NERFPLZ.LOL Top 10 No Skillshot Champions | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Jul 14, 2016

Top 10 No Skillshot Champions

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There are plenty of reasons people stay away from champions with skillshots. Sometimes they have high ping, and sometimes players are forever scarred from whiffing a Sona or Ashe ult. Whatever the reason might be, skillshots are simply out of the question.

However, there are still plenty of champions that are extremely strong and do not rely on the use of skillshots at all. Although some of them can still require technical know-how and good timing to execute correctly, it is much less likely to screw up on the champions below.

Check out our Top 10 picks when it comes to champions without skillshots!


There are plenty of reasons people stay away from champions with skillshots. Sometimes they have high ping, and sometimes players are forever scarred from whiffing a Sona or Ashe ult. Whatever the reason might be, skillshots are simply out of the question. 

However, there are still plenty of champions that are extremely strong and do not rely on the use of skillshots at all. Although some of them can still require technical know-how and good timing to execute correctly, it is much less likely to screw up on the champions below.

Check out our Top 10 picks when it comes to champions without skillshots!


Akali is particularly forgiving as a skillshot deprived champion. Not only does she have an extremely high amount of life steal with her passive combined with Hextech Gunblade, but she also has her Twilight Shroud (W) to keep her safe from players that do not carry pink wards.


Known as one of the easiest champions in the game, Garen is the spin to win faceroll champion that everyone learns to both love and hate very early in the game. His lane dominance is immense, and the only thing you need to really be careful of is to not accidentally auto-attack a minion with your Decisive Strike (Q) on during a fight.


Arguably one of the strongest hypercarries in the game, Kayle fits a very niche role. She is definitely more relevant in ranked queue than in competitive play, but her ability to dominate games under the radar has existed for very long stretches at a time.


Here is a champion that not only lacks skillshots, but also makes it extremely easy to last hit minions as well. With his built-in sustain and one-track strategy, Nasus is again one of the simplest champions in the game, yet still very effective.


Very polar to Nasus, Katarina is an extremely fast-paced assassin that relies on a player with fast reflexes and good anticipation. However, she does not require aiming or precision, simply a bit of foresight for some slick pentakills.


Dyrus always said, "Don't overthink Singed". He is one of those champions that is extremely fun to play, despite his insanely passive-aggressive playstyle. Just run around and collect that sweet moolah. Although his sticky trap is arguably a skillshot, the usage of that mechanic is not a make-or-break moment for Singed.


This guy is absolutely dominating the top lane these days, and for good reason. As a renown tank-killing machine, Trundle is capable of gifting himself with tons of bonus stats with a single point-and-click spell. This is a massive boost for those that fear hitting skillshots with other tanks.


Although he was nerfed recently, Volibear is still a great champion that is extremely difficult to kill, and also has one of the easiest kits in the game. This allows players to concentrate more on the metagame strategy rather than constantly gambling on skillshots landing.


Some people do not like playing Malphite simply because it's very possible to miss his ultimate and look foolish. Wukong provides another very powerful AOE knock-up nearly guaranteed as a result of his gap closer that places him directly on top of the enemy champion. As a big Wukong advocate, I approve this message.


Similar to Kayle, Warwick is one of those champions with a kit that is just far too simple to ever be desired in professional play, but wrecks havoc in disorganized ranked ladders. A champion with the ability to single out and delete a champion, he has one of the most rewarding ultimates in the game that causes enemy teams to quickly rush to find ways to counter it.

Honorable Mentions

If the champions above are not enough for you, definitely check out some of these others that did not make the cut but are extremely good as well!
  1. Kindred
  2. Udyr
  3. Shaco
  4. Jax
  5. Pantheon
  6. Master Yi
  7. Alistar

Low Skillshot Champions

For a few more, check out these low skillshot champions that may or may not leave you scarred for life:
  1. Darius
  2. Malphite
  3. Maokai
  4. Talon

Got a champion that was not mentioned above? Comment below!

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