Welcome to the revitalization of Mordekaiser Musing Monday! Unlike Magma Chamber, this one's actually going to happen! In this series we start with a question and lead it on with some rambling

Since SSJSuntastic can't think of anything that needs maintaining today, I'll be taking over in his steed. Me. Sir Mordekaiser. With...
Mordekaiser Musing Monday!
In this segment, I'll start with a question and do some free-flowing thought processes to get the creative juices going for the rest of the week. So what's today's topic? I'm here to ramble about...
What exactly is the difference between a Bronze player and a Diamond player?
Basic Stuff
- Diamond players win more.
- Diamond players play more.
- Diamond players CS better.
- Diamond players die less.
- Diamond players hit more skillshots.
- Diamond players dodge more skillshots.
If you do all these things, you will climb. Especially that bolded one. The rest aren't necessary, but definitely help the first one.
Advanced Stuff
- Diamond players use summoners better. (especially flash)
- Diamond players lane better.
- Diamond players ward more.
- Diamond players understand towers better.
- Diamond players prepare for objectives sooner.
- Diamond players understand match-ups better.
Things Bronze Players Think Diamond Players Don't Do
- Miss Blitzcrank hook.
- Get hit by Blitzcrank hook.
- Tower dive like idiots.
- Facecheck bushes.
- Ignore objectives.
- Straight up troll.
- Feed.
- AFK.
Things Diamond Players Do
- Miss Blitzcrank hook.
- Get hit by Blitzcrank hook.
- Tower dive like idiots.
- Facecheck bushes.
- Ignore objectives.
- Straight up troll.
- Feed.
- AFK.
Easy Things to Get From Bronze to Diamond
- Get good at support.
- Get a better internet connection.
- Pick a strong hero with a low ban rate and main that champion.
- Don't tower dive.
- Concentrate on CS over harass (unless you're support).
- Follow the solo queue tier list. *shameless plug*
- Seriously though, SSJ doesn't put champions in God Tier just to mess with you.
In the end, play more, play consistently, and don't do dumb things, dumb being defined as dying or getting your teammates killed. If you do something dumb, learn from your mistakes and don't do them again.
P.S. If you die 1v1 against Riven 5 times in a row while you have summoners and she doesn't, don't fight her 1v1, that's a good example of a dumb thing.
hahaha this
ReplyDelete->Things Bronze Players Think Diamond Players Don'tDo
-Miss Blitzcrank hook.
-Get hit by Blitzcrank hook.
I have never read such stupid article.
ReplyDeleteI'll tell you the difference of them.
Bronze players are working. They have a job.
Diamond players doesn't have a job.
And they shuts themselves in the room and play LOL all day long.
Sorry but that is just a stereotype. Not that im diamond. But a couple of friends are ans they just go to school 30h a week and learn when they get home. The bronze friends do it the same. Some people just have more feeling
ReplyDeleteGreat post.
ReplyDeleteSSJ, ever wanted to make a post on losing streaks/tilting? i recently lost 9 ranked games in a row and went from s3 50+LP to s4 10-LP, i think you could provide great insight on stuff like this :)
ReplyDelete"If you do all these things, you will climb. Especially that bolded one." LOOOL XD
ReplyDeletePick proper champs, read the artictle, think about it. You don't lose 9 games in a row for another reason than you playing bad.
ReplyDeleteSo if you go on a losing streak, stop playing, do something else, play ranked when you feel able to carry. You can't carry? Learn to carry! Learn HOW to carry as a specific role. And just accept that you can't win every game, But if you play better than the average player in your League, you WILL climb.
If you don't climb whatever you do, you are where you belong.
Most Diamonds i know even play less than most Bronze to Gold players.
ReplyDeletePlay Volibear jungle. I find him so OP now.
ReplyDeleteId actually really enjoy a new, updated article about the ping, wards and such. A lot has changed in league with trinkets and what not. And I've also heard ping has gone up from a while ago. Which is why Riot is trying to make the dedicated servers.
ReplyDeleteThe author of this post is Diamond. He works overtime every single week and has a girlfriend. What's your excuse?
ReplyDeleteI personally don't like playing more than 3/4 ranked games in one day, it messes up my concentration. I don't think anyone can play at 100% for 7 games in one day. I think that's an important thing that needs to be taken into consideration. :P
ReplyDeleteLet me guess. You're bronze right? xd.
ReplyDeleteIndeed !
ReplyDeleteI like the bullet points but can you explain why each one is important? Like, why get good at support
ReplyDeleteDIAMOND PLAYERS WARD MORE. I'm only Gold 5, but I don't understand the players that have a "wards are a waste of gold" mindset. Especially pink wards that have an indefinite lifetime.
ReplyDelete9 losses in a row and you only dropped that much? Were your losses due to mistakes you made or did you have trolls/feeders on your team?
ReplyDeleteEvery time a diamond plays Blitzcrank, matchmaking somehow throws a bronze into the game so the diamond player can hit all their hooks on him
ReplyDeleteYup =)!! true. and better internet+PC is definitely great advantage over bad
ReplyDeleteGood post, hope they won't discontinue this series :P
ReplyDeleteI cry every time... :'(
ReplyDeleteI would think because, sometimes, you end up having to play support.You should learn ALL roles, but learning support is huge because almost nobody actually WANTS to do it, unless you're a masochist like me.
ReplyDeleteShould add some more general guidelines:
ReplyDelete-If you lose two games in a row, take a break (I need to follow this more often)
-If you are having trouble landing skillshots at an abnormal rate, take a break
-You mention become a good support.. but it should be good ADC, Sup and/or JG, as they have the highest impact on the game and are picked the least. (They have greater responsibilities)
-Learn to play a few different TYPES of champions for each role; for example Top Lane: full-Tank, Bruiser, Split Pusher, or Mage top
-IF there are trolls in champ select and someone dodges.. DO NOT QUEUE BACK UP FOR A SHORT TIME
as a support/mid main. i definitely hate ppl not warding, especially adc. like wtf, in gold, all the adc ward the least(except those who get orb)
ReplyDeletei was wondering that too... i win less when I support even with a winning score. but when i mid and win, there's a better chance of carrying.
ReplyDeleteMy personal opinion is because a support handles most of the warding and engages/disengages which are very important. Warding around objectives that are coming up or being contested can win fights. I would be curious if the reasoning is something like this or if its like marz said, you should learn support because no one wants to do it.
ReplyDeletedon't pick bard on soloq before buffs
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of these
ReplyDeleteThis is partialy true, and it depends if you have a referential or not. For example, I am chronicly trapped in Silver 3-5 since the new season...I win the majority of my matchs out of promos but when I come to it I win the first and loose the rest due to leavers, people having lags, etc. And when I finally succeed, I am ready for a 4-5 loose streak until I drop...
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I have two friends that are really garbage plastic-5 if you compare them to me (they actually recognise it when we talk together :) but they are incredibly lucky...They play duo with a other friend that is around my level, they always loose their lane or feed and my friend carry them. After a perfect 10 win streak they both ended silver V (they were Bronze III when I was Silver I) and then climbed Silver II. They finally completely stopped ranked because they knew they would start to drop dramatically sooner or later. And the funniest thing is that when I play with that friend that carryed them, we get average win/rate and none of us feed #logic.
I also know Gold players that are just a torture for the eyes...
So I'm okay, a Diamond-Plat players will ALWAYS deserve to be over a Silver-Bronze one. But if you compare Bronze to Silver and Silver to Gold sometimes this is debatable.
What's the Difference Between Diamond and Bronze Players?
ReplyDeleteOnly 1: Common sense
If only 2% of the millions of people that play league of legends have common sense, that's a rather uncommon common sense isn't it?
ReplyDeletecalling bullshit here
ReplyDeletePS: I'm sure a lot of high ELO players play less than bronce/silver... friends of mine at least work
True xD. But as "common sense" i wanted to mean the oposite as "greedy plays", "tunel vision", "facechecks" and dat type of plays... i mean... fails.
ReplyDeleteIf u can control that things and learn a bit of strategy (take objectives, when leave objectives, coordinate with ur team) u can reach platium with 0 skill.
At least it's my case.
So what exactly is the rationale behind csing instead of harrassing? In practice it seems to make a lot of sense, but in theory denying your opponent cs should be just as valuable as csing yourself. Is harrassing successfully just innately more difficult/unlikely than csing successfully?
ReplyDeleteIf you don't harass properly you'll probably take more damage from creeps than harassing. Also, when you harass your lane tends to push and you'll eventually get ganked by a jungler.
ReplyDeleteThe idea isn't to avoid harassing and only CS, it's to prioritize CS over harassing.
i recently got into a matchup vs nasus and i denyed him so hard that i had 140CS in 17 min and he had about 60 and that's not all after i brought the first items i would not be scared of him and gone aggro on him and won the trade mostly died only once or twice :) played as irelia to fill the info
ReplyDeleteI've been doing it all wrong! I never knew I had to win to climb. Brb getting into challenjour
ReplyDeleteI'm in Silver and I go to school. I play like 4 games a day and im still silver. My friends hardly play. 0-2 games a day and they are in plat...
ReplyDelete"Diamond players prepare for objectives sooner."
ReplyDeleteThis one right here. I've honestly lost several games where my team is ahead but we end up losing because people don't want to group until it's too late.
The main role of adc is damage. That's why they should focus on items first then wards.In bot lane the support must do the job until you are out of laning phase.It's like at early game which item is better (2health pots or 1 ward)? When you are in mid game every adc should get 1 pink and place it somewhere on the map for vision but that all because if you continue on buying wards you will just delay your build.
ReplyDeleteThe main reason why everyone should learn to support is map awareness. When you play support you must:
ReplyDelete1.Defend your carry
2.Ward bushes
3.Make preparations for objectives. (Red,blue,drake.baron)
4.Help teammates (communication) ward there lane, tell where the enemy jungler is/was.
5.Engage/disengage (depends on support) or just protect carry's.
6.Time enemy's summoners spell cd's.(flash)
7.Sometimes if needed sacrifice for a player.
8.Be positive (even if your team is playing bad, If you say smth like no problem we got this) and you keep their morale up your team can win.
All in all support role is important. When people say they can't support it means they are bad at smth . If you want to do your work good you gotta know a lot and that makes you a better player.
Imo if you are like platinum 3 and can't play support, you are not worth it.
I often duo Q with my cousin who is a supp main (Gold 5). When he gets supp most of the time I'll take a tanky jungler so I can build a sightstone to ward the topside.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that 80% of the ganks are on the pushed toplane or overagressive mid. When I'm sure everything is warded I tend to visit mid/bot lane.
True but still, every member is responsible for vision. If you get the orb, get 1 ward.. It's 75 gold which is 3-4 minions?
ReplyDeleteIt's better to have vision as a team and be perhaps 300g down or give up a (double) kill because of a gank and suddenly be 600-700g down.
Well the 75 gold could mean you lose the lane beca
ReplyDeleteI agree but also disagree. Currently I'm in P1 and in most bot matchups when you play with an AP support like Janna/Sona/Morgana they tend to buy/upgrade with AP items to protect you/sustain you(Black shield/Monsoon/Sona heal/Karma Q). In these cases during every back you and your support should always buy a sightward (or 2), just to keep vision for your own lane but also for your mid laner + drake.
ReplyDeleteAlso in the current meta most supports tend to roam, and you just can't count in Solo Q that they will ward for you.
In every phase of the game I like to have 2 wards (the free one + sightward or the upgrade with 2 wards) to keep myself safe, and I can farm up until I do damage or just to power up.
And let's be real if you need that 75g for an item, just stay a bit longer in lane or just wait at the fountain.
Well I work full time as a Business Analyst (50 hours a week) and I'm in Plat so.....yeah
ReplyDeleteUnless you're Lee Sin, upgrading the yellow trinket at lvl 9 is more cost effective and almost as good as a sightstone. Before then I buy a pink and usually 2-3 green wards to better cover dragon. Honestly I'm surprised they didn't nerf the upgraded yellow to a 90 sec charge timer since 30s let's you get 3 wards up at all times
ReplyDeleteWell I'm currectly D3. I didn't really understand what you mean by "AP support like Janna/Sona/Morgana they tend to buy/upgrade with AP
ReplyDeleteitems to protect you/sustain you(Black shield/Monsoon/Sona heal/Karma Q)" if you would explain it to me .
Well imo a ward are usefull but it's not worth buying it to early it's better to play safe then to spent money on wards just so you can play agressive . (I think the best way is to play till your support gets sightstone.)
I agree with you that you can't count in soloq that they will ward for you but in higher elo you can just ask for them and most of the time they will help you.
Well y I agree that it's good to have those two but not early in game . It worth like in mid game and with the current upgrade it doesn't take your invetory space.
In higher elo it depends who gets the early advantage and if you stay in lane a bit longer ofc you can get the item but it might cost you some exp loss or even an objective.(I'm talking about adc here not about support) Supprot must get atleast 1 ward at the first back if he can't afford sightstone.
sorry i didn't state it clearly . i meant, even with trinkets, i can ward at least 20 wards per game(not upgraded), while most adc... 5 in average
ReplyDeleteWell np . They don't understand the concept behind warding .
ReplyDeleteis it just me or is the blitz hook hitbox very misleading?
ReplyDeletethere is a reason i never use normal cast.
oh, btw
mhm, i got platinum 1 basically by playing Jayce(top) and Ahri.
ReplyDeleteAnd i'm exactly the one who can't play support, other roles I play decently.
The main thing to remeber and keep in mind is warding and being positive.
It's so easy and so effective, and you don't have to be support to do these basics really.
To say someone's not worth it just because he can't play support is kinda unnecessary.
I'm not trying to insult or smth just telling .It depends on what you mean you can't play support.1.You don't want to take it. 2. You can't take the responsibility.
ReplyDeleteEven if harass was equally effective against your lane opponent it does not help you against people in other lanes. CS will help you transition into mid and late game more smoothly.
ReplyDeleteLiterally just main support. You can be a trash player and for whatever reason ( idk if riot uses kda to calculate ur mmr or what) support mains almost always get excellent teams that carry them. I know so many "support" mains who will straight up say I am scared of solo lanes cause I know Im bad who fly through ranks just hiding with their annie support. Look at lilypichu and streamers like that who just hide and get carried. If you have self respect worry about getting better every game your rank and instead of hiding in low risk roles for elo u didn't really earn.
ReplyDeleteYour cousin isn't really gold if he hides in supp and gets carried every game. Tell him to put his big boy pants on and play the game or go hide in aram.
ReplyDeleteIts because supports tend to get better teams and they don't take any skill to raise elo. You get to focus on nothing but harass in lane and it can be very snowbally. Support mains tend to get to really high elo where if they ever had to solo lane theyd go 0-5 in ten minutes.
ReplyDeleteHe's too busy winning you the game is what he means. keep telling yourself support is hard lol. You sit in a bush and throw out harass and press 1 button to put a ward down omgzorfhfb mechanics so hard lol. Support mains man go mid in whatever elo youre at if you consistently get beat youre not really that elo. Truth hurts
ReplyDeleteIf this goes for me. Every server and elo got another play style. If you think support is so easy that's only your opinion but if you can't ward objectives you don't do your job. Will you risk to go ward baron when you don't have any vision of the enemy? At high elo they just gonna kill you and take baron, what could cost you the game.About early harass maybe it's easy early game , but at late you have to manage your skills well, like(janna, braum).
ReplyDeleteTrue! But I normally pick Sejuani Jungle so getting a Sightstone helps me:
ReplyDeleteHave vision over my own and enemy jungle
DMG increase on my W.
Well that was uncalled for?
ReplyDeleteI am a main Supp myself and have a 80% winrate on all of my Support Champs does that mean I get carried all of those games?
Ok so this is a great guide :P
ReplyDeleteJust the part here is enough for that lol
"Things Bronze Players Think Diamond Players Don't Do
Miss Blitzcrank hook.
Get hit by Blitzcrank hook.
Tower dive like idiots.
Facecheck bushes.
Ignore objectives.
Straight up troll.
Things Diamond Players Do
Miss Blitzcrank hook.
Get hit by Blitzcrank hook.
Tower dive like idiots.
Facecheck bushes.
Ignore objectives.
Straight up troll.
Good Sir, I believe you're mistaken. I'd say that at least 50% of all players know perfectly well what they're supposed to do - ward, don't overchase, don't tunnel, don't towerdive the Thresh, check the opponents items, get objectives and so on. Anybody who ever read one or two general guides knows that stuff. It's *not* about common sense. It's all about ingame execution.
ReplyDeleteLeague is a ridiculously complicated game. Tons of things are going on at the same time. What would happen if you could freeze the game and ask a player just before the fight: "alright, tell me, should you tunnel on the tank who is running away from the fight, or should you rather stay with your team and focus the out-of-position damagedealer"? Exactly - most players would know that tunneling on the tank would be a mistake in that situation. The problem is that you have to make many decisions, under pressure, while handling your champion's mechanics, having an eye on the minimap, keeping track of cooldowns and so on.
Because of that, it is extremely wrong to call people who make mistakes "stupid". Most of them are neither stupid nor do they lack common sense. They are playing a very complex, fast, high-information game against people with a similar skill level, and mistakes WILL happen. Even LCS pros make "stupid" mistakes; not because they lack common sense, but mostly because their opponents are as good as themselves and create a lot of pressure.
I have never heard a more inaccurate load of bullshit in my life. Coming from a support who has made the climb, it's actually pretty hard when all you got for a long time was bad adc's and bad teams and trying to actually CARRY from support, I had to learn to go above and beyond. FUCK you, and fuck your opinion. I had never MID in my life and I've gone against Diamond mids as either Zyra or Ahri and either gone even or beat them (zed's, leblancs, a diamond mid jinx)? I can't CS to save my life but I know my mechanics. Fuck you, your judgements, and anyone else who believes your load of shit.
ReplyDeletethat bturner guy has stupid opinions about support and junglers, don't listen to him. Look at my comment on his earlier post :P