NERFPLZ.LOL Most Popular Champions Boosters Use | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Apr 8, 2019

Most Popular Champions Boosters Use

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Most Popular Champions for Boosters

Boosters Use Common Champions 

Some boosters like to use whatever they're comfortable with or what's popular at the time. On the other hand, there are some tried and true boosting champions that they always fall back to, and you'll see support mains with 30 wins in a row on Master Yi.

Boosters Use Common Champions

I've met many people along the way, and sometimes when you friend good players you find out that they're actually high division boosters. Naturally, I was curious about what they do to solo carry and interviewed one (who'd like to remain anonymous).

Some boosters like to use whatever they're comfortable with or what's popular at the time. On the other hand, there are some tried and true boosting champions that they always fall back to, and you'll see support mains with 30 wins in a row on Master Yi.

Why are there certain champions more prone to usage by a booster and what distinguishes them from other champions? Let's take a look below:

What Makes A Good Booster?

Outside of a champion a booster just happens to be playing a champion that they're good at, there are a few key points that boosters look for in a champion:
  • Ability to solo carry a game (or 2v5 if duoing);
  • Simple consistent strategy;
  • Low ban rate;
  • Ability to deal unexpectedly high damage; and
  • Easy champion (especially they have high ping and play from abroad).
All in all, this is fairly consistent with the same criteria we look for when trying to find champions to climb with in solo queue.

Common Boosting Champions (No Particular Order)

Master Yi + Taric - [Invulnerability, Snowball]


This is the classic boosting combination. By funneling gold into Master Yi with a solo lane Taric, this boosting combo provides Master Yi with immense survival traits. When you couple this with his absurd damage output, these two can steamroll enemy teams.

Master Yi + Kayle - [Invulnerability, Snowball]

This one's a bit different now after Kayle's rework, but works largely the same as the Master Yi and Taric strategy. It's not as good as the Taric duo, and post-rework it's rare to see this run.

Twitch - [AOE Burst Damage]

Twitch has the ability to solo kill entire enemy teams when he opens up. He's also often seen duo'ed with an initiation champion like Annie mid to provide some initial burst damage and opening crowd-control. His stealth reset is also incredibly good for snowballing through team fights, especially since it provides another attack speed boost every time he uses it.

Pantheon - [Simple Map Pressure]

Good on high ping with good snowball potential, Pantheon is extremely consistent early to mid game. Some people say he falls off, but with continuous ganks he can stay ahead and 100 to 0 enemies with little to no counter-play. His damage is nearly unavoidable, and his passive allows him to survive for much longer than expected.

Katarina - [AOE Burst Damage]

Katarina has some bad match-ups, but if she manages to get going she can easily 1v5 enemy teams and create immense map pressure. As a result, she's a favorite of solo boosters. Her resets allow her to snowball through team fights, and her mobility gives her an incredible number of movement options.

Draven - [Single Target Burst Damage]

If Draven gets fed he's absolutely unstoppable. Generally speaking ADC isn't a preferred role for boosters, but Draven is one of the few champions that can solo carry a game if you're good enough. By focusing on lifesteal items and Mercurial Scimitar, Draven is almost impossible to out-duel.

Nidalee - [Map Pressure, Outplay]

Nidalee is one of those outplay champions that high level players like to use to pick on lower division players. She's extremely safe and if she gets fed, her poke damage is enough to win a game by itself from a safe distance.

Riven - [AOE Burst Damage, Outplay]

Similar to Katarina, Riven is a favorite for 1v5 power picks from boosters playing solo. Her lane kill potential is very high and her ability to 1v2 allows her to freely draw aggro from the map. With her core Death's Dance and Spear of Shojin, she quickly becomes unkillable while at the same time granting her the ability to 100 to 0 squishies at will.


    As you can see, a lot of these champions that boosters pick up look like they're also their mains from solo queue. However, if you're trying to climb the ladder and feel like you're playing against worse players but can't carry hard enough, give these champions a try.

    Thoughts on booster champions? Got any more commons picks you've seen? Comment below!

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