot deals you a sour card!
This page was taken down once role assignments were implemented into the pre-game lobby, but I think it's still relevant for a large majority of players on their climb to greatness. We've revamped the article below for Season 8 but left the old comments on for old time's sake.
Check out the revised edition below!
Thoughts on Balanced Pools
As a whole, personal champion pools are best when they contain different sets of champions that fit different meta roles. Since Riot tends to nerf and buff champions in cycles, having a well-rounded pool of champions you can play allows for a better chance of steady climbing.
Here are some thoughts on "ideal" picks as well as picks that you can pick up "quickly" if you prefer to specialize in a different role and just have a good backup:
- Archetypes: Tanks, ranged casters, sometimes assassins, and rarely ranged AD glass cannons.
- It's hard to go wrong with a tanky top, but having one of each helps and can overlap with your other positions too.
- Ideal Pick:
- Vladimir - A powerful lane bully and late-game hypercarry, he fits into almost any team composition and can be used in mid-lane as well. His skills are easy to execute and he performs both a damage and a tank role.
- Easy Picks: Malphite, Sion - Big initiation, decent sustain (shields), hard to kill.
- Archetypes: AP or AD burst champions, ranged poke champions, sometimes ranged AD with an escape.
- Ideal Pick:
- Ahri - This champion is always in a love-hate type relationship with players who complain she's too easy to outplay. However, her triple gap-closer/escape allows her an incredible amount of flexibility. This margin of error allows her to make mistakes in solo queue without throwing the game. Additionally, her engagement pick potential is one of the best for mid-laners while still having an escape path.
- Easy Picks: Malzahar, Morgana - Easy and safe wave clear, good CC
- Archetypes: Tanky initiator, assassin, hybrid bruiser
- Tanky initiators tend to get nerfed less than the other two categories since there's less to complain about.
- Ideal Pick:
- Jarvan IV - Always cycles around eventually with his high CC and free team stats. He can play both the damage and the tank role equally well. His engagement potential is also very high as a result of his double gap-closer.
- Easy Picks: Sejuani, Warwick, Xin Zhao - High CC, high health jungle clears, tough to kill.
- Archetypes: Tank, Healer, Burst Damage
- Choosing a support depends on playstyle, most supports are fairly balanced.
- Ideal Picks:
- Janna/Nami - For sustain and peel these two are almost always in cycle.
- Leona/Taric - For engagement these two have kits that are difficult to nerf as long as they're not nerfed to paper.
- Easy Picks: Soraka, Sona - Heal-based sustain in lane and low skillshots allow for a very wide margin of error.
- Archetypes: Burst damage, Poke damage
- Marksmen cycle very often, but most of the ones with some sort of escape tend to be better in more situations.
- Ideal Picks:
- Xayah - High AOE damage, good escapes, good wave clear
- Easy Picks: Tristana, Ashe - Long range, good escape on Tristana and Ashe can create engagement opportunities for her team and self-peel.
Since I'm asking you guys to move over here, I'll add in my pool as well, feel free to provide feedback ^_^b
ReplyDeleteTop: Malphite, Cassiopeia, Yorick
Mid: Malzahar, Nidalee
Jungle: Amumu, Jarvan IV, Lee Sin
ADC: Ezreal
Support: Blitzcrank, Taric, Soraka
Sona- sick skin XD
ReplyDeleteIf you like Yorick so much how come you haven't ever done a weird pick about him?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to fall into the trend of posting my champion pool.
ReplyDeleteTop- Lulu, Nidalee (bruiser), Cassiopeia, Fizz
Jungle- Sejuani, Amumu, Nidalee
Mid- Annie, Leblanc, Diana, Morgana
ADC- Miss Fortune
Support- Janna, Annie, Lulu, Zyra
Do you prefer blue build Ezreal or straight up AD ezreal? Or is it flexible based on the enemy team comp and/or your own team comp.
ReplyDeleteHe's not a "weird pick" per say.
ReplyDeleteI don't think he's a weird pick
ReplyDeleteI don't build him real "blue" since I think his burst damage is kinda low with Iceborn Gauntlet until manamune is maxed out if you build him like that. I prefer starting with tear, then going into Trinity Force. If I'm really fed I'll just finished Manamune first, but otherwise I usually built t-force, bloodthirster and last whisper (not always in that order).
ReplyDeleteMaybe you can incorporate some tankier mid laners, like Swain, Vlad, or Diana.
ReplyDeleteMight want to pick up an AD jungler for versatility and a melee support in case your team is lacking in a tank
ReplyDeleteSolid reason
ReplyDeleteTop - Irelia, Rumble, Hecarim
ReplyDeleteJungle - Vi, Jarvan, Rek'sai
Mid - Zed, LB, Ahri
ADC - Graves
Support - Thresh, Annie, Blitz
That's a pretty solid set of champions, are you a mid main? If not you may want to add a few more "consistent" champions to your pool; Annie would be a good addition since you already play her as a support.
ReplyDeleteJust moving this to the new spot.
ReplyDeleteTop: Wukong, Kennen
Mid (1st Choice): Talon, Malzahar, Xerath, Ziggs
Jungle: Amumu, Wukong, Vi (I might try Wukong some more after this next round of jungle nerfs)
ADC (Most Boring Role): Jinx, Kalista
Support (2nd Choice): Sona, Blitzcrank, Morgana
I try to always play mid or support, as I feel those are my best roles.
I do well as ADC but I find it tedious and arguably boring which is amplified if you start to get a lead.
Jungle and Top are probably my weakest roles. I need to practice them.
I have a few other mids and supports that I play but they are more situational picks than they are mains.
Also, playing as Kalista with a Blitzcrank support leads to one of the most rewarding combos ever... Blitz Q into Kalista's Ulti is the largest displacement in the game and usually a free kill.
top: Pantheon, Garen, Wukong
ReplyDeleteJungle: Shaco(main), Amumu, Fiddle
Mid: Akali, Diana, Talon
Support: Janna, Soraka, Thresh
Adc (( suck at it soooooo much): Quinn, Ezreal, Sivir
Mid:talon, brand,wukong
Adc: Graves,draven,tristana
SSJ, thoughts?
ReplyDeleteTop: Yasuo, Fiora, Swain, Nasus
Jungle: Skarner, Sejuani, Volibear
Mid (main role): Anivia (the love of my life), Malzahar, Viktor, Diana (can play almost every mid champion though)
ADC: Sivir, Ashe, Lucian, Graves
Support: Anyone
Just adding in my pool! Please disregard me, I'm Bronze 5 and I play mostly norms.
ReplyDeleteTop (main role) - Wukong, Nasus, Rekt'Sai, Gnar
Jungle - Rekt'Sai, Master Yi, Jarvan IV
Mid (least favorite role) - Zed, Brand, Annie
ADC - Jinx, Kalista, Tristana
Support - Sona, Soraka, Thresh
Top: Wukong, Darius, Fiora, Gangplank (Can play majority of top but main these)
ReplyDeleteJungle: Jarvan IV, Wukong, Amumu
Mid: Twisted Fate, Wukong, Jayce, Morgana
ADC: Sivir
Support: Soraka, Morgana
Recently got back into the game, ADC/Support are my worst roles but still looking to add more champs into my pool as I realize my champ pool isn't the best
I have limited time to play the game, so i'm trying to keep my pool
ReplyDeletesmall to compensate. Its basically just Fiddle jg > annie sup/mid
> kayle buffer.
Top: Kayle
Mid: Annie, Kayle
Jungle (1st choice): Fiddlesticks, Kayle
Support (2nd choice): Annie, Kayle, leona
ADC (Last choice): Caitlyn
SSJ, thoughts?
ReplyDeleteTop: Vayne (main champ), Irelia, Maokai, Riven, Swain, Urgot
Jungle: Lee Sin, Hecarim, Yi
Mid: Ahri, Azir, Zed, Kassadin
ADC (main role): Vayne, Ezreal. I can play all the adc's
Support: Thresh, Janna, Vel'Koz. I can play all the supps
My pool doesn't seem that flexible lol...
ReplyDeleteTop - Irelia
Jungle - Naughty-less
Mid - Kassadin (or Talon)
ADC - Varus
Support - Thresh (or Leona)...
SSJ thoughts,
ReplyDeleteTop: tryndamere, sion, renekton
Jg: sej, shyvana, diana, tryndamere
Mid: lux, ahri
ADC: ezreal, jinx
Sup: leona, braum
Top: Sion, Wukong, Jax
ReplyDeleteJungle: Rammus, Skarner
Mid: Annie, Talon, Ahri
Support: Taric, Sona
ADC: Jinx, Sivir
I'd say I'm pretty well rounded
Start finding a couple a more for top. Irelia is a pretty contested pick.
ReplyDeleteTop: Sion, Hecarim, Nasus
ReplyDeleteJungle: Hecarim, Vi, J4
Mid: Annie, Heimerdinger
Support: lol a lot of those: Sona, Janna, Taric, Nami
ADC: Ashe, Sivir, Caitlyn
From best to worst in each position:
ReplyDeleteTop: Hecarim, Gnar, Heimerdinger, Teemo, Poppy, Singed Nasus
Jungle: Udyr, Diana, Hecarim, Zac, Reksai, Amumu
Mid: Diana, Katarina, Heimerdinger, Leblanc, Xerath, Karthus, Zed
ADC: Tristana, Ashe, Teemo (I suck at ADC and only have these champions because i know i suck)
Support: Alistar, Blitzcrank, Bard, Morgana, Janna
Yea i play a lot of champs often but most commonly the first 3 or so in each position.
My champion pool.
ReplyDeleteMorgana support.
Main 1 champ and you'll go far enough.
SOURCE: Gold 1 in promos for plat. :)
Let's do this :)
ReplyDeleteTop: Vladimir, Hecarim, Sion
Jungle: Sejuani, Nidalee, Amumu
Mid: Malzahar, Ori, Cassio
ADC (play this whenever i can): Twitch, Kalista, Tristana, Graves, Lucian, Jinx and Corki
Supp: Janna, Morg, Blitz
this is my ranked pool
ReplyDeleteTop: lolcounter.com
Mid: lolcounter.com
Jungle: lolcounter.com
Adc: Jinx
Support: lolcounters.com
Hey guys im an adc main. im having a hard time deciding my pool and i keep switching PLEASE HELP!
ReplyDeleteim just going to say the champions im interested in playing atm. i have a good amount of expierience on all of them but i want to cut down and just stick to 4 champions.
champions i like playing: lucian varus graves sivir kalista tristana corki
so who do u think i should drop?
my ideal champ pool for adcs is this: graves lucian varus sivir
is this a diverse pool or am i missing something? my uncertainty in my pool is effecting my play since im stressed on who i should and shouldnt play. in the end of the day i want to have fun and i want to climb so please give me your thoughts on if its a good pool or not! thanks
My champion pool
ReplyDeleteTop: Gnar, Nasus, Hecarim
Mid: Diana, Katarina, Yasuo
Support: Thresh, Braum, Leona
ADC: Lucian, Graves, , Tristana, Twitch (normals only)
Jungle: Pantheon, Rek'Sai, Maokai
Renekton and Gnar are very similar to Irelia
ReplyDeleteMy champion pool:
ReplyDeleteTop: Teemo, Nasus, (A lot of the time I'll just play one of my mid champs if I have to top)
Jungle: Jarvan, fiddlesticks, master yi
Mid (main role): zed, ahri, katarina, Annie, Morgana, Leblanc, xerath,
would add annie as easy pick mid (kinda biased as she was my first main) she is easy to learn, and although the meta favors long ranged champs right now(her counters) you can use flash to kill them or roam
ReplyDeleteI don't play much, but out of the ranked games that I felt like going top, I got Irelia for both games
ReplyDeleteBetter early in general.
ReplyDeleteTop: Singed, Akali, Wukong, Morgana
ReplyDeleteMid Akali, Wukong, Morgana
Jung Nocturne, Wukong, Maokai
ADC Draven, Tristana, Urgod
Support Morgana Allistar.
I have moved to Korea and therefore have started over so right now I am only playing the frees every week, trying to expand the pool or understand opponents better. Any feedback on the pool will be respectfully accepted unless you dog my boy Urgod.
My champion pool:
ReplyDeleteTop: Elise, Shyvana, Irelia, Morgana, and when I'm bored I play Leblanc AD (interestingly she is who gives me better results).
Jg: Elise, Sejuani (well she is not playable since she is ban/pick), Skarner and Irelia.
Mid: Elise, Zyra, Syndra and Wukong.
Sup: Morgana, Zyra, Sona and Taric.
Adc: I do not play this role continued but when I have to go I play Ashe or Sivir.
Funny how you started the list with vladimir after saying pool. Im bored
ReplyDeleteTop: fizz, nidalee
ReplyDeleteJungle: fizz, nidalee, Lee
Mid: nidalee, zed, ezreal
ADC: ezreal
Support: Janna, thresh, Morgana.
ahah unintentional pun i guess?
ReplyDeleteThen she'd be kinda crazy. Her late game is so dominant with her ultimate.
ReplyDeleteYou have a pretty diverse pool. Sivir is a very strong utility type, Graves as a burst type, caster Lucian, and a utility/Caster in Varus. Only thing you may want is a great hypercarry like Jinx or Tristana.
ReplyDeleteDon't stress over who to play. In the end it's all about fun, which is what you said you aim for. So play with your ideal pool.
You have good consistency with having someone in 2 roles when it comes to top, mid, and jungle. Very smart to do that.
ReplyDeleteAlright, so here is mine. I'll list from best to worst and then 1-2 champs I'm practicing per role (in paranthesis). Any comments on my picks is greatly appreciated!
ReplyDeleteTop: Olaf, Sion (Rumble)
Jungle: Evelynn (Olaf, Skarner, Sejuani)
Mid: Anivia (Twisted Fate, Xerath)
ADC: Ashe, Kalista (Draven)
Support: Leona (Bard, Thresh)
@SSJSuntastic This is a really great page to make! Really appreciate all you do!
ReplyDeleteSo 2 champs I'd like your opinion on are Olaf and Evelynn. Do you feel Olaf is good for top with his great tankiness? Also, is his jungle good?
2nd champ is Eve. You listed that Hybrid bruisers are good for jungle.
i don't like the way you spelling urgot, lol
ReplyDeleteMy Champion Pool:
ReplyDeleteTop (Main role): Hecarim, Aatrox, Malphite, Darius, Nasus, Garen
Jungle (least fav role): Hecarim, Rek sai, Master Yi
Mid: Katarina, Annie
Adc: Ashe, Jinx, Graves, Sivir
Support: Blitz, Annie
What do you guys think?
I kinda lack the mid and support role, idk what could suit me better.
Since Xerath and Braum are on free rotation i`ll give them a try.
Any comments or others picks are appreciated
Evelynn is fairly weak but she's getting a buff next patch in 5.6 (I think I read that on s@20)
ReplyDeleteOlaf is an amazing duelist, but gets kited fairly easy making him not that amazing for end game
Needs a better early game like Exevier says.
ReplyDeleteUseless early game, god late game. The problem is getting to late game without being underfed
my champion pool (ranked from fav role to least fav role)
ReplyDeleteSupport: Thresh/Leona/Morgana/Janna/Sona
Adc: Tristana/Jinx/Caitlyn
Jungle: Fiddlesticks/amumu/Jarvan
Mid: Ahri/Yasuo/Ziggs
Top: Nasus/Malphite/Jarvan
may be someone could suggest what is missing in my champ pool right now
My champion pool c:
ReplyDeleteMid(main): Cassiopeia, Ahri, Leblanc, Katarina.
Support: Janna, Sona, Nami.
Adc: Sivir, Tristana, kog'maw.
Top (least played): Lulu, Lissandra.
Jungle: Elise, Evelynn.
I'm a diamond 5 top/jungle main, but I suck mechanically
ReplyDeleteonly 10% of my games are mid/AD
hope this helps those who suffer from slow clicking XD
current pool for 5.5
Top: Wukong Sion Volibear
Jungle: Sejuani Fizz Amumu
Mid: Brand Velkoz Wukong
AD: Graves Corki Jinx
Support: Thresh Leona Braum
I tend to be good with champions that suits my playstyle, and really bad with champs that don't.
ReplyDeleteChamps I like:
Top: None.
Jungle: Fiddlesticks.
Mid: Lux, Ezreal.
Adc: Ezreal
Supp: Nami
Champs I can pick but I don't consider that I give my best when I play them:
Top: Riven, Dr. Mundo.
Jungle: Warwick, Cho'Gath.
Mid: Katarina.
Adc: Vayne
Supp: Morgana.
So my playstyle is 'play safe' and 'good game sense', you need game sense to play fiddlesticks, nami. And you have to play safe with Lux, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks...
So I always say that you need to find the playstyle that suits you, and improve by playing that playstyle. Also I recommend playing weird picks that won't get stolen, that people also don't know how to play against them, and also won't get ban.
It also depends on the region, I often see ban rates and pick rates of NA, and it has NOTHING to do with what happens in LAS (Latin America Server, where I play).
As a Blitzcrank player, I generally prefer if Kalista players save their ult in case the enemy jungler ganks and I need to get out. It's definitely very satisfying to execute the combo though.
ReplyDeleteI think he's good since his late game is extremely strong, which works well against teams that have trouble ending the game in a timely fashion.
ReplyDeleteso, do you think i should unlock him, im bronze btw
ReplyDeleteMy main champion pool:-
ReplyDeleteTop (least favoured role): Irelia, Lissandra, Darius
Mid (second role): Katarina, Brand, Annie, Malzahar
Jungle (main role): Volibear, Skarner, Xin Zhao, Evelynn, Sejuani (S4 Warwick, Vi and Volibear main)
ADC: Sivir, Jinx
Support: Sona, Karma
Champions I'm confident playing in ranked but rarely play (at least this season):-
Top: Vladimir, Wukong, Pantheon, Yorick, Fiora
Mid: Zyra, Akali, Diana, Heimerdinger, Talon
Jungle: I play pretty much every jungler except Fiddlesticks, Rengar, Elise, and Lee Sin
ADC: Miss Fortune, Vayne
Support: Leona, Nami, Janna
My most played champions this season are Katarina, Jinx, and Skarner.
Something of note is that it will help you a lot to pick up Champs who are viable in multiple roles. Some champs (Warwick) may only take 10 games to master but that isn't the case with most of them. Champs like wukong, lulu, lissandra, nidalee, jarvan and others can make your life much easier if you master them. Not that you should do it but one of my proudest moments last season was snowballing an adc with j4 support after a last pick autolock.
ReplyDeleteTldr: learn versatile champs, rule the rift
Most very good versatile champs takes over 10 times 10 games to master...and even!
ReplyDeleteYes, as I said, most take more. But if you are going to be putting 50, 100, 200 games into a champ then why not have it be one you can play in two or three lanes rather than doing it on say... Nunu
ReplyDeleteOf course I decided to main sej once j4 became a permaban, so this is somewhat funny for me to say
ReplyDeleteLong time i didn't see J4 banned.
ReplyDeleteMost banned so far are Katarina Ahri LeBlanc Lissandra Nidalee (in 3/4 of my games those are insta banned)
I never see a couple of those banned (you may be higher or lower than me resulting in slightly different bans, g3 here) but at the beginning of the season when I was looking for a champion to spam j4 had one of the highest ban rates.
ReplyDeleteMaybe someone can check me on that j4 ban rate for first two weeks of this season?
Well.. in the Bronze-Silver world they're still banning Leona, Blitz, Amumu and others..
ReplyDeleteOf course, defensive use of her Ulti is permitted. Just making an observation that applies mostly to mid game picks, which can really turn the tides in low elo games.
ReplyDeleteMaokai plays all lanes well
ReplyDeleteThe tree is a great example and he isn't overly complex. Utility translates very well across all lanes
ReplyDeleteHey guys, I main jungle.
ReplyDeleteMy top junglers are Fiddlesticks, Rek'sai, Amumu, Xin Zhao and J4 but i master Fiddlesticks.
What i trying is not to go to bot lane, where i usually suck and if i have to, then I pick fiddlesticks supp, amumu or even Xin supp. In ranked games you should only play the champs you feel more comfortable with and not taking unnecessary risks picking up a champion you dont know how to run.
I also go mid Fiddlesticks, Top Rek sai, Xin and others.. Call me troll, but i play for the win.
Well if you can't get your desired role, it's better to just dodge imo. Picking troll champs may demoralize your team hence making it harder to maintain a positive attitude - UNLESS YOU'RE ON PROMOS. Also, dodging actually helps in climbing the ladder, trust me. Also, Top Rek Sai is still really strong despite nerfs :P
ReplyDeleteSyncite gave you a great piece of wisdom to listen.
ReplyDeletePity you ain't following also SSJ TL since they are really good to!
Fiddlesticks / Amumu & J4 great combination for Xin & Rek'Sai...not really plus those 3 are way more than enough!
There are limit of those words apply "You should only play the champs you feel more comfortable"
those example kinda make me sad for your teammates there are better alternatives which will go accord your playstyle and you will feel more useful...
Useless ban to be honest except Amumu but imo Sejuani > Amumu in term of ban but still better than the Leo & Blitz ban...i call this waste of resources every top or decent players will say so...
ReplyDeleteHard to see now i was between G1 & G2 previous season and kinda having difficulties to get back in there atm...
ReplyDeletePlus i had connection issues randomly like playing 2 games fine 30ping no issue and then KABOOM 65K Ping! thx god i fixed the issue yesterday by drawing a new phone line...
Great pool overall!
ReplyDeleteGood pool except for Jungle the Elise & Evelynn era is gone...at least for now :(
ReplyDeleteSimilar between each other but not to Irelia...you need to expend your pool trying to find other champs you feel fancy to play so that you can complete it.
ReplyDeleteAdd one or two ADC and you will be solid.
ReplyDeleteYou should add some ADC like those SSJ mentioned.
ReplyDeleteOnly if you really enjoy playing it he's really lethal and his passive helps for late game team fight (when his E & Ult are scaled to the maximum + AP Items)
ReplyDeleteI'll join in the fun, my champ pool looks like this: (I'll explain some of it)
ReplyDeleteTop: Gnar, Yorick, Wukong, Tryndamere, Teemo, Karma, Malphite, Morgana, Ziggs
Mid: Ahri, Swain, Ziggs, Yasuo, Malzahar, Karma
JG: J4, Sejuani, Amumu, Malphite, Wukong, Rek'Sai
ADC: Jinx, Graves, Varus, Twitch, Kog'Maw
Sup: Leona, Morgana, Karma, Thresh, Ziggs
My Top lane pool is "Large" only because you can pretty much play every champion in LoL top lane. If I had a top-lane main it would be Gnar as I have over 500 games on him since he came out. Other than that I try to cover every "Role" using these champs. Last season I mained top. If you are noticing a theme with these champions.. its that they are extremely easy to play. (Solo Queue)
Mid lane is more of the same, covering the roles I can. Ahri has always been my main mid-lamer but I am confident in my ability to play 5 of them at a decent level.
JG is my weakest role but every champ I play has an extremely easy kit.
ADC is my main role, I play it as often as I am allowed. The five champions I play are the ones I am most comfortable with and cover all possible counters. I can play others like Ashe and Cait, but I won't do nearly as well.
Sup is the role I play the second most. Leona.. is freelo. Anyone who wants to play support should leaner how to play Leona in Solo Queue. Ziggs, while unconventional, has been my go-to support when picking Karma doesn't make sense but we need heavy poke.
The first three that appear in every role, I have over 150 games on each of them. They would be my "Mains"
I agree with josh in adding a late-game hyper carry. Jinx is probably the best as she is the easiest to play and takes turrets faster than almost any champ in the game.
ReplyDeleteHe is a god
ReplyDeleteHey guys !
ReplyDeleteI wish to try ranked again. I’m aware I need a good champion pool. Ideally 2-3 champs/position with which I’m really comfortable with.
As of now these are the champs I’m most comfortable with (aka I’d go ranked with these guys and not be too ashamed of my performance) :
Top (main position): Garen, Maokai, Trundle (as of now my go-to is Maokai, Garen for the Jax and Irelia and Trundle for them fat tanks).
Jungle (least played): Master Yi
Mid (2nd position): Malzahar, Twisted Fate (tho my Destiny ganks are still meh the rest is OK), Annie (I’d add Veigar but he’s…meh right now)
ADC: Graves
Support: Annie
Champions I own (I’ve played most of them a
few times and know their mecanics however I’m not confident enough with them to
bring them into ranked):
Top: Vladimir, Jax, Kennen, Malphite, Nasus, Sion
Jungle: Jarvan IV, Xin Zhao, Warwick, Fiddlesticks, Rengar
Mid: Katarina, Leblanc, Veigar, Kassadin, Kayle
ADC: Vayne, Ashe, Sivir, Corki
Support: Braum, Leona, Karma
I know I own a lot of guys and I guess I should look to that to fill my pool however I’m a bit of a loss at which I should practice most. I feel like I’m missing a Splitpusher/Carry (like Trynd or Fiora) for Top, I’ve got Jax, but I always feel like I suck with him, I always get destroyed in teamfights (maybe it’s because I play so many beefy Tanks…). Can Trundle fill in as the splitpusher ?
Is there anything I should look into to fill my pool (these are ideas I’m toying with) ?
-Swap out Trundle and/or Garen (keeping them as counterpicks) for Malphite and/or Kennen and/or Jax (more utility and CC) ?
-Praticing Warwick and Xin Zhao jungle ? (I’ve played quite some JIV on Twisted Treeline, but always as a laner not jungle, I kinda suck with jungler that don,t have built it sustain or fast clear).
-Swap Annie or TF Mid with an assassin ? Leblanc or Katarina ? I’ve played more Kata, but her early laning is so hard…
-Practice Corki and Sivir for ADC ? Should I look to Tristana ?
-Practice Leona and maybe get Janna for support ?
Anyways, sorry for the long post.
Thanks for your help with an Unranked Bronzie
i have a very small champ pool
ReplyDeletetop: swain - amumu - shen
jungle: nautilus - wukong
mid: swain - velkoz - lux - zed
adc: ezreal
support: karma - zyra - velkoz - soraka
is it rather bad to have such a small pool? should i expand it more or am i fine?
If you like playing safe you could get Nasus as your toplaner.
ReplyDeleteWhat rank are you? It's usually best to have at least 2 or 3 champions you can use comfortably in a role. Also, you could try to bring champions into multiple roles like Amumu to the jungle and Wukong to the top lane.
ReplyDeleteHaving a small pool is fine, it's all about what you're comfortable with. You can expand in the future.
You guys play too many champs i just play leona and braum with a duo partner and im almost in plat atm
ReplyDeletei am currently platinum 5. and im sometimes facing the problem of for example, amumu being banned, swain already picked by enemies and shen counter picked. any tips other than expanding pool for that?
ReplyDelete:O Maybe, I didn't use him at all so I kind of forget about him but I'll try and see what happens. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI've made it to plat with Leona, but I've noticed that it feels stagnant, and I don't think I'll be able to climb any further without picking up new champions and/or lanes. It's really annoying to go into queue every time hoping that the enemy doesn't pick Janna. If you have time, I suggest you pick up a good secondary role or support style.
ReplyDeleteI'm about to start my placement matches, figured I'd get some input on my pool before I dive into hell. Any advice would be appreciated!
ReplyDeleteTop (main): Kennen, Singed, Darius, Maokai (I know a few more, these are just my favorites)
Jungle (not that great at it, still trying to learn): Sejuani, Amumu, Hecarim, Fiddle
Mid: Katarina, Talon, Diana, Cassiopeia, Malzahar
ADC: Sivir, Varus, Kog'Maw
Support: Sona, Morgana, Nautilus, Annie
I think my champ pool is pretty good, I always fill so support is like my main role with jungle as close second, with mid being my least played role:
ReplyDeleteTop: Urgod, Aatrox, Kayle, Donger, Fizz, Teemo, Azir
Jungle: Sejuani, Ammumu, Aatrox, Kayle, Fizz, Rammus
Mid: Talon, Kassadin, Ezreal, TF, Annie, Kog'maw
ADC: Ezreal, Caitlyn, Kog'maw, Ashe, Trist
Support: Zyra, Leona, Braum, Taric, Thresh, Morgana, Sona, Annie, Karma
Weird picks I have done and can work (not on ranked obviously):
Top: Ezreal, Annie, Taric, Zyra
Jungle: Leona, Karma, Ezreal, Donger, Zyra, Urgod, Teemo
Mid: None, I don't play mid that much d:
ADC: TF, Thresh
Support: Teemo, Sejuani, Ammumu, Urgod, Donger, Ashe (Ashe support is extremely viable imo)
You should probably practice an adc with an escape like Cait, Ez or Graves other than that I think you got a pretty good pool.
ReplyDeleteYou could take the champs you already play in other roles like zed or wukong.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand the aim of this page. Can someone explain me plz ?
ReplyDeleteI'd say replace Shen with a more meta-based top like Sion. Seems like the best course of action. I mean with Shen top, you just have to hope they aren't very aggressive early and your jungler actually has time to gank you if your other lanes are losing.
ReplyDeleteGoes in order of skill from left to right
ReplyDeleteTop: Wukong, Xin, Fizz,vlad,
Mid: Annie, Talon,Yasuo, Vlad
Jungle: Vi, Amumu, Xin,Hecarim, Udyr
Adc: Graves, Lucian, Kog’Maw,Draven
Support: Leona, Poppy
My understanding is that it's trying to describe well-rounded champion pools that will generally allow a player to decently handle any role. It provides suggestions for commonly strong champion types for each role as well as examples of champions that fit those roles well.
ReplyDeleteHere's my list:
ReplyDeleteTop: Wukong, Maokai, Malphite
Mid: Morgana, Lissandra, Katarina
Jungle: Hecarim, Nautilus, Rek'Sai
ADC: Ezreal, Jinx, Graves
Support: Janna, Leona, Blitzcrank/Thresh
They run that in Challenger lol. Well Leona and Blitz usually.
ReplyDeleteTop: Malphite
ReplyDeleteMid: Malphite
Support: Malphite (and Blitzcrank)
Jungle: Malphite
ADC: uh.... Sivir?
Ok so that a "Easier picks tier list " ?
ReplyDeleteWarwick is such an idiotproof champion that I think he deserves a spot on the "easy jungler" list ;p
ReplyDeletenot much time right now to go through the whole list but if you're bronze, i'd say just learn the game. Learn how to carry when you do well and not feed when you fall behind. Two champs each for four roles will get you through 90% of champion selects with a champ you're comfortable with. Mastering support will probably lead you straight into gold eventually since people hate playing it at bronze level.
ReplyDeleteFunnily enough I got through bronze with xin zhao jungle in season 3 and through silver with xin zhao top. Each time i screwed around with fifteen different champions the whole season and towards the end I just went back to xin zhao for a few weeks. Xin is alright at the moment actually but the idea is that champs don't matter hugely at bronze and silver level, just be good with one or two for each role.
I'd suggest:
TF, morgana mid
Wukong, malphite, trundle, maokai, nasus top
Warwick, fiddlesticks, master yi jungle
Leona, blitzcrank support
Graves adc
His early game is just so weak...
ReplyDeleteRenekton, Riven, Rengar, Irelia
Jungle: (Little exp)
Warwick, Rek'sai, Vi, Maokai
Ahri, Lissandra, Kassadin, Karthus, Nidalee
Sivir, Ezreal, Jinx, Caitlyn, Vayne
Support: (Little Exp.)
Leona, lulu, Nami, Morganna
This was the pool i was going for, Any thoughts?
It's not a tier list, But generally a group of champions you should always be able to play in and out between nerfs and generally play well. An Example would be, For bot lane are 3 types of lanes: Poke, All in, and Sustain and you should be able to cater to all 3 types before going into ranked. Basically, This is just a general standing for something like this for ever lane, with stable reliable picks.
ReplyDeleteTop - Rengar, Maokai, Sion, Leona (stfu about leo picks)
ReplyDeleteJg - Rengar, Sejuani
Mid -LB, Kat, Xerath
ADC - Sivir
Supp - Leona, Bard, Blitz.
Is Maokai a good beginner champ worth buying? I tend to like tanks, mages, and am looking to learn more about jungling, and Maokai seems to fit this bill.
ReplyDeleteSwain is kinda hard since he peel a lot early with his E...
ReplyDeleteThe solution is most champion with good substain skill (Vladimir*, Renekton) or shield (Sion*, Shen, Rumble)
*are the best imho
She is getting a buff :D. and you can build Righteous Glory on Olaf to increase your sticking power.
ReplyDeletenot really. Because then your champs aren't available. You should try to find a strong champion who isn't FOTM.
ReplyDeleteTrue, but hopefully your team won't feed too hard before you hit six. I think his insane jungle sustain makes up for his weak ganks early because he can stay in the jungle longer and hit six faster when an inexperienced jungler as opposed to a more "difficult" and less sustain based jungle champion. Also, it's worth mentioning that his ult has insane synergy with champions like Katarina a in a 2v1 situation (aka a gank) and a fed Katarina is always nice to have.
ReplyDeleteI think the main value of Warwick that makes him a good "easy" jungler for one's champion pool would be his point-and-click ultimate. It's pretty hard to not notice his ult so only the most brain-dead of teams will not get that it's an initiation into a teamfight and it makes his ganks godly once he hits level 6. Getting to level 6 isn't that tough thanks to his ridiculous amounts of sustain in jungle.
tl;dr I absolutely agree his early game sucks but with his jungle sustain even an inexperienced jungler can hit 6 quick and only in the worst of games will your team have basically lost by then ^^'
Gotta play leo jungle, man
ReplyDeleteFor real though, in ADC you should probably try a bursty champion like Graves or Lucian
Thresh fits in with your tanky/ allin support picks
If you want another assassin jungler, you could try shaco. For tank jungles, Amumu's pretty good and Maokai can work as a jungler too
Maokai is quite good for jungling and very good as a top laner. He's quite an easy champion but also fun and effective. Nautilus is very similar, except he is better jungle and worse top.
ReplyDeleteam in Bronze let me know what you think of the champ pool. I am looking to focus more on really getting a few champs down, so I am avoiding the autobans of kata - yasuo. I list them as main and backup.
ReplyDeleteTop: Fiora, Jayce/Quinn
Mid: Orianna, Jayce
Jungle: Sejuani, RekSai
ADC, Kalista, Jinx, Vayne (vanye is here only if I see 2-3 tanks on the enemy team)
Support: Blitz, Leona ( might add sona in here, its not a role I want to bother with so honestly can be ignored.
My pool: best(other)
ReplyDeletetop- vlad, (garen)
mid- Diana, (leblanc)
jungle- Diana, nautilus, (ww, fiddle)
adc- ashe, (sivir)
Supp- leona, zilean (nautilus, taric)
Favorite champs:
Diana -is there anything similar?
I would advise practicing support and jungle in normals, it's useful to know at least the basics of every role. Since you have very little experience with the roles, I don't think you should be playing Lee Sin, Zyra or Nami. It's quite easy to screw up with these champions, so sticking to easier champions would be better.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion having 4-5 champions for a main role and 2-3 for others is ideal, your champion pool seems a bit too big to me in that respect. I don't know what you would like your main role to be, so I cannot comment on that. Some other champions I don't agree with, as they are relatively hard to be effective with, are Ahri, Ezreal, Vayne, Nidalee, Kassadin and Riven. Some champions you might want to pick up are:
Annie (top/mid)
Pantheon and/or Sion (top/jungle)
Malzahar and/or Morgana (mid)
Blitzcrank and/or Sona (support)
I hope this helps, good luck!
Anyone know of good guides/streams to watch Rumble players? Seems like every time I try and play him I feed horribly.
ReplyDeleteInfidel! Kneel before Urgod!!!
ReplyDeleteSo I need some more champs to play in ranked right now its
ReplyDeleteTop: Lulu, Irelia, and Cassiopeia
Mid: Lulu, Cassiopeia, and Orianna
Jungle(least played) Sejuani, and Skarner
Support(Main role) Janna, Soraka, Braum
ADC: Sivir
Top- Irelia or Nasus
ReplyDeleteMid- Annie or Morgana
Jungle- Vi or Amumu
Support- Sona or Thresh
Adc- Jinx or Caitlyn
Yeah i agree with your point it's not really wrong but the frustration if 2x lanes or more are losing before lvl6 ...hmm
ReplyDeleteHaha i love it xD
ReplyDeletenasus never a good pick brah
ReplyDeleteI believe archetype is how it's spelled. I could be wrong in this context, but that's just how I've seen it.
ReplyDeleteI believe you're correct, fixed!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I'm not really new mechanically, It's just that i'm new to ranked solo que. To me, It's rather important that a champion can be flexible like Lee Sin, rather than more of a one trick pony like Ryze or Talon.
Irelia, Renekton, Rengar
Rengar, Irelia
Lissandra, Irelia
Ezreal, Caitlyn, Jinx
Thresh, Sona
I revised it, Since you were right that it was a little large and a bit overly mechanically intense. This is a 10 Champion pool, that is much more refined. But i feel like if they have a garen i'll be useless... (Lulu maybe as a cover up / support?)
My main roles are support and jungle but my champ pool would be this.
ReplyDeleteSupport: SONA, Janna, Leona, Nami, Thresh, Annie, Zyra
Jungle: AMUMU, Sejuani, Malphite, Wukong, Jarvan, Vi, Rammus, Volibear, Sion
Top: WUKONG, Gnar
Mid: ZIGGS, Heimerdinger (really don't play mid)
ADC: EZREAL, Caitlyn
Caps are my favourites for each role. Could people suggest good mids or adc's for me
Surprised you don't play Lulu as support if you already play her in other lanes. I would add a tank to your top lane. And an assassin to your mid, preferably an ad to balance your pool.
ReplyDeleteI would say you should add an ap top laner to your list. You already play Liss, and she makes for a good top laner as well ad mid. Same with your jungle. Get an ap jungler up in there. Maybe a tank ap like amumu or sejuani
ReplyDeleteI main mid and top lane. Pick Priority from left to right.
ReplyDeleteTop: Hecarim, Irelia, Fizz(Ad), Malphite
Jungle: Fizz(Ad), Sejuani, Nautilus, Vi
Mid: Fizz (Ad and Ap), Diana, Cass, Xerath, Azir
Adc: Graves, Kalista, Kog, Corki
Support: Alistar, Bard, Blitz, Thresh
Top: Teemo and Vayne
ReplyDeleteMid: TF and Veigar
ADC: Ezreal and Vayne
Supp: Thresh Ali Blitz
dont play jungle
top: trynd, jax and nasus
ReplyDeletejg: da dyr
mid: viktor, lissandra
top and mid: swain
adc: sooooo need i talk about the story where the last time i played adc i feed enemy team hard?
support: sona
btw ssj, isn't marksman suppose to be more sustain damage instead of burst?
ReplyDeleteunless we are talking tri-force adc here, which do have a fair amount of burst mid game.
jungle helps you with your map awareness, objective(monster) control and ganking, so do learn it.
ReplyDeletethat is a pretty good list, but do you really have to use irelia mid?
i suggest learning something like zed who combos people
righteous glory helps.
ReplyDeletefrozen heart+spirit visage + glory+ botrk and hydra+ boots (sell for zephyr really late game) is my build.
you get 40% cdr with runes and masteries.
he has an amazing lane and late.
here is my analysis to lanes.
ReplyDeleteTOP: the great island, occasionally with some ganks, this lane is there to just hold the top tower.
as it is a SOLO LANE, it means
-receives most xp(like mid)
-receives more money(also like mid)
generally people are either tanks, tanky mages, or ad glasscanon
MID:easy access to both top at bot, where most the action resides.
also a SOLO LANE.
mages or ass-sasins go there.
BOT: the only duo lane(not counting lane swaps)
shares xp. Not gold though becuz adc is greedy.
marksman: the shredder, farms everything and is squishy.
support: as the name already said, it supports... yay
JG: gankz and objectives.
mostly people with natural sustain, tanky and cc.
you want to generally have a tank+damage(like per say, nasus) on the top lane. or lots of cc, either one will do, and you also want the ability to kill towers( just like nasus) to create pressure around the map.
mid would be get fed, roam and win, or feed, stall, proceed to win
bot would be
ADC: farm, kill enemy, farm kill stuff...
SUP: wards!!!! engage, disengage heal stuff, either one will do.
as for jg, clear camps, gank and OBJECTIVESSSS
and if you are saying i said way too much stuff on top lane and way too little stuff on others, i main top.
Top: Nasus, Darius, Cho'gath, Rengar
ReplyDeleteMid: Orianna, Malzahar, Xerath, Azir (stop the nerfs pls huhu), Annie
Support: Braum, Leona, Blitzcrank, Morgana
ADC: Ashe, Sivir, Graves, Lucian
Jungle: Udyr, Xin Zhao, Volibear, Jax, Nunu, Amumu, Trundle
Note these are all champs I am confident I can carry with and there are champs I really like but I can't play at a high enough level yet.
And yeah I feel that to the people who refuse or don't want to play certain roles, aren't you missing out?
If you aren't able to play every role then your team has a higher chance (you never know what happens during a game) of losing because you might get stuck with that role and be that "guy" who says I can't play that and you hog your teammate's lane. I think Champion pools just need you to be able to play 2-3 champs in every role in an ok standard and then you just work on whatever you care about the most.
My High skill champ pool.
ReplyDeleteTop: Nasus, Darius, Aatrox (takes a ton of practice and needs to be played perfectly but is viable), Jarven, Sion
Jungle (My Main): Sej, Aatrox, xin, lee sin, rengar, elise, vi, zac, nidalee.
Mid: Akali, Elise, Brand, Tf
ADC: Jinx, vayne, Draven
Support: Thresh, Leona, Blitz, Braum, Bard
These are the champs I am really good at.
Yep, that Aatrox skill. Right Click + R = Win
ReplyDeleteAs a jinx main I can say: Jinx takes no skill to be really useful. turn rockets on, shoot 5 times, w, ult, dead. And thats how every lategame goes like.
ReplyDeletehmm id like to keep shen in my pool because i love the map presence of his ultimate and the way he can split push. though i could try to pick sion up as an addition to my pool since it is kind of small top,
ReplyDeleteThanks! I've been practicing and hes turned out to be pretty fun so far, I'll definitely check out Nautilus as well
ReplyDeleteFor top, I don't really know who to pick up as an AP over Lissandra. I'm bad at Kennen, and vlad feels totally unrewarding. Maybe something like LuLu would be fun to pick up, or rumble.
ReplyDeleteI'm really not sure about broadening my jungle pool yet, and i think i'd rather be AD / Tanky for objective control. (At-least in the jungle)
Aatrox laning is suuuper easy but his teamfighting....... well i guess your team should follow up right XD
ReplyDeleteNote to all readers: if your team does not follow up on your first dive as Aatrox DO NOT engage more than two people at once EVER (i mean... unless they are clustered with low health Q R penta XD)
Warwick is definitely idiot-proof as long as you don't waste your ults. I feel like a lot of people build retarded items on him though, like Ravenous Hydra or stupid AP items not to mention occasional "ADC Warwick" builds
ReplyDeleteEverything you said was too much....It's all random extremely basic information when you were asked what your champ pool is ....
ReplyDeleteWuks bettwr mid than top I feel. He loves squishy lanes and can get his 3 damage items quicker.
ReplyDeleteHes literally a free win? Easiest champ in the game and outscales every champ top in minutes. I literally dont play him every game only because he feels so cheap.
ReplyDeleteTekk has some dyrus rumble games on his channel.
ReplyDeleteLooking at ur top Id look into wukong he does all their roles but better, smoother, safer, and easier. Build hydra, bc, lw, boots and 2 def items and u'll rek.
ReplyDeleteThey are brain dead easy roles keep doing ur thing you can literally take 90% of ur other champs and just play em support if u got to.
ReplyDeletePeoples champ
ReplyDeleteNEVER play as karthus against an ahri
ReplyDeleteMarksman late game are definitely more about sustain damage instead of burst. However, most champions rush IE before attack speed, and certain champions like early Lucian and early-mid game Graves rely on their burst damage to snowball.
ReplyDeleteHe's somewhat dependent on landing his q to be effective, which can be a bit difficult. You can pick him up if you like his playstyle, but he tends to die a lot.
ReplyDeleteRecommendations on my champion pool? :)
ReplyDeleteBackground info: I'm unranked (I suspect I'll die badly if i rank) and I main AD Carry. I like ranged champions. Started playing late May 2014 :) I can't play tanks well
TOP: Teemo, Morgana(I was here before it was cool, hah) (I can't really play top) Tried Kalista at top, worked out well enough... Planning to get Riven.
JG: I don't jg. Planning to try amumu/fiddle
MID: Talon( I have no idea why I play him.), Morgana, Teemo, Caitlyn, Sona. Working on Ahri, Katarina, Veigar(not so much now)
SUPPORT: Morgana, Sona. Working on: Blitzcrank, Bard.
ADC: Ashe, Vayne, Kalista, Caitlyn, Occasionally MF. Working on: Jinx, Ezreal. Can play both fairly decently, just with less consistency.
oh ok, i see what u mean.
ReplyDeleteI have tried wukong but am not a fan, I prefer fiora in this area and i dont see him filling the same role as quinn or jayce. Peraps I am missing something can you elaborate on why you think he is better smoother safer and easier
ReplyDeleteI would suggest trying sejuani as a tank jungler, with a lot of CC and a nice dash escape that is not dependent on having a monster to grab onto on the other side of the wall
ReplyDeletehow is it that everyone here is good enough to master like 5 champs per role? am i the only one who needs to focus on less champs
ReplyDeletewhy not focus on less chaps and get really good with just a few per role like 2 even if you are lower division or maybe 3 if higher where ppl might know your champ pool cos there's so few players?
ReplyDeleteI like to stick to a fairly small champion pool to ensure I can maintain a decent skill level (for my elo) on each champion. I main jungle, with mid and support as my other prefered roles. Midlane I play zed, ahri, leblanc, yasuo and xerath. Jungle I play lee sin, rengar, kha'zix, sejuani, rek'sai, vi, j4, pantheon and vi. Support I main thresh but also play blitzcrank, janna and morgana. I feel janna should be added to the easy support picks because she is pretty easy to play and brings great sustain and disengage :).
ReplyDeleteI kinda worded this wrong I just wanted 1 more jung to play and 1 more adc
ReplyDeleteyour jungles seem to be tanks so i would suggest amumu as he is tanky does good dmg with his % hp dmg and has that AOE stun, as for your ADC theres really noone like sivir so maybe say more about what you like with her or dont like or what you are looking for in an ADC, when you want to spike in power, is mobility important, caster or AA based etc
ReplyDeleteagreed on nasus, he's only good if your team can win without you for the first 35-40 min after which he is a monster. The poine being the other team can simply close out the game long before that stage or if your team wins have you really contributed to it by sitting in top lane and farming up your Q stacks, then coming down for the last few TF to feel like hey i am invincible so let me clean up a fight we were already winning
ReplyDeleteyou are not giving much to go on here with your mid and ADC, can you please list what exactly you like about htose champs in their respective roles and say are you looking for something similar or something completely different
ReplyDeletetry top and junglers at free week, there are like 5 free every week
ReplyDeletetry fizz top and get a stronger ap top, like vlad/kennen
ReplyDeletehe's joking guys, these guys dont take pretty much any skills to be really effective (except maybe vayne or draven)
ReplyDeletelol try'n create another acount only adc and/or watch some videos...
ReplyDeletetry graves, sivir and tristan as adc, they are pretty easy and strong
u should get moar jg options and support (maybe initiators)
then play jungle
ReplyDeletetristana adc rocks
ReplyDeleteits ok I guess
ReplyDeletemaybe try a top tanker or split pusher
xin zhao is a pretty easy jungler to pick up with strong early ganks and can solo dragon at lv3-4
ReplyDeleteWhy not Warwick for easy jungle? He doesn't require pots, has a decent clear speed, an on-demand suppress and has lots of sustain (Hell even getting lifesteal quints are overkill). Also it's very easy to gank with him as well target enemy team carries during fights. o-o
ReplyDeleteChamps with resets are very strong in team fights so it's not a bad idea to learn how to play them. Also they reward you for being aggressive so they can help you hone your decision making. Like Kha'zix, Katarina, Tristana, Darius, Kalista, Akali, and Irelia.
ReplyDeleteAs for tanks, I'd say you should learn how to play them at least. Because the ones who decide how the fights are going to go are the tank-line. They're the ones who are going to be using a lot of crowd control by either protecting you or catching the enemy back line off guard. If you want a simple tank to play, I'd suggest you learn how to play Mao'kai he's very simple but if you play him right he can do a lot of damage just by himself.
Another good champ would be Leona, since literally 3/4 of her kits are all cc. stun, armor/mr buffer, short suppress gap closer, and an aoe stun. She literally is made for protecting carries. She can protect anyone she wants to protect so well if you know how to play her, your carries are most likely not going to ever die (unless they're retarded and jump in a 1v5 when they're not fed).
I'd prefer if you want to learn a champ that can carry easily, learn Annie. Her burst is ridiculous and even without items she does a lot of damage pre-6. She can even teach you how to last hit because of her q giving full mana back on last hits and reduces it to a 2 second cool down. Even her stuns by itself are useful and does tons of damage if you can land tibbers stun with Luden's Echo. It might require you to learn your timing, but even when she's behind she's a faceroll because she can catch up by getting kills just by those ridiculous aoe stuns.
Learn Zac, he's not banned but I'd say he's underrated as a jungler but he also got buffed with cinder being meta right now. He has a two knock up skills and a huge gap closing slingshot that can be abused to hover over drag and steal with smite, he has a passive that can be teleported on, and when he's hp tanky he becomes HUGEEE. You should see how big he is with 6k hp, it's hilarious. Also he does damage even without ap items because of his w doing % hp damage.
ReplyDeleteAs for top, learn how to play Mao'kai. He's fairly simple and his kit is strong. An ultimate that reduces damage for the team and charges damage, a suppress gap closer, a slow and a knock back. He's very useful for team fights and he can lead a team fight into an easy win if you know how to play it well.
Jungler's common tasks are to kill monsters in the jungle and help other lanes to kill the enemy ASAP, be it a fighter, tank, assassin, mage, and usually a marksman-type or support-type aren't fit in jungle rolls, but everything depends on how the player plays it (lolz).
ReplyDeleteNot really... The reason why you want to kill the jungle creeps and want to kill the enemies are more simple than that. It's map control. Look at the map, and compare the lanes and the jungle. See how big the jungle is? That's what you're in right now. You are to control it, be it the enemy's jungle or yours. Once you control that it's literally good game, unless your team throws so hard you let them win. You are also assigned AS A SIDE-OBJECTIVE to help lanes be maintained into your favor by ganking so that your team is strong enough for bigger objectives. May it be towers or global buffs.
So the REAL two things that are important when playing the jungle are: Objective control and Map Control.
learn swain and cho top. with those two you dont need any more champions on top
ReplyDeleteadd swain to your pool
ReplyDeletethe new tristana is not that easy, i found i like the old one better.
ReplyDeleteOk here's mine, I think it's pretty diverse:
ReplyDeleteTop: Rumble, Swain, Maokai, Darius, Yorick, Kayle
Jungle: Jarvan IV, Nocturne, Rek'Sai, Vi, Rengar, Nautilus, Sejuani, Amumu, Olaf
Mid: Orianna, Xerath, Syndra, LeBlanc, Zed, Kayle, Talon, Diana, Katarina, Ziggs, Annie, Ezreal
ADC: Caitlyn, Draven, Sivir, Vayne, Kog'Maw, Jinx
Support: Thresh, Vel'Koz, Janna, Nami, Leona, Braum
For the junglers what I like about them is their ability to go all in a team fight and become a major disruptive force. The supports I like their good peeling ults that can either engage team fights like a Crescendo or disrupt a dive like monsoon. Mainly I'd say a high presence in team fights tends to be a favourite trait of mine. So not something that's very split push like Tryndamere or Zed
ReplyDeleteI tend to like champs based around team fights and sieges so I like Ziggs and Ezreal for their big Aoe ults that can deal big damage in teamfights. So more aoe mids and ADCs or mids focused on teamfighting
ReplyDeletePlease disregard this clicked reply on the wrong post
ReplyDeleteFunny you say that. I've been spamming Swain as of late
ReplyDeletesiege ADC'S i would suggest jinx then, use her in rocket mode ouotside of that the runaans build of kalista is nice but takes time t get used to and you need to remap the sttack move click in your ini file to use her properly. As for sieging mids with a TF ult try ori, she is my main for mid and is always relevant with that ult
ReplyDeleteHopefully someone will comment on this as I would love suggestions...I went from silver 3 to bronze 4 and I am having SUCH a hard time trying to climb back up....went from 80 lp to 0 in a day. -_- left to right is my priority pick. Again...would love some help!
ReplyDeleteTop: Shyvana, Irelia
Jungle: Evelynn , Elise, Sejuani
Mid: Lux, CassiOPeia, Ahri, Zyra
ADC: Miss fortune, Ashe, Caitlyn
Support: Leona, Karma, Janna, Nami
I think I ran out of characters as it would not let me continue...my play style kind of varies depending on each game but I am better with AP Champions I believe overall. I am in the process of learning:
ReplyDeleteTop: none
Jungle: none
Mid: Evelynn *Sleeper op like the sejuani mid*
Adc: Sivir, Kalista *****but I'm wondering if I should pick up draven or varus because they are similar to miss fortune play style??? If someone would like to follow up on this that would be greatly appreciative.
Support: Sona
Strong pool there. For going in to ranked focus on your favourite 2 champs in each role with a couple more in your chosen specialization.
ReplyDeleteOK here's mine.
ReplyDeleteTop: Shyvana, Morgana
Jungle: Nocturne, Shyvana
Mid (main): Katarina, Ahri, Karthus, Morgana
ADC: Ashe
Support: Leona, Morgana, Janna
I want to add an ADC and a brawly top laner. I usually play Shyvana as a tank.
ADC: cait sivir graves lucian - good mix of burst sustain and range
ReplyDeleteSupport: thresh braum janna- a mix of tanks and protection
mid: ziggs xerath- im a big fan of long ranged poke mages since im used to being a backliner
top: renekton maokai - great tanks one is good for damage the other is good for peel
jungle: amumu- my least played role but i prefer to set people up rather than kill them myself when i tank
thoughts on my pool?
try graves hes simple and bursty
ReplyDeleteI think I'd pick up Leona, she looks really fun :)
ReplyDeleteYou've kinda said it all yourself. The only thing I can see missing is an AD mid, but if you don't play much mid it isn't necessary.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking about him, or maybe Lucian.