NERFPLZ.LOL Top Team Comps #109: Massive AOE Annihilation | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Mar 19, 2019

Top Team Comps #109: Massive AOE Annihilation

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Damage From Every Angle

Want to run a full damage team comp that actually works? Well here's your chance. This team features a team where at any point in time, the enemy team is in danger of getting 1v5'd...instantly. They pack an incredible amount of mixed AOE damage that's nearly impossible to itemize for. Meanwhile, if you're up against a squishy team comp, the only question is...who's getting the next pentakilll?

AOE Damage: S+ |
Crowd Control: A |
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 2 |
Diving Power: A |
Dueling Power: A |
Initiation: A |
Poke Power: B |
Pushing Power: S |
Sustain: B |
Synergy: S |
Waveclear: A |

Early Game: A |
Mid Game: A |
Late Game: A |
Super Late Game: A

Strongest League Champions
Strongest League Champions

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: S+
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 2
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: A
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: S
Sustain: B
Synergy: S
Waveclear: A

Early Game: A
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A

S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad

Damage From Every Angle

Want to run a full damage team comp that actually works? Well here's your chance. This team features a team where at any point in time, the enemy team is in danger of getting 1v5'd...instantly. They pack an incredible amount of mixed AOE damage that's nearly impossible to itemize for. Meanwhile, if you're up against a squishy team comp, the only question is...who's getting the next pentakilll?

  • Miss Fortune [Marksman] - A lane bully that continues to do well despite the crit changes and Guinsoo champions swarming bot lane, Miss Fortune's Bullet Time [R] also synergizes incredibly well with Illaoi to quickly maximize Black Cleaver stacks. 
  • Brand [Mid] - Brand in the current meta is somewhat underrated. Most people prefer to play him as a support as a result of his low mobility. However, he can easily bully melee assassins early on and absolutely melts tanks with his built-in percentage damage.
  • Zyra [Support] - When you're playing Zyra bot lane you know that it's going to be a highly offensive lane. This works perfectly alongside Miss Fortune, especially since Miss Fortune is really the only marksman that hard-counters Zyra.
  • Nunu [Jungler] - This one's more of a flex pick, and really any tanky CC-based jungler will work here. Nunu in particular just feels like a good pick simply because he pulls CC aggro during his ultimate, which means less crowd-control available to stop his dive-buddy Illaoi from doing her thing.
  • Illaoi [Top] - Illaoi's still a bit of a feast or famine type of champion, but if she's left alone during a team fight she can wreck havoc with relatively little in the way of items. With the amount of damage that this team is raining down from the back-line, enemy champions will have a tough time focusing her down fast enough.

Key Concepts

  • Be cautious of blowing all your spells immediately on highly mobile champions in case they walk out of Miss Fortune/Illaoi ults without suffering.
  • Funneling enemy teams into small corridors will maximize your AOE effect.


Countering this team mostly involves picking up highly mobile champions that can also avoid getting mowed down.

Here is an example team that may succeed:
  • Yasuo [Mid] - Yasuo's wind wall is a perfect counter to Brand's ultimate. Just watch out for the rest of the enemy team's spells...there are a lot of dangerous ones.
  • Sejuani [Jungle] - Stopping the backline is crucial to preventing tragedies. Sejuani's passive will allow her to stay alive for a little longer than most other champions.
  • Heimerdinger [Top] - Avoid playing into the melee game when you're up against Illaoi. As an added bonus, Heimerdinger can snipe the backline from long range using his empowered CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade [E].
  • Galio [Support] - Galio is one of the few champions that can survive the burst from this AP heavy team. Meanwhile, his multiple crowd-control spells are extremely valuable to prevent their front line from dishing out too much damage.
  • Sivir [Marksman] - With all the dangerous spells lobbed your way, Sivir is ideal for avoiding them. Her bounce also allows her to extend her damage using Zyra's plants, making her a natural counter.
Overall this counter team is also very strong, and specializes in using their utility to maneuver team fights to their advantage.

What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!

Click here for more team comps!

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