This episode of the mechanics series focuses on blocking "dash" damage, which is damage that comes from enemies using a gap closer on you where they're visible for the entire duration of the movement.
Hi everyone, and welcome back to the latest in the mechanics series! In case you missed them, be sure to check out our previous articles on input buffering, auto attack resetting, and extending flash over ledges as well!
This episode of the mechanics series focuses on blocking "dash" damage, which is damage that comes from enemies using a gap closer on you where they're visible for the entire duration of the movement.
How to Execute
Blocking dash damage is simple. Generally, by using any displacement CC (generally skillshot based) along the same line as the dash will stop it midway. This cancels the damage on impact and often stops the movement as well.
This is especially useful against spells that you normally can't dodge (even with Flash) such as Lee Sin's resonating strike or Pantheon's Aegis of Zeonia. Note however, that due to the sheer speed of some of the skills like Irelia's Bladesurge, you'll more likely than not need to predict the move beforehand rather than see the animation start and then try and stop it.
This includes you guys on the east coast with your new 30 ms ping.
This is especially useful against spells that you normally can't dodge (even with Flash) such as Lee Sin's resonating strike or Pantheon's Aegis of Zeonia. Note however, that due to the sheer speed of some of the skills like Irelia's Bladesurge, you'll more likely than not need to predict the move beforehand rather than see the animation start and then try and stop it.
This includes you guys on the east coast with your new 30 ms ping.
Check out the video below for examples of moves you can block!
Video Examples
Hope you enjoyed the video! I may do a longer length one sometime in the future. Meanwhile, below are semi-complete lists of spells that can be blocked and spells that can block them. Feel free to correct me if I've missed any.
Blockable Dashes that Cancel Damage or Utility
- Aatrox (Q) - Dark Flight
- Akali (R) - Shadow Dance
- Alistar (W) - Headbutt
- Azir (E) - Shifting Sands
- Diana (R) - Lunar Rush
- Elise (Q) - Venomous Bite
- Fiora (Q) - Lunge
- Fizz (Q) - Urchin Strike
- Fizz (E) - Trickster
- Gragas (E) - Body Slam
- Irelia (Q) - Bladesurge
- Jarvan IV (E+Q Combo) - Demacian Standard + Dragon Strike
- Jayce (Q) - To the skies!
- Jax (Q) - Leap strike
- Kha'Zix (E) - Leap
- Leblanc (W) - Distortion
- Lee Sin (Q) - Resonating Strike
- Leona (E) - Zenith Blade
- Nidalee (W) - Pounce
- Pantheon (W) - Aegis of Zeonia
- Poppy (E) - Heroic Charge
- Renekton (E) - Slice and Dice
- Rengar (Passive) - Unseen Predator
- Rek'Sai (W) - Unburrow
- Riven (Q) - Broken Wings (E can be stopped, but still gives shield)
- Quinn (E) - Vault
- Shen (E) - Shadow Dash
- Sejuani (Q) - Arctic Assault
- Shyvana (R) - Dragon's Descent
- Tristana (W) - Rocket Jump
- Tryndamere (E) - Spinning Slash
- Vi (Q) - Vault Breaker
- Wukong (E) - Nimbus Strike
- Xin Zhao (E) - Audacious Charge (immune to certain CCs)
- Yasuo (E) - Sweeping Blade
- Zac (E) - Elastic Slingshot
Note: Certain dashes such as Ahri's Spirit Rush and Caitlyn's 90 Caliber Net can also have their movements stopped, but won't block the damage.
Dashes such as Graves' quickdraw, Corki's Valkyrie, and Lucian's Relentless Pursuit can also be blocked, but since it's only the movement that stops I've left those out.
Spells That Can Block Something Above Mid-Cast
- Alistar (W) - Headbutt
- Anivia (W) - Crystallize (during formation)
- Blitzcrank (Q) - Rocket Grab
- Blitzcrank (E) - Power Fist
- Draven (E) - Stand Aside
- Gragas (R) - Explosive Cask
- Janna (Q) - Howling Gale
- Janna (R) - Monsoon
- Lulu (R) - Wild Growth
- Maokai (Q) - Arcane Smash
- Nami (Q) - Aqua Prison
- Nami (R) - Tidal Wave
- Nautilus (Q) - Dredge Line
- Poppy (W) - Steadfast Presence
- Rammus (Q) - Powerball
- Rek'Sai (W) - Unburrow
- Riven (Q) - Broken Wings (3rd Cast)
- Quinn (E) - Vault
- Thresh (E) - Flay
- Thresh (Q) - Death Sentence
- Tristana (R) - Buster Shot
- Trundle (E) - Pillar of Ice
- Vayne (E) - Condemn
- Veigar (E) - Event Horizon
- Vel'Koz (E) - Tectonic Disruption
- Vi (Q) - Vault Breaker
- Vi (R) - Assault and Battery
- Wukong (R) - Cyclone
- Yasuo (Q - 3rd Strike) - Steel Tempest
- Zac (R) - Let's Bounce
- Zyra (R) - Stranglethorns
Spells That Don't Stop Dash Damage
These spells generally activate at the end of the dash. They do CC the enemy, but still allow the movement and damage from the dash to go through.
- Elise (E) - Cocoon
- Lux (Q) - Light Binding
- Morgana (Q) - Dark Binding
- Sona (R) - Crescendo
- Varus (R) - Chain of Corruption
- Xerath (E) - Shocking Orb
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