Meanwhile, the new Aftershock build is something players are picking up, and it really starts to abuse Fiddle's kit more than ever before. Check out the details below!

Fiddlesticks in the current meta has a ton of cool stuff going for him. Not only were shield supports nerfed, but he's also got some new rune setups that turn as they turn out, are incredible for him in all regards. Where he used to be somewhat of a troll support, he's now known as one of the strongest in the game.Meanwhile, the new Aftershock build is something players are picking up, and it really starts to abuse Fiddle's kit more than ever before. Check out the details below!
How to Play
Rune Setup

How It Works
Massive Defensive Boost
Players first seeing the Aftershock rune on fiddle think it's just for the damage. However, most players don't realize that it has a secondary effect too:
- Increase your Armor and Magic Resist by 70 - 120 for 2.5s. (then explode for damage)
This is INSANELY good for early game, and works very well in a duo lane. While Fiddle is busy dishing the pain on one enemy champion, the other stands powerless to help unless they wait for the Aftershock to go down first.
Perfect Burst Defense Synergy
Classically a very squishy champion, this rune setup makes Fiddlesticks extraordinarily tanky. When you combine Bone Plating's flat damage reduction and an extra health boost from Chrysalis, players have a great deal of trouble determining how much damage they can actually do to the guy.
Ultimate Boost
The newest rune on the block (Nimbus Cloak) happens to be an ability that was built for Fiddle. After they released this item, Fiddle's ultimate is basically unavoidable, even if he doesn't have Flash. After he picks up Shurelya's Reverie, escaping him is improbable, and turning on him is impossible as a result of his defensive runes and Zhonya's Hourglass.
Potential Pitfalls
Weak to Traditional Supports
Although Fiddlesticks is incredibly strong against a variety of metas and certainly works against sustained supports, he still has some trouble against long-range poke champions like Sona and certainly Janna. These champions aren't fooled by Fiddle's defensive rune setup and can do their usual strategy without fear of repercussions.
Bad Against Displacement
While the movespeed granted by Nimbus Cloak has proven to be amazing for Fiddlesticks, he still needs to watch out for displacement spells from champions like Gragas or Janna. These make it difficult for him to stay effective late game and turn him into a simple fear bot.
Lower Damage
The damage on Aftershock is decent, but not always viable to get in range to use during laning phase. By switching from a Sorcery keystone to Resolve, you're losing out on a great deal of poke damage. However, his cooldowns are low enough that you probably won't miss it much.
Bad Against Displacement
While the movespeed granted by Nimbus Cloak has proven to be amazing for Fiddlesticks, he still needs to watch out for displacement spells from champions like Gragas or Janna. These make it difficult for him to stay effective late game and turn him into a simple fear bot.
Lower Damage
The damage on Aftershock is decent, but not always viable to get in range to use during laning phase. By switching from a Sorcery keystone to Resolve, you're losing out on a great deal of poke damage. However, his cooldowns are low enough that you probably won't miss it much.
Fiddlesticks in the current meta is amazingly strong and this rune page setup only makes it stronger. If you see an Aftershock Fiddlesticks running around your game, be afraid...be very afraid. You might not be scared of the damage, but once he scampers away and you're screaming "NO WAY" at your screen, you'll understand the terror of Fiddlesticks support.
Suggested Tier: God Tier
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