Here's a fun comp that revolves around using the maximum potential of Nocturne's ultimate to deal maximum chaos to enemy champions. By picking up Kled and Pyke, this team gives the enemy team plenty of warning that they're about to be annihilated, but from which direction is uncertain.
AOE Damage: S |Crowd Control: B |
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4 |
Diving Power: A |
Dueling Power: A |
Initiation: S |
Poke Power: B |
Pushing Power: A |
Sustain: B |
Synergy: A |
Waveclear: A |
Early Game: B |
Mid Game: A |
Late Game: A |
Super Late Game: A

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: S
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: S
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: B
Synergy: A
Waveclear: A
Early Game: B
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: S
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: B
Synergy: A
Waveclear: A
Early Game: B
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
Here's a fun comp that revolves around using the maximum potential of Nocturne's ultimate to deal maximum chaos to enemy champions. By picking up Kled and Pyke, this team gives the enemy team plenty of warning that they're about to be annihilated, but from which direction is uncertain.
- Twitch [Marksman] - Twitch's main weakness is his inability to run away once targeted and burst down. However, his invisibility and insane range is greatly amplified by Nocturne's ultimate and Kled ultimate. With these two combined, he can freely position and avoid detection until he really starts raining pain.
- Nocturne [Mid] - Some people might be confused by why Nocturne's mid instead of Jungle, and Karthus is jungle instead of mid. Well the answer is that it turns out Nocturne's a pretty solid pick mid-lane and plays similar to a Twisted Fate with more damage and a more reliable gank. His lane roaming ability is much higher than Karthus, and allows for more manuevering around the map to key locations.
- Pyke [Support] - Pyke in this team composition works incredibly well as a follow-up to all this burst damage and Karthus' ultimate. He's not much a peeler for Twitch, but instead fully immerses himself in this team composition as clean-up crew and initiation.
- Karthus [Jungler] - As a jungler, Karthus is able to roam around the map more freely and use his ultimate whenever he sees a low health champion without backing off of his lane first. His clearspeed is still quite good despite the recent nerfs, and provides some much needed AP to the team. Luckily, when Karthus is the source of AP, he's really all you need.
- Kled [Top] - Kled in this team composition functions as a front-line and initiation tool. He's durable enough to take hits from the entire enemy team, and also serves as a great distraction from Twitch as a result of his incredible base damage.
Key Concepts
- Synergizing your ultimates will lead to the optimal outcome.
- Karthus will likely want to dive in alongside Kled in order to get into the middle of the fight faster and drop his crowd-control.
- Alternatively, Karthus can lead with his ultimate and Nocturne can ult right before Karthus ult hits so the enemy team doesn't know how healthy their allies are.
Countering this team most involves high sustain or other mitigation techniques to take away Karthus and Nocturne's incredible strengths.
Here is an example team that may succeed:
Here is an example team that may succeed:
- Lux [Mid] - Anti-engage and powerful shields help her team stay healthy and out of harm's way.
- Sejuani [Jungle] - Her passive allows her to take a free hit, and generally speaking she can prevent enemies from fully engaging for free.
- Lissandra [Top] - Taking out twitch is a top priority, the CC Lissandra provides will be able to stop him in his tracks faster than any bruiser can.
- Soraka [Support] - The ultimate counter to Karthus, Soraka can quickly top of her allies as soon as his ultimate lands, making it less likely to get gimped by Pyke's resets.
- Sivir [Marksman] - There's nothing more tilting for a Nocturne than getting spellshielded by Sivir. Make sure it happens often enough and he might stop targetting you. Similarly, it works great against Karthus.
Overall this counter team is also very strong, and specializes in powerful crowd-control and AOE damage.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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