NERFPLZ.LOL Top 10 Ways to Enjoy Playing League of Legends More | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Oct 23, 2015

Top 10 Ways to Enjoy Playing League of Legends More

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Are you feeling melancholy about losing one too many ranked games? Is crushing enemies also crushing your soul piece by piece? Maybe the announcer's voice is starting to grind your gears. Whatever the reason, you're still playing the game, but it doesn't seem as fun as it used to be.

Why not try some of these tips below and see if it spices up your gameplay a bit? Check out these top ten tips below!


Are you feeling melancholy about losing one too many ranked games? Is crushing enemies also crushing your soul piece by piece? Maybe the announcer's voice is starting to grind your gears. Whatever the reason, you're still playing the game, but it doesn't seem as fun as it used to be.

Why not try some of these tips below and see if it spices up your gameplay a bit? Check out these top ten tips below!

Aim For a Goal Other Than Winning

Most of the time players stop having fun is when they go on tilt, losing multiple games in a row and not understanding why they simply can't win. This quickly spirals into a downward trend, resulting in sadness and further loss of games through negativity.

Instead of focusing on winning, try these goals instead:
  • Lowest number of deaths in the game
  • Highest creep score in the game
  • Highest damage dealt in the game
  • Lowest damage taken in the game
Focusing on these things will not only help you enjoy the game more, but may also net you a few wins as well!

Try Other Game Modes

A lot of the times players find other game modes to be a "waste of time". However, other game modes do provide excellent incentives to play such as the following:
  • Twisted Treeline: Promotes teamwork and objective focused gameplay
  • Dominion: Practice minion wave management and constant teamfighting
  • ARAM: Excellent skillshot and skillshot dodging practice

Duo Queue

Generally, duo queuing simply staggers the MMR in the enemy team's favor. Unless you and your duo have great synergy or you think your duo partner is at a grossly underrated division, you likely won't gain much of a benefit in terms of win rate. However, playing with a duo queue does reduce the likelihood of getting trolled by a teammate.

After a game, it's also great to discuss with a friend what awesome plays were made or laugh at what silly mistakes someone may have done during the game. Even if you don't win more games, you'll definitely have more fun playing!

Arrange Ranked Teams  

Similar to duo queuing, playing with a few friends allows you to share the experience after the game. It's also outside of the solo queue ladder environment with unlimited resets via new teams. This reduces the annoyance factor at losing, and also allows you to select exactly who you're playing with. By doing this, it greatly reduces your chances of getting trolled...hopefully.

Make a Rival

The opposite of making friends, is making a rival. It's not necessary to communicate this with them directly, nor do they ever have to know. Instead, you can track their progress through solo queue, and compare it with your own. The advantage to being an anonymous rival is of course if one of you happens to pull too far away in terms of division, then you can simply swap them out with a new rival.

Play In-House Games

The advanced version of arranging ranked team games takes it one step further into playing a full 5v5 with all people that you know. This allows you to match up against rivals you might normally never get to play, or perhaps finally see who's really been carrying in these duo queue matches...

Try Off-Meta Builds

If you're simply getting bored of playing the same champions over and over again, maybe it's time to try some off-meta builds! Here at Nerfplz, we do a new obscure weird pick every Wednesday under the series title "Weird Pick Wednesday". Personally, I'd say that's a great place to start looking for an off-meta selection to try out in a normal game or an ARAM.

Play With Voice Chat

You can do all the interactive things above without ever talking out loud to each other. However, voice chat really does make the game more enjoyable, unless you have that one guy with the super loud microphone that picks up all his in-game noise echoes. Having voice chat allows you to experience each other's reactions in real time, greatly enhancing the feel of the game.

Host LAN Parties

Sometimes, even voice chat isn't quite interactive enough. This is where LAN parties come in, or Local Area Network parties. If you're in an area with a solid internet connection and a good router, you can host a couple friends or maybe even a full roster in person. This allows you to kick back and relax after the game without being constrained by a headset.

Attend Viewing Parties

Lastly, if you're tired of playing League of Legends, there's nothing that brings excitement back into the game than watching some professional level League play with a couple buddies. After any given match, you'll probably end up saying "WHOA I didn't even know you can do that!" and/or "We can totally pull that move off too!" Have at it youngster.

Got more ways to bring the fun back into playing League of Legends when you're feeling off your game? Comment below!

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