NERFPLZ.LOL Support Kayle Top + Master Yi - How to Counter Chinese Boosters | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Jun 25, 2017

Support Kayle Top + Master Yi - How to Counter Chinese Boosters

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Lately, the game is shoved chock full of the latest cheese strategy from Asia brought to you by Chinese boosters. It involves Kayle top with Windspeaker's and Master Yi jungle, and if you're up against that with users that look like the below, you're in for a treat.


Lately, the game is shoved chock full of the latest cheese strategy from Asia brought to you by Chinese boosters. It involves Kayle top with Windspeaker's and Master Yi jungle, and if you're up against that with users that look like the below, you're in for a treat.

Usually, it's some high diamond or master tier smurfs pulling this strategy and you'll see it in the way they save alpha strike for high-impact crowd-control spells or meditate for auto-attack resets. If this is the case, they can generally get to around mid-diamond.

For the rest of you, the strat still works but don't expect results like the above.

How It Works

Masteries: Windspeaker's Blessing, standard support setup
Starting Items: Two Faerie Charms, Refillable Potion, and a Control Ward

Ending Items: Ardent Censer, Ionian Boots, Knight's Vow, Mikael's Crucible, Locket of the Iron Solari

Playstyle: Kayle gets E, Q, then maxes her R and W. Generally you try and play more passively in lane, and the control ward helps you prevent from getting ganked. Around 10 minutes you should have your Ardent Censer and level 6, at which Master Yi will come to your lane and take all your farm.


Master Yi

Standard Master Yi setup. Rush a Bloodrazor enchantment on Skirmisher Sabre, then come to lane to take all of Kayle's farm. Bonus points if you think you can kill the enemy laner, but only if you're in position not to get counter-ganked (aka the enemy jungler hasn't been feeding off the other lanes).

Why It Works

Master Yi with Ardent Censer passives and Kayle's W combined gets a heal, a movespeed boost, 20-35% attack speed boosts, 20-35 on hit damage boosts, and bonus resists from Windspeaker's Blessing.

Combine this with Kayle's ultimate and Yi becomes absolutely absurd.

How to Deal With This

Jungle Assistance
The #1 requirement to dealing with this strategy is to have your jungler ready for when the dual laning starts. There's no reason for top lane to get dove 1v2 against a level 6 Master Yi + Kayle combo. Since Master Yi is melee, pressuring him away from the wave will prevent him from snowballing off CS. As a support build Kayle, she has very little in the way of personal stats.

Early Game Bot Pressure
If you can pressure bot lane early as jungle, you're almost guaranteed to not get counterganked since Master Yi will be concentrating on farming.

Risky Top Lane Gank
Ganking top is likely going to be a waste of time unless you have an extremely strong early game top and jungle since Kayle will be playing super passively. On the other hand, if you can kill her early, you delay the level six ult and ardent censer for a bit. Camping her may be a waste of time though, as most of her gold will be passive 

Ban Yi

Beg for Ardent Censer Nerfs
Nerf PLZ

Have you seen this strategy yet? Got more ways to beat it? Comment below!

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