NERFPLZ.LOL Weird Picks #127: 2.2 Second CD Zapper Jinx BUSTED?! | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Dec 13, 2019

Weird Picks #127: 2.2 Second CD Zapper Jinx BUSTED?!

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Zapper Jinx Strategy

Guide to Playing Zapper Jinx

Here's a fun little build I ran into this morning, it's annoying AF and if you snowball it snowballs hard. The core of the build is to spam Jinx Zap, which drops down to an insanely low 2.2-second cooldown. If you combine this with the 2 second slow, you can perma-slow someone from long-range, making it the perfect addition to comps highlighting Lux or Morgana.

This guy AquaDragon on the NA server's been playing it non-stop and it seems like it's working pretty well...He generally picks him up as a top lane champion, but I could see this working mid-lane as well.

AP Ezreal Guide

Guide to Playing Zapper Jinx

Here's a fun little build I ran into this morning, it's annoying AF and if you snowball it snowballs hard. The core of the build is to spam Jinx Zap [W], which drops down to an insanely low 2.2-second cooldown at 45% CDR. If you combine this with the 2 second slow, you can perma-slow someone from long-range, making it the perfect addition to comps highlighting Lux or Morgana.

This guy AquaDragon on the NA server's been playing it non-stop and it seems like it's working pretty well...He generally picks him up as a top lane champion, but I could see this working mid-lane as well.

Check out the details on runes and builds below!

How to Play
Abilities: Q, E, W then prioritize R > W > E > Q

Summoner Spells: Flash + Teleport

Starting Items: Sapphire Crystal + Refillable Potion

Strategy: Focus on staying alive and farming up gold via range. Avoid full confrontation with the majority of champions, and use your spells defensively. Getting mana and 45% CDR is your goal, then transition into ARAM-style team fights.

Core Items: Manamune, Ionian Boots, Glacial Shroud [Could build into Iceborn?], Death's Dance, Lord Dominik's Regards, Edge of Night

Lord Dominik's RegardsEdge of Night

Rune Setup

Primary: Arcane Comet, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Gathering Storm
Secondary: Biscuit Delivery, Cosmic Insight

How It Works

Safe Early Game
As a top laner, Jinx can farm safely under turret. She'll want to avoid fighting at all costs and it'll take a while to understand which champions can cheese you, but otherwise if you focus on farm it shouldn't be that hard to stay alive and get big.

Oppressive Mid-Late Game

Once Jinx picks up 45% cooldown (30% with runes) and enough mana to run her strategy, her mid to late game is absolutely oppressive. It's a constant barrage of Zaps and the slow is strong enough to catch champions from incredibly long ranges. The damage output of this build is also surprisingly high considering how low the cooldown is, meaning that players will often be surprised what she's capable of.

Long Range Poke
With a single point in Q, Jinx gains the ability to poke and CS from long-range. This allows her to play from extremely long-range safely. As an added bonus, her Q stacks tear as well.

Potential Pitfalls

Low Burst
This build is a pure poke build and has almost no burst damage to speak of. She doesn't build attack speed, so most games will just make her a poke-centric champion and mostly utility-based.

Moderate Survivability
This version of Jinx does have more survivability than usual since she builds Death's Dance, but don't expect her to survive much longer than other marksmen. She's still very vulnerable to assassins and burst damage, and if she doesn't unleash hundreds of Zaps then she loses out on the entire point of the build.

Takes Time to Ramp Up
The power spike when this guy gets really annoying is really when she hits 45% CDR. That means that including the runes, you're not going to be looking to get there until at least level ten. Before then, you're simply farming up the gold you need for the first 30% CDR and she has relatively low kill potential.

Countering Zapper Jinx

Assassinating her early will keep her from continuously throwing out Zaps at will. She's also vulnerable to early jungle ganks, especially if she's abusing a melee with her range instead of focusing on farm and staying alive.


This is a pick that is surprisingly much more annoying than it appears. It's easy to underestimate the build and fall prey to its hyper-annoying strategy, but as long as you don't fall for the ARAM fight and simply flank for a kill she's relatively easy to deal with.

As for the Glacial Shroud, it seems like a Kindlegem would be better (and cheaper) and built into a Black Cleaver for the movement speed boost.

Suggested Tier: Tier 2

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