NERFPLZ.LOL Candypanda and Dedrayon Leave SK Gaming | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Jun 20, 2012

Candypanda and Dedrayon Leave SK Gaming

In a stunning turn of events, Candypanda (AD Carry) as well as Dedrayon (Jungler) have left SK Gaming's League of Legends team.

Some choice quotes from Dedrayon are:
Candy left sk (we needed new player, top laner) so i said do what you want, sk was looking for new top laner and i asked if they have someone, oce said 'i have a problem about you' the problem was he couldn't tell me if ill have fun from playing with them in the next few days mb weeks cause we will need to find someone so we might have some problems my answer was like - if im a problem just remove it so i guess u know th result.

Team Rosters:

What do you guys think about the changes? Post below!

Shaking things up!

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  1. Scumbag oce? lol..

    Nowadays there have been a lot of changes in the rosters, strange

  2. Yeah, seems like the latest trend


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