Fiora's typically always watching over the rift in the top lane, but every once in a while she finds herself mid to prey on squishy mages. WIth her powerful dueling abilities and excellent outplay potential, she's perfectly capable to out-skilling enemy mid-laners as long as she plays smart and avoids unnecessary poke damage.How to Play
Rune Setup

How It Works
Anti-Burst Riposte
Against the majority of burst mages mid-lane, Fiora can negate a large portion of their damage with a well-timed Riposte. Generally speaking, most mages are fairly telegraphed in their abilities. This gives Fiora a solid window to negate damage for maximum outplay potential.
Against the majority of burst mages mid-lane, Fiora can negate a large portion of their damage with a well-timed Riposte. Generally speaking, most mages are fairly telegraphed in their abilities. This gives Fiora a solid window to negate damage for maximum outplay potential.
Good Range for a Melee
While she's no Irelia, Fiora's lunge and range amplifier on her auto attacksgives her decent range to jump on top of the enemy champion and deal some pain. Most enemy mid-laners are also unused to Fiora's crazy damage, resulting in powerful bursts.
Easier Vital Proccing
In top lane, enemy laners can easily back off a bit to change the vital location from front to back. However, in mid it's a more difficult since there are no bushes to hide in. Meanwhile, most mid-laners may not even know that you can reset the vital location.
Melee Counter
If the enemy laner picks up someone like Kassadin, Zed or Yasuo, picking Fiora against the may actually do fairly well. If your top lane is someone like a Kennen or Swain, this gives you a valuable bruiser to dominate the mid to late game.
Melee Counter
If the enemy laner picks up someone like Kassadin, Zed or Yasuo, picking Fiora against the may actually do fairly well. If your top lane is someone like a Kennen or Swain, this gives you a valuable bruiser to dominate the mid to late game.
Potential Pitfalls
Prone to Poke Damage
Although Fiora has some built-in sustain via her passive, being a melee champion against a ranged one naturally means that she'll be eating some poke while she CS'es. As a result, it's important to limit the amount of damage taken in order to help during ganks.
Less Room to Run Down
Being in mid limits the distance that Fiora can use to run down her opponent. While her burst is high to begin with, her ability to chase down enemies is even stronger. In mid, she may not get to abuse this until post-6.
Less Room to Run Down
Being in mid limits the distance that Fiora can use to run down her opponent. While her burst is high to begin with, her ability to chase down enemies is even stronger. In mid, she may not get to abuse this until post-6.
Fiora mid is viable, but not optimal. Although her skillset does seem similar to someone like Irelia or Yasuo, her lack of an easy cooldown reset limits her mobility and thus her mid-lane dominance. However, if you snowball, mid squishies are extremely easy to feed off of.
Suggested Tier: Tier 3
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