NERFPLZ.LOL Top 10 Most Eternally Popular Champions | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Sep 20, 2018

Top 10 Most Eternally Popular Champions

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Champions that are beloved withstand the trials of time. No matter what sort of nerfs come their way, it's not long before players reacquaint themselves with these old flames. Sometimes it's a matter of fun, and sometimes it's a matter of love at first sight. Either way, putting these champions down for good is harder than making a boulder sweat.

Eternally Popular

Champions that are beloved withstand the trials of time. No matter what sort of nerfs come their way, it's not long before players reacquaint themselves with these old flames. Sometimes it's a matter of fun, and sometimes it's a matter of love at first sight. Either way, putting these champions down for good is harder than making a boulder sweat.

Lee Sin

Between his double-gap closing ward hops and potential five-man knock-ups, this is one champion that needs no introduction. He's been the subject of more highlight reels than we can count, and it's clear why players keep returning to this champion...even if they can't land a Q.


No matter what the meta, Thresh always has a place. A jack-of-all-trades, he can play at any range effectively and continues to be a core part of every auto-filled support's line-up. However, in the hands of a true master every game continues to be new and exciting.


Even back to 2011, there are always periods where Ezreal feels completely useless. Players are always complaining about how little damage he does and simultaneously about how hard it is to kill him. This guy is the perfect example of a highly defensive marksman, which seems like a bit of an oxymoron. It's only because of the haters that he's allowed to keep the massive distance of his E even after all the other blink nerfs.


Now we're starting to get into the core picks of "that guy" everyone knows, and to start it off is Zed. For any player that Leagues simply to outplay and taunt their opponents, Zed is the penultimate example of the perfect champion. His ultimate allows him to escape to a safe distance and spam taunts, granting every teenage boy the revenge they've always desired.


The backup to every Zed main in town, Yasuo is nearly as satisfying to play but doesn't have as much taunt potential. His early game tends to be a bit unsafe, but if he can snowball or at least farm enough, keeping a good Yasuo down is impossible. The perfect comeback is always in store with a Yasuo on your team, especially if there's someone on your team that can actually land a knock-up for Yasuo to win the game all by himself.


Vayne-spotting is alive and well, even after the influx of other highly mobile marksmen like Kai'Sa. There's just something incredibly satisfying about her condemn that keeps players coming back for more. To make it even better, learning to input-buffer completely changes the way you look at play-making.


If there's any support that's given Thresh a run for his money as most popular support in history it's gotta be Alistar. Ever since release, his AOE knock-up and absurd tank potential has found a place on any team. It's rare that anyone will ever complain about a support picking this beefsteak.


The dunkmaster himself, Darius has a special place in the hearts of the Riot balance team. That's really the only explanation for his mere existence. Incredibly satisfying to play and simultaneously terrifying to play against, he's tanky and overwhelmingly powerful at the same time.


Teemo is a champion that rarely gets the spotlight, but he's always in the back of everyone's head as one of the most annoying champions to play against in the history of League. Not to worry though, he's balanced simply because nobody wants him on their team either. 


Last but not least we have Ryze. He's been through more reworks than any champion in history and has spent more time as the absolutely lowest win rate champion in solo queue than any champion released before or after. At the same time, he's seen more world championships in the same state that he's unplayable in solo queue and invites hopeful future professionals to continuously play him and prove their skill.

Got more champions that you think should have made this list? Comment below!

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