Hardstuck [Insert Division Here]?
Every season, players push as hard as they can to ascend to the next division. Inevitably, some fall short as they end up "hardstuck" in a lower than expected tier. Is League really about pure talent though or are there some other factors at play?
Naturally, we think there are some specific factors that might be held accountable for that 5th season in a row not breaking the barrier, and here are our top 10 ways to end the cycle and ascend to the next level:
Continuously Learn
After playing a champion for years, gamers start thinking they've mastered a champion and stop looking at guides on runes and skills. That's where they start getting complacent. Just take Kassadin for example; if you continuously look for new builds, you might end up finding the next secret OP!
Keep Up with the Meta
Not too long ago, Fiddlesticks became the new "in" support. If you weren't aware of this, you might go into games thinking the enemy team is trolling. Little would you know, you would be up against one of the strongest supports in the meta.
Solo Queue
Playing ranked is stressful, and keeping a buddy along might keep you out of the mental institution. It might also be keeping you back in LP though. When you duo with someone, the league MMR system naturally matches you up against better players. Unless your duo partner is under-ranked, the game will still be harder than it is solo.
Spam Games
The biggest threat to climbing is not playing enough games to actually climb. Having win/lose sprees is part of the game, but if you don't play you can't increase your rank. Too many players fall prey to trying to preserve their LP and end up too afraid to climb.
Ignore Bad Luck
Even the luckiest players are prone to losing sprees. Some games are legit unwinnable, and it's really not your fault at all. Player DCs, intentional feeding, etc. all happen from time to time. The important thing to remember is that it happens to the enemy team too.
Avoid Tilt
The biggest killer of success is tilt. Even if you're a great player, playing poorly is still possible and can snowball quickly. While tilting once in a while won't end your League career, being able to identify when you're on tilt and cooling off will save your LP many times over.
Prioritize Objectives Over KDA
Staying alive is certainly important in League, but when players start trying to stay alive over trying to accomplish objectives that things fall apart. Make sure you're not prioritizing your stats over your victory, and you'll gain more LP over the long haul and stop being hard stuck.
Practice Basic Mechanics
Even the best CSers in the world didn't get there overnight, and they certainly don't stay there by just playing. Professionals consistently drill basics in customs like CSing and wall hops in order to make sure they can execute their skills during the heat of the game.
Adapt to New Metas
Every patch brings new meta shifts and potentially new mechanics to master. If you want to stay abreast of the game, you need to constantly adapt to the changing game and learn what needs to be learned. It's fine if you're a one-trick, but at least make sure you know what all the new champion's skillsets are and what to watch out for.
Improve Faster Than Everyone Else
This last point basically encompasses everything we've been talking about so far. If you want to gain LP, you just need to improve faster than everyone else. If you can do this, then just by playing the game you'll naturally gain LP season over season. If you're not improving faster than everyone else, you'll stagnate and stay at the same division.
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