NERFPLZ.LOL Weird Picks #64: Talon Support | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Nov 2, 2016

Weird Picks #64: Talon Support

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Oh god, SSJSuntastic's completely out of ideas. This site sure has gone downhill from the glory days when he was posting TheOddOne's quotes on Ezreal...Talon support? Unsubscribed.


Before you go, hear me out, just for old time's sake.

Talon support is not an amazing professional level pick. But, we're not professionals. Except for Faker, an avid reader of this blog (in my dreams). Meanwhile, players are prone to overextending and underestimating champions, especially when they're "off-meta".

Talon support works in low divisions. Do it. It's fun.


Oh god, SSJSuntastic's completely out of ideas. This site sure has gone downhill from the glory days when he was posting TheOddOne's quotes on Ezreal...Talon support? Unsubscribed.


Before you go, hear me out, just for old time's sake.

Talon support is not an amazing professional level pick. But, we're not professionals. Except for Faker, who is an avid reader of this blog (in my dreams). Meanwhile, players are prone to overextending and underestimating champions, especially when they're "off-meta".

Talon support works in low divisions. Do it. It's fun.

How to Play
Runes: Attack Damage Quints, Armor Penetration Reds, Flat Armor Yellows, Flat Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 12-18-0, Thunderlord Masteries
Abilities: W, E, Q, then prioritize R > W > Q > E
Core Items: Youmuu's Ghostblade, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Sightstone, Duskblade of Draktharr, Black Cleaver, Mortal Reminder

Why It Works

Early Game All-In
Support items are good on supports because they allow for extended gold gain over time. However, the Doran series are still better for single item all-ins. Talon excels at the early game as a result of his AD-based nature for auto-attacks, as well as his blink + "slow" level 2 combo. This means that you can net early kills against squishy skillshot-based champions (HI ZYRA).

Good Itemization
AD items like Youmuus and Black Cleaver are EXTREMELY gold efficient right now. Meanwhile, supports in the current meta choose to build Aegis of the Legion rather than Frozen Heart. Additionally, most marksmen never build any defensive items except Quicksilver Sash (magic resist). This means that Talon can scale very hard into the game, especially when he's stacking long swords early game.

Black Cleaver and Executioner's Calling AOE
Talon deals purely physical damage in a massive AOE. This means that after he gets Black Cleaver and Executioner's Calling, he can place the debuffs on the ENTIRE enemy team. This allows his allies to rip through the enemy even more than he already has.

Good Mana Costs
Talon's mana costs are extremely cheap, and he can spam his rake at will. This also allows you and your partner to hit levels faster, and of course, Talon makes for an amazing roamer as well.

Single Target Deletion
To gain an advantage in a game, all you really have to do is play better than your counterpart. Where the enemy support is trying to keep their marksman alive, YOUR job is to walk up and instantly delete both of them simultaneously. I think that's better than trying to keep your marksman alive...unsuccessfully.

Potential Pitfalls

Low Crowd Control
Despite his good 1v1 and 2v2 slow capability and massive damage, he has relatively little in the way of peel or true crowd control. If you fall behind early, then there is relatively little you can do besides spray debuffs onto the enemy team or tickle the enemy tank as he dives the crap out of your marksman.

Extremely Cheesy
Although there are certainly videos of Talon support working even at Challenger Tier, Talon support is still extremely cheesy and will earn you the ire of both your teammates and the enemy team. Although you will eventually have enough damage to delete any marksman (except Ezreal) simply because they don't build any damage mitigation, your early to mid-game can be very rough if you fail a low level all-in.


Talon support is one of those domination champions that can leave the enemy wondering what the heck just happened. His damage output is extremely high, even without large amounts of gold, and can easily ruin even a fed marksman's day.

However, it is still a very cheesy "support" to pick, and will probably not win you many friends.

Suggested Rating: Tier 3

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