Hi everyone and welcome back to another episode of Weird Pick Wednesday! This week we're looking at an old favorite that's been nerfed several times, AP Tryndamere! With his absurd sustaining power in lane and suspiciously obnoxious mobility, AP Tryndamere used to strike terror into the hearts of many. Although a shadow of his former self, he's definitely still doable, check out the details below!

Hi everyone and welcome back to another episode of Weird Pick Wednesday! This week we're looking at an old favorite that's been nerfed several times, AP Tryndamere!
With his absurd sustaining power in lane and suspiciously obnoxious mobility, AP Tryndamere used to strike terror into the hearts of many. Although a shadow of his former self, he's definitely still doable, check out the details below!
With his absurd sustaining power in lane and suspiciously obnoxious mobility, AP Tryndamere used to strike terror into the hearts of many. Although a shadow of his former self, he's definitely still doable, check out the details below!
How to Play
Runes: Ability Power Quints, Attack Speed Reds, Armor Yellows, Flat Cooldown Blues
Masteries: 21-9-0, standard AP laner masteries
Abilities: Q, E, Q, W then prioritize R > Q > E > W
Core items: Nashor's Tooth, Zhonyas Hourglass, Spirit Visage, Deathcap, Lichbane
Masteries: 21-9-0, standard AP laner masteries
Abilities: Q, E, Q, W then prioritize R > Q > E > W
Core items: Nashor's Tooth, Zhonyas Hourglass, Spirit Visage, Deathcap, Lichbane
Why It Works
High Healing PowerAt a base 12 second cooldown, Tryndamere has the ability to gain back 300 + 150% AP heal every time it's up, generally outhealing what he could have done via lifesteal. This, plus the fact that it still gives a minimum heal, means that he can sustain indefinitely in lane (similar to Garen).
Sneaky Damage
AP Tryndamere naturally builds AP items. However, few people know that his spinning slash actually does PHYSICAL DAMAGE (hence why void staff is NOT part of his build path). This means you can get a great kick out of seeing people building magic resist in an attempt to stop Tryndamere from plowing in their faces.
Zhonya Synergy
As an essentially unkillable champion when his ultimate is up, Tryndamere naturally gets a lot of value out of an item that further extends is invulnerability such as Zhonyas Hourglass. However, as normally an AD champion, he doesn't find the occasion to build it without trolling. However, as a completely non-trolling AP Tryndamere, Zhonyas Hourglass fits right in in the palm of his left hand.
AP Tryndamere naturally builds AP items. However, few people know that his spinning slash actually does PHYSICAL DAMAGE (hence why void staff is NOT part of his build path). This means you can get a great kick out of seeing people building magic resist in an attempt to stop Tryndamere from plowing in their faces.
Zhonya Synergy
As an essentially unkillable champion when his ultimate is up, Tryndamere naturally gets a lot of value out of an item that further extends is invulnerability such as Zhonyas Hourglass. However, as normally an AD champion, he doesn't find the occasion to build it without trolling. However, as a completely non-trolling AP Tryndamere, Zhonyas Hourglass fits right in in the palm of his left hand.
Potential Pitfalls
Cooldown Reliant
Although you're stacking both attack speed and cooldown reduction, Tryndamere doesn't scale quite as hard with attack speed as he would if he was AD. This means he's somewhat reliant on Lichbane procs if he really just wants to split push hard.
Crit Starved
As a champion who gets a lot out of critting champions via his cooldown reduction on his E, an AP Tryndamere build tends to run low on this. Although he gains 35% from his passive, it's still less than normal.
Although you're stacking both attack speed and cooldown reduction, Tryndamere doesn't scale quite as hard with attack speed as he would if he was AD. This means he's somewhat reliant on Lichbane procs if he really just wants to split push hard.
Crit Starved
As a champion who gets a lot out of critting champions via his cooldown reduction on his E, an AP Tryndamere build tends to run low on this. Although he gains 35% from his passive, it's still less than normal.
AP Tryndamere is nowhere near the obnoxious powerhouse he was a few seasons prior to his nerfs. However, he's definitely still playable as an AP champion, and assuredly more viable than AP Graves, who this week's article was almost about.
Suggested Rating: Lower Tier 3
What do you think about AP Tryndamere? Comment below!
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I like building Rage Blade on AP Tryndamere as well as Static Shiv. Since Tryndamere is an Attack Speed based champion both AP and AD benefit from both items. More over, AP Tryndamere with a Rage Blade has pretty amazing sustain combined with his ultimate.
ReplyDeleteRageblade is great on ap trynd and Jax. Don't know about statik shiv though on ap trynd. He desperately needs cdr.
ReplyDeletedat lich bane tho
ReplyDeleteI call this build "Spindaqueer"
ReplyDeleteFor the next weird pick can you do Irelia jungler with the new sated devourer that procs her W doing double true damage?
ReplyDeleteThat's not really a wierd pick. I believe riot advertised her as a dark horse there (like brand support) and devourer is the obvious item for her. It just replaces botrk
ReplyDeleteNah, it's too much incomplete this post about ap trynda: his heal becomes great, but you din't told about the other good thing, his E will be doing a lot of damage AND killing the minions in 1 hit (so his clear wave is faster than with AD trynda).
ReplyDelete- But the thing that bothers me is that the best build for trynda is híbrid, but I don't see people using it: Phanton dancer+IE+hextech+berserker graves+triforce+(that last híbrid knife that I don't remember the name) = really good heal, a little more AD damage, crazy life steal with AA and his E, a little more life and the active of the hextech to use. cons: just a little less final attack speed on his AA.
in the end it's a upgraded trynda, with more damage on his E and more life steal and better heal.
as your first item I recomend the triforce (sorry for any bad "engrish").