It all started years ago with the advent of the Master Yi + Kayle duo combo where Master Yi would soak all the exp and minions from jungle and lane, resulting in an unstoppable farm machine.
Next, this year brought us the Master Yi + Taric farm combo, leading players to ask themselves, what other zany combos could they pull off?
The Next Evolution
With the bruiser meta spreading faster than ever before, we're seeing new concoctions of solo lane combos like Shyvana Jungle + Mordekaiser solo lane. This lane in particular, works well because of Shyvana's fast clear and Mordekaiser's shared EXP bonus on his W.
While Master Yi (the farmer) was the keystone of the previous strategy, Mordekaiser (lane holder) + whichever fast clear champion of your choosing is the cornerstone of the second strategy.
The primary focus of course, is to maximize farm while preventing your "laner" from falling too far behind or simply having a laner with so much utility they'll never be useless.
More Possibilities
To be honest, most of these strategies are ported over from the Twisted Treeline. The single farmer meta has always been big there, and here are some of the historical powerhouse duos:
- Kayle + Nunu
- Jarvan IV + Leona/Braum
- Xin Zhao + Taric/Braum
- Lucian + Braum
- Master Yi + Kayle
- Master Yi + Taric
I'm probably missing a few, but you see the general gist of it. Out of this, I could definitely see the Jarvan combo potentially work, and with Lucian's current status, I wouldn't be surprised to see some people try to pull it off too.
In order to counter this strategy, early pressure on enemy lanes is definitely a must. You should always watch out for when the enemy team gets their ultimates too, since that's when they'll try and 2v1 a solo laner.
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