At the moment, he's considered one of the two junglers in the professional scene along with Sejuani. Surprisingly, he also translates over to solo queue well too at all divisions.

Back in action with the introduction of Cinderhulk, Gragas is one of those champions that keeps coming back into popularity simply due to the unique nature of his kit.
At the moment, he's considered one of the two junglers in the professional scene along with Sejuani. Surprisingly, he also translates over to solo queue well too at all divisions.
His skill priority is R > Q > W > E and uses a variety of jungle runes ranging from AP/Mag Pen to the standard attack speed red set up found on most tanky junglers.
At the moment, he's considered one of the two junglers in the professional scene along with Sejuani. Surprisingly, he also translates over to solo queue well too at all divisions.
How to Play Jungle Gragas
Currently, his most popular build is tank-centric, revolving around the notorious Cinderhulk (generally with Ranger's) followed by a Righteous Glory Rush into more tank items.His skill priority is R > Q > W > E and uses a variety of jungle runes ranging from AP/Mag Pen to the standard attack speed red set up found on most tanky junglers.
Thoughts on Jungle Gragas
Usually when Gragas makes it to the jungle, we see him there as a direct result of the insane mobility available on his E. However, as that's been nerfed, his R is generally too unreliable for solo queue if that's his main draw.
In the current rendition of Gragas, his benefits are actually somewhat removed from being a simple ult-bot:
- Building pure tank works well as a "meta" cornerstone;
- A lot of his damage is coming from his Cinderhulk and W (high % of hitting);
- Chasing power and great CC with sustained damage;
- Percentage based damage via his W;
- Built-in damage reduction; and
- Engagement/Disengagement with his ultimate.
As he is now, Gragas is excellent in ways that are less obvious. While it's easy to point to "sick plays" made with his ultimate, it's really the combination survivability and continuous CC that he provides at the moment that make him good in solo queue.
Generally not an advocate of "high skill" (aka high risk) champions in solo queue, as he is now, Gragas is indeed strong with a large margin for error.
is he tier 1 or god tier
ReplyDeleteHonestly a lot of the Graggy's see in solo queue are terrible with his ult. He's strong cuz he's a fat unkillable CC blob, kinda like Sejuani
ReplyDeletelol you think he is only good for the Ultimate playmaking. playmaker. aight
ReplyDeleteDid you even read his comment? The entire point was that his ult plays AREN'T what makes him strong in SoloQ
ReplyDeleteGod tier with Sejuani and Rek'sai.
ReplyDeleteMost players prioritize Q after R? I've always had more success with E.
ReplyDeleteI haven't played a ton of Gragas jungle lately, but I'd agree with maxing Q over E. Better clears, more damage overall, better slow, etc...
ReplyDeleteE is more consistent damage in ganks, but I don't think that's as important.
oh yeah, true. Sorry i accidentally totally mis-understood the post!
ReplyDeletesorry accidentally.
I've been maxing W or E usually but Q makes sense.... Q is best
ReplyDeleteQ scales really well with levels, getting damage, cooldown and increased slow while E only gets extra damage, while being consistent i think E works great as a 1 point wonder while Q max increases jungle and gank effectiveness. W next for the tankiness :)
ReplyDeletehe's so good he gets his own tier.
ReplyDeleteI normally build with AP quints, atk spd red, armor yellow, 6 flat cdr blue, 3 mr scaling blue.
21/9/0 with points in both ap/ad.
he's good early game but also scales really well into the late game.
Yep... W... For tankiness and for a big nasty damage burst/nuke.
ReplyDeletei suggest rushing ice bourne after cinder hulk
ReplyDeleteTrue...... dat Perma Crowd Control.
ReplyDeleteI generally like to run my Gragas jungle with 21-9-0 with a focus on AP for that early extra damage in the jungle. I generally take W first and then Q then E while maxing W first since I think it does more damage and can easily help you get kills while Q can be more used for the utility. I like the Cinderhulk build path (Blue enchantment or purple one works) generally going for a RG after then get an Iceborn Gauntlet with Merc treads, Randuins and Banhees or Spirit Visage. But remember kids to always upgrade your trinkets early, seriously those things are so good right now.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone else noticed how the mana increase really helped support Gragas too? He is ridiculously good at peeling right now, denies alot of kills and roams very safely for warding etc. His passive (spam w) plus relic shield keeps him and his lane partner healthy even when in a poke lane.