In an interesting twist to the classic AP Miss Fortune support we covered in #39 of Weird Pick Wednesdays, ROX Tigers played a hybrid Miss Fortune support yesterday against SKT to GREAT effect. Despite audience disbelief, not only did ROX Tigers end up playing it a SECOND time, but SKT proceeded to ban out Miss Fortune for the remainder of the series.
How is it possibly viable? Check out the full analysis below!

In an interesting twist to the classic AP Miss Fortune support we covered in #39 of Weird Pick Wednesdays, ROX Tigers played a hybrid Miss Fortune support yesterday against SKT to GREAT effect. Despite audience disbelief, not only did ROX Tigers end up playing it a SECOND time, but SKT proceeded to ban out Miss Fortune for the remainder of the series.How is it possibly viable? Check out the full analysis below!
How to Play
Runes: 2x Armor Quints, 1x Ability Power Quint, Hybrid Penetration Reds, Flat Health Yellows, Flat Ability Power Blues
Masteries: 0-18-12, Thunderlord Masteries
Abilities: E, W, E, Q then prioritize R > E > W > Q
Core Items: Eye of the Watchers, Ionian Boots of Lucidity Mortal Reminder, Black Cleaver, Liandries Torment, Infinity Edge

Masteries: 0-18-12, Thunderlord Masteries
Abilities: E, W, E, Q then prioritize R > E > W > Q
Core Items: Eye of the Watchers, Ionian Boots of Lucidity Mortal Reminder, Black Cleaver, Liandries Torment, Infinity Edge

Why It Works
Long Ranged Poke/Waveclear
Miss Fortune's Make It Rain (E) is one of the longest range poke spells in the game, and can simultaneously help push the wave to great effect. In a meta where lane dominance reigns supreme, she works well to maintain creep and creep score advantage.
Synergy With AsheWe only saw Miss Fortune support with Ashe as a marksman on the world stage. Their powerful level 6 synergy almost guarantees a kill on a squishy target if Ashe can hit her Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R). Combined with Miss Fortune's slow on Make It Rain (E), enemies will find it very difficult to dodge.
AOE Black Cleaver
Dealing physical damage procs the armor reduction on Black Cleaver, which stacks up very quickly during Miss Fortune's ultimate. This creates a strong damage boost for all the AD based champions on the team.
Early Executioner's Calling
Generally, marksmen want to get Lord Dominik's Regards to maximize their damage. However, this means that the team will give up the heal reduction on Executioner's Calling or wait until the mid laner finishes Morellonomicon. With MF support, the team can build a heal reduction item early on, which works wonders against a Soraka or Swain comp.
Excellent Zyra Counter
As pointed out in the comment section, MF support works extremely well against a popular pro pick, Zyra. Miss Fortune's Make It Rain (E) clears the plants with ease, and the plants also provide extra love taps for bonus damage.
Potential Pitfalls
No Real Peel
If you can establish early lane dominance, then the lack of peel is not a major issue. However, because MF cannot effectively peel against jungle ganks, the team needs to invest more into the bot lane in the form of either jungle ganks or teleport assistance. Otherwise, it becomes an easy target for gank heavy champions like Rammus or Zac.
Poor Late-Game Scaling
As a result of the hybrid build on Miss Fortune, playing her requires a strong early to mid-game team composition. Her late game scaling with this build is nearly non-existant, and really requires a team built around her to work correctly.
If you can establish early lane dominance, then the lack of peel is not a major issue. However, because MF cannot effectively peel against jungle ganks, the team needs to invest more into the bot lane in the form of either jungle ganks or teleport assistance. Otherwise, it becomes an easy target for gank heavy champions like Rammus or Zac.
Poor Late-Game Scaling
As a result of the hybrid build on Miss Fortune, playing her requires a strong early to mid-game team composition. Her late game scaling with this build is nearly non-existant, and really requires a team built around her to work correctly.
Even with this alternate build on Miss Fortune, she is still a very niche pick that needs a good team around her to work. She appears to work best with Ashe, but I could also see her being effective with a Jhin or Varus as well.
Suggested Rating: Tier 3
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