Unsealed spellbook is an underrated summoner. It doesn't provide as much immediate value as other keystones but if utilized properly its late-game potential is immense and can change the flow of a game.
Swapping between Teleport, Ghost, Exhaust, Barrier, and Heal allows champions to snowball and force fights that would otherwise be difficult to win. While few champions currently take Unsealed Spellbook as their main summoner, it's always good for an off-meta pick to surprise your enemies.
Unsealed Spellbook Life
Unsealed spellbook is an underrated summoner. It doesn't provide as much immediate value as other keystones but if utilized properly its late-game potential is immense and can change the flow of a game.
Swapping between Teleport, Ghost, Exhaust, Barrier, and Heal allows champions to snowball and force fights that would otherwise be difficult to win. While few champions currently take Unsealed Spellbook as their main summoner, it's always good for an off-meta pick to surprise your enemies.
Check out our top 10 picks below!
Twisted Fate
As one of the few champions that take Unsealed Spellbook as a mainstream rune, TF works wonderfully well as a high utility champion who doesn't duel well but is an incredible roamer who just needs a small speed boost to get in range for a point and click stun kill. Late game, teleport gives him double map pressure, allowing him to control games even harder than he usually does.
Similar to Twisted Fate, Singed works well with a variety of summoners and also performs well as a split-pushing champion. Early game depending on the match-up he might opt for a more defensive summoner setup then transition to a more offensive team fight set or split-push set late game.
Sion is almost the same as Singed in that he can play both a team-fighting role and the position of the ultimate split-pusher. His laning phase can be difficult against strong early game champions, so picking up Exhaust early is nice but really messes with the mojo of his late-game strategy. Unsealed spellbook opens that flexibility back up to unlock Sion's true potential.
Cassiopeia is a champion that works surprisingly well with Unsealed Spellbook. While good spacing and weaving auto attacks allows Conqueror and Phase Rush to shine on her, she's also not opposed to going all-in early game with Ghost/Exhaust/Heal/Barrier for sneaky trades and early cheese kills.
Similar to Cassiopeia, Garen is a champion with strong sustained damage that is less bursty than it is oppressive over a moderate duration. This naturally allows him to use any summoner effectively that gives him speed.
Taliyah mid/jungle both do okay with Unsealed Spellbook but since Smite is mandatory on jungle Taliyah it hampers her ability to be too flexible with the rune. The main reason Taliyah players pick up Unsealed Spellbook is due to the relative weakness of other Keystone runes with her kit. Electrocute is decent but Taliyah players can be found packing nearly everything.
Bard is one of my favorite champions to play Unsealed Spellbook on. The naturally whimsy and varietal nature of his kit and playstyle is only amplified further with the addition of miscellaneous changing summoners, and while he may not look terribly strong the burst damage and trade potential he has from his empowered auto attacks makes him extremely scrappy in lane.
Running and gunning (swording?) is Tryndamere's bread and butter, and there's nothing scarier than Tryndamere with Ghost/Ignite early game. On the other hand, later on you'll want to transition to a faster or split push type playstyle where Flash/Teleport will be more effective.
In a world where Twisted Fate can use Unsealed Spellbook effectively it's no wonder that Pantheon can too. He's slightly squishier than TF and will struggle more with laning phase with this keystone. However, if he can focus on roaming and fighting with advantageous numbers Unsealed Spellbook on Pantheon acts just like it does on TF.
Most of the time Kassadin players pick up Electrocute for pure damage or Fleet Footwork/Conquerer for the sustain. However, Unsealed Spellbook is another option that allows for more potential early game cheese plays (with the help of your jungler). It's also always nice to have teleport on a champion that can chase enemies to eternity once fed enough.
Got more champions that you think should have made the list? Comment below!
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