Teemo support is a misunderstood creature. Some players see him as a low-damage cheese champion that slowly becomes a ward bot late game. However, a properly played Teemo has the potential to be one of the strongest early-game champions in the game, providing massive bush control and kill potential.
This post is brought to you this week by request and shout out to Silv Da King! Check out how to play support Teemo below!
Teemo support is a misunderstood creature. Some players see him as a low-damage cheese champion that slowly becomes a ward bot late game. However, a properly played Teemo has the potential to be one of the strongest early-game champions in the game, providing massive bush control and kill potential.
This post is brought to you this week by request and shout out to Silv Da King! Check out how to play support Teemo below!

Guide to Playing Support Teemo
Teemo support is a misunderstood creature. Some players see him as a low-damage cheese champion that slowly becomes a ward bot late game. However, a properly played Teemo has the potential to be one of the strongest early-game champions in the game, providing massive bush control and kill potential.
This post is brought to you this week by request and shout out to Silv Da King! Check out how to play support Teemo below!
How to Play Support Teemo
Abilities: E, Q, W then prioritize R > E > Q > W
Summoner Spells:

Starting Items: Spellthief's Edge + Health Potions
Strategy: Early cheese enemies as safely as possible with your passive, look to get an early kill to avoid getting out-sustained and avoid level 2 power spike
Core Items: Shard of Truce Ice, Sorcerer's Shoes, Liandry's Anguish, Morellonomicon, Demonic Embrace, Nashor's Tooth
Summoner Spells:

Strategy: Early cheese enemies as safely as possible with your passive, look to get an early kill to avoid getting out-sustained and avoid level 2 power spike
Core Items: Shard of Truce Ice, Sorcerer's Shoes, Liandry's Anguish, Morellonomicon, Demonic Embrace, Nashor's Tooth
Best Marksmen For Support Teemo
- Tristana - The key to winning lane as Teemo is bringing along a good early-game friend. Tristana is excellent to cheese with and also generally played by marksmen who are perfectly content fighting the whole laning phase.
- Draven - ASimilar to Tristana, Draven is extremely strong early game and has one of the highest level one all-in potential in the game. This gives him great synergy with support Teemo and allows them to snowball from the beginning.
Support Teemo Runes Setup
Primary: Electrocute, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter
Secondary: Presence of Mind, Coup De Grace
How It Works
Powerful Cheese Power
Most support champions have a strong level two all-in but Teemo's level one is one of the best in the game. His passive Guerilla Warfare allows him to pick a good time to engage from stealth (generally after the enemy auto-attacks and/or casts a spell) while simultaneously providing a huge attack speed steroid.
Electrocute > Dark Harvest
Often, you'll see Dark Harvest on support Teemo which is great for late-game but makes him a poke instead of an all-in champion early-game. By packing Electrocute over Dark Harvest, Teemo gains massive early-game burst damage that can chunk enemies harder and greatly increases his kill potential.
Natural ADC Counter
Teemo's blind makes him a natural counter to every bot lane marksman. As long as he's able to get a good level one fight in, he's safe the rest of laning phase until the enemy team goes to heal and shop. As soon as he hits level two and picks up Blind [Q], it becomes nearly impossible for the enemy team to win trades.
Insane Map Control
Lastly, the map control Teemo provides is generally amazing no matter where on the map he lands. By controlling choke points and other key objective areas Teemo is able to control the flow of the game as long as his mushrooms either deal enough damage or his team is available to follow-up.
Potential Pitfalls
Kill or Be Killed
Teemo is a feast or famine type of support. Either you establish dominance in the early game or become food for the enemy champions. Against heal/shield-based enchanters you have to be especially aggressive or lose to scaling. Meanwhile, against all-in supports you need to be aware of their power spikes and when to trade aggressively.
Needs Setup Time to Engage
Teemo has relatively little engagement potential. Although he can setup in a way that lets his team engage (aka stepping on a mushroom), his team will generally need another source of engagement in order to get things done on the map or in a team fight situation.
Support Teemo Conclusions
As a support, there are definitely better choices. However, anybody who says they've never lost to support Teemo in lane is probably lying. As a support, he's definitely viable but takes stronger game knowledge and awareness in order to play effectively compared to other meta choices.
Suggested Tier: Tier 4
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