NERFPLZ.LOL Weird Picks #49: Full Tank Ziggs Top Siege Mode Edition | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

May 6, 2016

Weird Picks #49: Full Tank Ziggs Top Siege Mode Edition

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During the latest Patch 6.9 massive mage reworks, Ziggs received a "minor" update which resulted in large scale changes to his Satchel Charge (W). He now has the ability to instantly destroy turrets from 25~35% health, which means faster turret pushes than ever!

With this, a fun new build is starting to make its rounds that capitalizes on his tower destruction potential, the full tank Ziggs top - Siege Mode Edition

Check out the details below!


During the latest Patch 6.9 massive mage reworks, Ziggs received a "minor" update which resulted in large scale changes to his Satchel Charge (W). He now has the ability to instantly destroy turrets from 25~35% health, which means faster turret pushes than ever!

With this, a fun new build is starting to make its rounds that capitalizes on his tower destruction potential, the full tank Ziggs top - Siege Mode Edition

Check out the details below!

How to Play
Runes: Ability Power Quints, Attack Damage Reds, Flat Armor Yellows, Flat Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 0-12-18, Grasp of the Undying masteries
Abilities: W, E, W, Q then prioritize R > W > E > Q
Core Items: Ionian Boots, Banner of Command, Zz'Rot Portal, Iceborn Gauntlet, Zhonya's Hourglass, Randuin's Omen

Why It Works

Massive Cooldown Reduction On Passive
The latest patch improved his passive cooldown reduction on spells used from 4 seconds to a scaling 4~6 seconds based on level. This allows Ziggs to spam harder than ever before. By leaving his Bouncing Bomb (Q) low leveled, it takes away some of his waveclear power but leaves him with an extremely low mana cost spell to use for passive resets.

Non-Skillshot Reliant Skill Order
A champion that normally maxes his Bouncing Bomb (Q), Ziggs is a champion that's very straight-forward to outplay with gap-closers and flash. However, by maxing his Satchel Charge (W) instead of his Q, Ziggs has an extremely difficult to predict nuke that's simple to land, and also gives him more kiting power than ever before.

Siege Master
The same Satchel Charge that allows him to outplay his opponents can also be used to mow down turrets with ease, especially after grabbing the token siege build items. The best way to use him is to push two lanes with his items, then siege with his team in order to provide the Aegis magic resist buff as much as possible.

Low Cooldown Gragas Ultimate/Ranged Singed Fling
Satchel Charge is quite good as both an offensive AOE pull and as a defensive AOE push. Unlike Thresh's flay however, Ziggs can do both simultaneously at a much larger range.

Potential Pitfalls

Weak Against High Waveclear AD Champions
Since the two main items in this build (Banner and Zz'Rot Portal) do provide a very high amount of magic resist, getting them early against an AD based opponent like Riven or Gangplank may prove to be troublesome, and you may want to adjust your build accordingly and build Zz'Rot Portal + Iceborn Gauntlet first instead.

Limited Window of Satchel Damage
Despite being a very powerful tower demolition spell, Satchel Charge doesn't do anything to turrets if they're not within the destruction range. As a result, many times while you're sieging, the tower is already going down relatively quickly and generally doesn't require your help to finish it off.

Low Late Game Damage
As a strong pusher, tank Ziggs works well to snowball teams through early/mid game via global gold. However, once late game comes around, his base damages won't cut it unless you've farmed significantly. As a result, he becomes something more of a support role since he has no scaling defenses for a true front line.


Siege Mode Ziggs is good for getting your team ahead via tower gold and also just for fun. His level 1-3 damage is surprisingly high as a result of the mixed rune setup listed above, but his late game is extremely objective based and won't be much of an asset in a teamfight besides as a peel and damage soaker.

Suggested Rating: Tier 3

What do you think about Tank Ziggs Top? Comment below!

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