NERFPLZ.LOL Azir Bot | Weird Pick #150 | Runes Items Build Guide | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

May 18, 2022

Azir Bot | Weird Pick #150 | Runes Items Build Guide

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Azir's a mid-lane champion right? Well, depends how much of a Alpha Chad you are! Here's a pick that lets you style on enemy marksmen while also preserving that sustained DPS auto-attacking champion that players have grown to expect from a bot laner.

Guide to Playing Azir Bot

Azir's a mid-lane champion right? Well, depends how much of a Alpha Chad you are! Here's a pick that lets you style on enemy marksmen while also preserving that sustained DPS auto-attacking champion that players have grown to expect from a bot laner.

Check out how to play him below!

How to Play Azir Bot
Abilities: W, R, Q, Q then prioritize R > Q > W > E

Summoner Spells

Starting Items: Doran Ring, Health Potions

Strategy: Play safe early game, scale, and style on them with your drift king emperor skills

Core Items: Sorcerer's Shoes, Liandry's Torment, Nashor's Tooth, Zhonya's Hourglass, Shadowflame, Rabadon's Deathcap

Azir Bot Runes Setup

Primary: Hail of Blades, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Ingenious Hunter
Secondary: Manaflow Band, Transcendence

How It Works

Great Sustained AP Damage
Among AP casters, Azir ranks as one of the highest in terms of late-game sustained damage. This particular build is geared more towards the mid-game but he still scales very well and Hail of Blades allows him to trade effectively even before picking up items from a respectable range.

Huge Playmaker
Oftentimes marksmen's biggest complaint is that they need to rely on their passive support to engage unless they want to play Ashe. Azir resolves this problem by giving you extremely powerful playmaking options, although not without risk.

Unusually High Burst Damage
Most Azir players play passively early and scale into the late. However, by going Hail of Blades this version of Azir packs a significant punch even when he's relatively low on mana. This gives enemies reason for pause even when fighting a caster that appears low on mana.

Potential Pitfalls

Weak Against Early Game Champions
Even though this version of stronger than most other Azirs early, it doesn't completely eliminate his weakness to highly early-game oriented champions like Lucian or Miss Fortune but if you're up against something like a passive support and an Ezreal then things can start looking positive.

Low Blue Buff Access
While Azir isn't quite as mana hungry as he's been in some patches, like all spellcasters he'll be mana capped until later on and won't be able to spam his spells at will. As a bot lane champion he also gets second priority to blue buff, but if you have something like a Zed mid then you're in business.

Countering Azir Bot

Picking up Lucian should do very well against Azir bot

Azir Bot Conclusions

Here's a pick that can perform well that I've seen do well before, but tends to be a result of a player being good at Azir and not being abused hard enough early game.On the other hand, it's always fun to see sweet Azir movements in action!

Suggested Tier: Tier 3

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