Guide to Playing Morgana Jungle
If you told me last year that Morgana jungle would not only be viable but contested, I would have told you you're crazy. On the other hand, I guess with some number tweaks anything can be viable. In fact, in her current state Morgana jungle is nearly overpowered.

Guide to Playing Morgana Jungle
If you told me last year that Morgana jungle would not only be viable but contested, I would have told you you're crazy. On the other hand, I guess with some number tweaks anything can be viable. In fact, in her current state Morgana jungle is nearly overpowered.
Check out how to play her below!
How to Play Morgana Jungle
Abilities: W, Q, W, E then prioritize R > W > Q > E
Summoner Spells:
Starting Items: Hailblade, Refillable Potion
Strategy: Full clear jungle camps, cash in, and snare enemies for eternity with Everfrost -> Q combo
Core Items: Everfrost [Can also go Liandry's Anguish], Zhonya's Hourglass, Sorcerer's Shoes, Void Staff, Rabaddon's Deathcap, Demonic Embrace
Summoner Spells:

Starting Items: Hailblade, Refillable Potion
Strategy: Full clear jungle camps, cash in, and snare enemies for eternity with Everfrost -> Q combo
Core Items: Everfrost [Can also go Liandry's Anguish], Zhonya's Hourglass, Sorcerer's Shoes, Void Staff, Rabaddon's Deathcap, Demonic Embrace
Morgana Jungle Runes Setup
Primary: Dark Harvest, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Ravenous Hunter
Secondary: Manaflow Band, Waterwalking
How It Works
Insane Jungle Camp Clear Speed
After Patch 11.8, Morgana's Tormented Soil [W] now does 200% damage to non-epic monsters, up from 150%. While this is already huge by itself, it also means that her passive healing is also spiked generously while she's jungling.
Full Jungle Clear No Leash
Even without a leash, Morgana can full-clear the entire jungle from start to finish without using a single potion. With a leash on red, she can complete the entire jungle without kiting at all and still be at full health almost the entire time.
Excellent Ganking Power
Anyone who's been hit by a Morgana snare knows how obnoxious it is, and when you combine it with Everfrost her ganks are incredibly potent. For players that are more confident in their abilities, Liandry's allows her to deal massive damage and remain relevant late-game.
Potential Pitfalls
Weak Early Game Dueling
Saying Morgana is weak early game isn't exactly true as she's so healthy and her cooldowns are so low that she can likely survive an invade. On the other hand, in a 1v1 against good early game jungle champions, if she misses her Q she's pretty out of options.
Skillshot Dependent
If you choose to go the Liandry route, hitting her Q is absolutely necessary for successful ganks. While it's effective, it is somewhat slow and means that enemies may be able to avoid it if you throw your snare at bad angles, resulting in a very lackluster gank.
Countering Morgana Jungle
Play similar clear-speed jungle champions like Hecarim and Karthus and hope you snowball harder.
Morgana Jungle is extremely strong right now and incredibly easy to execute. Her jungle clear is so fast and healthy that kiting is completely optional and thus makes her perfect for a fill player and still very potent for a jungle player. Highly recommend picking her up right now!
Suggested Tier: High Tier 1 to God Tier
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