NERFPLZ.LOL Weird Picks #48: AD Blitzcrank Top | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Apr 27, 2016

Weird Picks #48: AD Blitzcrank Top

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Blitzcrank is one of those champions that seems like it could be an excellent melee bruiser kit. He has an attack speed and move speed boost, attack speed reset, continuous sustained damage via his ultimate, and an excellent initiation technique.

However, he's generally been relegated to a support role despite all of this and also having a 100% AP ratio on his hook and ultimate...until now.

Apparently, there's a Diamond One/Master Tier player in EUW playing AD Blitzcrank top named Prim0, and considering his current rank, I'd say he's doing pretty well!

Check out the details below!


Blitzcrank is one of those champions that seems like he could be an excellent melee bruiser with his kit. He has an attack speed and move speed boost, auto attack reset, continuous sustained damage via his ultimate, and an excellent initiation technique.

However, he's generally been relegated to a support role despite all of this and also having a 100% AP ratio on his hook and ultimate...until now.

Apparently, there's a Diamond One/Master Tier player in EUW playing AD Blitzcrank top named Prim0, and considering his current rank, I'd say he's doing pretty well!

Check out the details below!

How to Play
Runes: Attack Speed Quints, Attack Damage Reds, Flat Armor Yellows, Flat Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 18-12-0, Warlord's Bloodlust Masteries
Abilities: E, Q, W then prioritize R > Q > W > E
Core Items: Muramana, Mecury's Treads, Iceborn Gauntlet, [Spirit Visage, Thornmail], Phantom Dancer

    Why It Works

    Power Spikes at 1, 2, and 6
    As a top laner, one of the prime trading methods is via auto-attack resets early game in a melee vs melee situation. In Blitz' case, his attack reset modifier also includes a knockup, allowing him to input even more autos during the CC duration. As for his hook, it's self-explanatory how powerful that champion grabber is. Lastly, his level 6 allows for 100 damage every 2.5 seconds as he chases enemies, meaning that in a 1v1 situation without creep interference, his damage shoots through the roof.

    Extremely Tanky
    Despite starting with Muramana, a mana based item, Blitzcrank is able to simultaneously buff up his defensive stats via his passive. The 50% of his current mana passive shield allows Blitzcrank to build purely offensively for his first two items while receiving large amounts of defensive buffer as well.

    Massive Late Game Utility
    The same hook utility that allowed Blitzcrank to become a God Tier support is also present in his top lane form. In fact, the cooldown reduction, massive mana pool, and movespeed via Phantom Dancer only emphasizes the utility that we've grown to love.

    Potential Pitfalls

    Reliance On Hook
    Since Blitzcrank's strongest scaling move is his hook, maxing it first is a must. However, this means that players that are unable to land this hook end up being an auto-attack (ro)bot. Despite having decent amounts of auto-attack enhancers, a purely auto-attacking Blitzcrank has great difficulty sticking to any targets.

    Low Waveclear
    As an AD based champion with no waveclear abilities, Blitzcrank will need to rely purely on auto-attacks to clear out the wave. This means that he's prone to getting either pushed into turret or being ineffective vs high map mobility, teleport reliant champions.


    AD Blitzcrank top is a champion that looks good on paper and is certainly viable in practice, but is extremely reliant on the same skill that makes support Blitzcrank viable. However, with a spell as game-changing as his Rocket Grab, it may be worth it just to have him on the team.

    Suggested Rating: Tier 3

    What do you think about AD Blitzcrank Top? Comment below!

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