Guide to Playing Tank Fiddlesticks
Tank Fiddlesticks continuously grows in popularity ever since it came into the spotlight in the beginning of the month, and players are starting to try out tank Fiddlesticks mid in additional the "classic" Tank Fiddlesticks top that's growing in popularity.
As a mid laner he doesn't get to utilize his bush tactics, but does still have much of that late-game power and safe early game that players have grown to love.
Check out the details on runes and builds below!
As a mid laner he doesn't get to utilize his bush tactics, but does still have much of that late-game power and safe early game that players have grown to love.

Guide to Playing Tank Fiddlesticks
Tank Fiddlesticks continuously grows in popularity ever since it came into the spotlight in the beginning of the month, and players are starting to try out tank Fiddlesticks mid in additional the "classic" Tank Fiddlesticks top that's growing in popularity.As a mid laner he doesn't get to utilize his bush tactics, but does still have much of that late-game power and safe early game that players have grown to love.
Check out the details on runes and builds below!

Check out the details on runes and builds below!
How to Play
Abilities: W, E, Q then prioritize R > W > Q > E
Summoner Spells: Flash + Teleport
Starting Items: Doran Ring + 2 Health Potions
Strategy: Camp bush if top lane, play defensively, farm up and be unkillable
Core Items: Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage, Zhonya's Hourglass, Ninja Tabi, Liandry's Torment, Void Staff
Summoner Spells: Flash + Teleport
Starting Items: Doran Ring + 2 Health Potions
Strategy: Camp bush if top lane, play defensively, farm up and be unkillable
Core Items: Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage, Zhonya's Hourglass, Ninja Tabi, Liandry's Torment, Void Staff
Rune Setup
Primary: Aftershock, Demolish, Bone Plating, Revitalize
Secondary: Manaflow Band, Transcendence

How It Works
Obnoxious Fear Bombing
As a top lane champion, Fiddlesticks gets to utilize the side bushes to proc his passive. This means that he simultaneously threatens gank assistance and also prevents the enemy (or his jungler) from effectively engaging on him. He can also use it when the enemy goes for a last hit on cannons to further deny farm.
Impossible to Kill
When combining aftershock, his fears, and his life drain, Fiddlesticks is nearly unkillable in lane and trading with him is an exercise in futility. Although Fiddlesticks likely won't be able to stay in range if the opponent decides he's had enough, fighting Fiddlesticks in his effective range is difficult to outtrade.
Massive Damage Initiation
Late game, Fiddlesticks deals incredibly high damage with his base ultimate, which combined with his team-wide fears results in absolute chaos. This makes him difficult to ignore while simultaneously impossible to kill, allowing him maximum potential for minimum risk.
As a top lane champion, Fiddlesticks gets to utilize the side bushes to proc his passive. This means that he simultaneously threatens gank assistance and also prevents the enemy (or his jungler) from effectively engaging on him. He can also use it when the enemy goes for a last hit on cannons to further deny farm.
Impossible to Kill
When combining aftershock, his fears, and his life drain, Fiddlesticks is nearly unkillable in lane and trading with him is an exercise in futility. Although Fiddlesticks likely won't be able to stay in range if the opponent decides he's had enough, fighting Fiddlesticks in his effective range is difficult to outtrade.
Massive Damage Initiation
Late game, Fiddlesticks deals incredibly high damage with his base ultimate, which combined with his team-wide fears results in absolute chaos. This makes him difficult to ignore while simultaneously impossible to kill, allowing him maximum potential for minimum risk.
Potential Pitfalls
Farm Dependent
Fiddlesticks is a champion that won't be soloing the enemy laner any time soon. As a result, this means that players will need to adopt a passive playstyle and farm as hard as they can to get the items they need. Generally speaking, this isn't an issue at higher divisions but casual players may find this defensive playstyle boring.
Defensive Playstyle
Until he gets his ultimate, Fiddlesticks plays a very defensive, bait-dependent playstyle. This is generally against the principle of top laners but might translate very well to mid-lane where assassins are always looking to jump on a frail caster.
Fiddlesticks is a champion that won't be soloing the enemy laner any time soon. As a result, this means that players will need to adopt a passive playstyle and farm as hard as they can to get the items they need. Generally speaking, this isn't an issue at higher divisions but casual players may find this defensive playstyle boring.
Defensive Playstyle
Until he gets his ultimate, Fiddlesticks plays a very defensive, bait-dependent playstyle. This is generally against the principle of top laners but might translate very well to mid-lane where assassins are always looking to jump on a frail caster.
Countering Tank Fiddlesticks
Countering Tank Fiddlesticks is much like countering regular Fiddlesticks. You want to keep him in vision to avoid his passive and his ultimate, and also pick up some sort of grievous wounds to prevent his healing from getting out of control.
Tank Fiddlesticks is very strong right now in both the top and the mid lane. The playstyle may not be what most players are used to, but late-game he can transition to a more obvious initiation or secondary initiation role.
Suggested Tier: Tier 1
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