NERFPLZ.LOL Top 10 Pre-ranked Routine Activities | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Dec 11, 2015

Top 10 Pre-ranked Routine Activities

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The new season is almost upon us, and everyone is training hard in preparation for finally hitting the #1 Challenger spot. Your skills are almost honed and you are ready to enter into the mysterious world known as Season 6.

Your non-gamer friends do not understand what an "e-sport" is, but to those of you with the competitive drive to succeed, you know that to perform your best, you must BE your best.

Check out these Top 10 Pre-ranked Routine Activities to ensure that you get there and stay there.


The new season is almost upon us, and everyone is training hard in preparation for finally hitting the #1 Challenger spot. Your skills are almost honed and you are ready to enter into the mysterious world known as Season 6.

Your non-gamer friends do not understand what an "e-sport" is, but to those of you with the competitive drive to succeed, you know that to perform your best, you must BE your best.

Check out these Top 10 Pre-ranked Routine Activities to ensure that you get there and stay there.

1. 7 to 8 Hours of Sleep

Regardless of how much sleep you usually get, 7 to 8 hours is the norm and the amount necessary to maintain your sharpest mental edge. Some scientists disagree on the exact amount, but anywhere in that range is generally enough to give you full functionality and ranked performance for that sweet, sweet LP.

2. Write Down Every Teammate's Name + Research

Some of you might frown on this as being too "tryhard", but if you are not planning to try hard, then ranked may not be your cup of tea. Remember, even on the professional scene, players are expected to do their research on their opponents and know their teammates inside and out.

The one thing you should be looking for in a teammate is whether or not they are a "one-trick pony", meaning they only play one champion or one role.
  • If they are on your team: Try and steer your team towards allowing them to play that role if it seems like they might not get it, but never be the one to say "xxx only plays xxx". Then you just look like a tryhard. Solo queue players love trolling tryhards.
  • If someone dodges: As much as I hate to admit it, I will certainly ban out one-trick ponies if they were on my team before the dodge and are not on my team after the dodge.
Some good sites for research in the lobby include:

3. Concentrate On One Champion/Role

Despite the fact that some tryhards *ahem* may try and ban out one trick ponies, practicing a single champion and role is the fastest way to get good. 

Even though you might get banned out from time to time, Diamond and Master Tier are FULL of one-trick ponies. Despite that, they can always fit a few more.

4. Meditate Before You Start

Do some deep breathing exercises before you hop into ranked queue to calm yourself and focus your mind. 

Remember these simple mantras:
  • I will not rage at teammates.
  • I will hit every CS.
  • I will constantly look at the minimap.
  • I will not die for free.
  • I will win no matter how many feeders and AFKs I have on my team.

5. Refresh Yourself

If you're planning on chaining a bunch of ranked games together, make sure you get up after each game to stretch, grab a drink, head to the bathroom, etc.

Refreshing yourself is the easiest way to prevent going on tilt, the ultimate enemy of every player.

6. Make Sure Nobody's Using the Internet

Few people live by themselves, and whether you have roommates or family, one good thing to do is to make sure either nobody's using the internet, or at least make sure that nobody's downloading some crazy large files.

You might have a decent modem and a great internet connection, but when push comes to shove, those torrents are still going to make you lag.

7. Restart Computer and/or Router

If you do lag every once in a while and are really serious about climbing lag free, make sure that you restart your router and/or your computer at least once at the start of the day. 

Without going into too much technical detail, do it, it is good to do.

8. Eat Something Healthy

Playing League on an empty stomach is distracting. Too much sugar will make you jittery, and too much grease will make you sleepy.

You want to be a professional e-sports athlete? Gotta eat like a champ. Grab your Wheaties bro.

9. Research Your Enemies During Pre-Load

Some people think that looking up your enemies during the loading screen on lolnexus will psych you out and cause you to play poorly.

On the contrary, if I was batting against a relief pitcher who only throws fastballs, I would certainly like to know that.

Things to look out for:
  • High kills, high deaths - Very aggressive player, stay in a spot with minion advantage, they will likely try and all-in you early and often.
  • High kills, low deaths - Dangerously consistent player, prioritize not feeding them free kills over farm, and make sure to ward your sides.
A high number of games played on a champion unfortunately does not tell you how to proceed differently. Just be aware that if they start doing something strange, be very cautious.

10. Prepare Your Computer

Are YOU the one torrenting? Turn that off.
Is your mouse battery blinking? Replace that thing with a wired mouse.
Do you have 50 browser tabs open? ... me too...close them


Remember, the little things add up to big LP gains.

Got more tips you personally use to prep before ranked games? Comment below!

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