Summary of Changes:
Buffs: Azir, Caitlyn, Dr. Mundo, Leblanc, Nocturne, Senna, Shaco, Soraka, Trundle, VarusNerfs: Akali, Darius, Elise, Ivern, Maokai, Nunu, Olaf
Tweaks: Aatrox, Zoe

Q cost increased later.
Without her trusty Gunblade, Akali has recovered well, wielding several of the AP Mythics to her advantage instead (Night Harvester, Rocketbelt, Riftmaker). This has put her in a stronger spot than we’d anticipated, so we’re toning her down by reverting her buff from 10.23.
Q - Five Point Strike

Q cooldown decreased.
Azir lost the cooldowns on Nashor’s Tooth and thus, some of the wind beneath his wings. We’re giving him a lift by returning some of it directly into his kit.
Q - Conquering Sands

AD growth increased.
Caitlyn’s a bit behind the curve amidst her peers, so we’re taking another shot to keep her hot on the trail.
Base Stats

Passive Noxian Might bonus AD decreased.
Darius has found a new friend in Stridebreaker, which allows him to execute his combo while quickly stacking his passive. We’re trimming some bonus stats from his passive to match its new consistency.
Passive - Hemorrhage

Dr. Mundo
Q health refund on hit and on kill increased. E bonus damage increased. R health regen increased.
Dr. Mundo has been struggling in top lane and the jungle. Giving him a bit more survivability and trading potential, and increasing his signature healing to make Mundo more *slurp* Mundo.
Q - Infected Cleaver
E - Masochism
R - Sadism

Spider Q damage decreased later.
With new items at her disposal and the buff on her Q in patch 10.23, Elise has been scaling too well. Time to wash the spider out.
Q - Venomous Bite

E shield ratio decreased.
The nerf to Triggerseed’s AP ratio in patch 11.1 was only reflected in Ivern’s tooltips. We fixed it so it actually affects his shield now (oops).
E - Triggerseed

Base health growth increased. Q cost decreased later.
LeBlanc may be all smoke and mirrors, but right now, she’s not fooling anyone. We’re helping this Deceiver by making it less punishing when she uses her abilities and when she engages in mid- to late- game.
Base Stats
Q - Sigil of Malice

E cost increased later; damage ratio decreased.
Maokai support hit a growth spurt in the new season, and his enemies are feeling a bit… sapped. Making it so bushes around Maokai aren’t as scary.
E - Sapling Toss

Q and R cooldowns decreased.
Nocturne is falling behind his jungle pals, so it's time to give his shadows, Paranoia, and all around darkness some more stage time.
Q - Duskbringer
R - Paranoia

Nunu & Willump
Base movement speed and health decreased.
Nunu & Willump currently get to have their tank and eat their enemies too. We’re trimming some of their baseline stats so item decisions carry more weight and give them appropriate downsides as well.
Base Stats

E’s self-healing now increases during R. R self-healing decreased.
Champions like Aatrox and Olaf are able to reach a scary state with massive burst healing from items (Goredrinker and Ravenous Hydra) and runes (Conqueror and Ravenous Hunter). The moments where they feel untouchable aren’t healthy, so we’re shifting their healing to be sourced more from their kit rather than from systems.
E - Umbral Dash
R - World Ender

W life steal increased; healing amplification decreased.
Buff axe-throwing buddy gets a similar adjustment to Aatrox. These changes should also tone down Olaf’s overall power, since he’s been chop-chopping down the competition.
W - Vicious Strikes

Base AS ratio increased. Passive non-kill Mist Wraith drop chance and gold from Mist Wraith increased. Q healing and damage ratio increased.
Aiming to support support Senna with more gold so that she can buy more items. We’re also giving her Q and attack speed stronger scaling across builds, which should open up more itemization options.
Base Stats
Passive - Absolution
Q - Piercing Darkness

Passive damage increased.
Leaning just a little bit closer! into Shaco's exciting and unique points of play for stronger jungle clearing and assassination buffs.
Passive - Backstab

Q total Rejuvenation heal increased later. W heal and heal ratio increased.
We know you’ve been licking your (grievous) wounds since its buff last patch, so we’re increased Soraka’s heal power all around.
Q - Starcall
W - Astral Infusion

Q bonus damage ratio increased. W bonus attack speed increased.
Helping the Troll King get back on his feet in the jungle and top lane, with some added power to his clear and trading.
Q - Chomp
W - Frozen Domain

Base mana growth increased. R cooldown decreased early.
Varus is a straight shooter but he’s been behind the curve, especially with builds that aren’t attack speed heavy. Giving him a nudge up.
Base Stats
R - Chain of Corruption

W minion spell shard drops updated.
With a new item landscape, it's time for us to add some pizazz to the pool of minion drops from Zoe’s Spell Thief. In doing this, we also removed Redemption because it offered frustrating power across the map when dropped.
W - Spell Thief

Essence Reaver
Essence Reaver has been a little weak, so we’re giving it a bump up for mana-hungry champions.

Galeforce is outperforming the other marksmen Mythics, both in the “crit chance” space and for champions who can flex into Lethality. As such, we’re pulling back some of the power we gave Galeforce in earlier patches.

Hextech Rocketbelt
While Rocketbelt's gap closing ability is its intended unique factor, it shouldn’t be the only source for engages every game.

Imperial Mandate
Despite a recent trip to the patch notes in 10.25, Imperial is still a strong item for solo lanes and champions with multiple CC abilities. Our priority here is to move it out of the hands of solo laners and to simplify its confusing trigger condition.

Kraken Slayer
Kraken Slayer is extremely powerful on champion abilities that churn out on-hits. Those abilities tend to have on-hit modifiers for this exact purpose, so Kraken Slayer will now leverage those modifiers of the following champion abilities:
Severum Q - Onslaught
R - Death Lotus
W - Purge

Shurelya's Battlesong
With the cost reduction to Chemtank, the niches for Shurelya’s and Chemtank are getting too close for comfort, so we’re differentiating the two while making it more suitable for enchanters and AP users.

Gargoyle Stoneplate
Given the premium price you pay for a Stoneplate, it’s not quite powerful enough, as it's very comparable to its cheaper Legendary competitors. We’re buffing up its durability stats to help you soak up all of the aggro.
Lethality Items
We’re lowering the cost of some of the utility Lethality items to create a new division of 2600 gold AD items, both for AD supports and traditional assassins.
Umbral Glaive
Serpent’s Fang
Chempunk Chainsword
Marksman Legendary Items
We’re adjusting some of the stats on marksman Legendary items so that they give more attack speed than their components.
Phantom Dancer
Runaan’s Hurricane
Tank Mythics
Sunfire Aegis has been wildly popular in contrast to other tank Mythic options, even though they seem similarly powerful in terms of win rate. The hope is that by making a separate, lower price tier for the other tank Mythic items (with each also getting a kiss and a buff), they will have more occasions where they’ll be purchased by support tanks and junglers.
Sunfire Aegis
Frostfire Gauntlet
Rimeforged Grasp (Ornn Upgrade)
Turbo Chemtank
Turbocharged Hexperiment (Ornn Upgrade)

Ravenous Hunter
Ravenous Hunter has been the pick of the Domination litter while also performing slightly above average, so it’s in a good spot for a small nerf.
In-Game Shop Updates and Bugfixes
- Items purchased from a pre-saved Item Set will appear in the appropriate slots in which they were saved in the Collection tab
- This happened in 11.1 but we forgot to include it (how ironic)! The shop will now remember your pins and open tab between games.
- Blade of the Ruined King now properly shows up in the Item Shop when the player filters for move speed items
- Actions that automatically close the Item Shop will no longer cause players to be unable to cast abilities or Summoner Spells
- Chempunk Chainsword's cost has been corrected to the appropriate amount in the Item Shop
- Fixed a crash when alt-tabbing (or changing resolutions) and then clicking the search field of the Item Shop
ARAM Balance Changes
11.2 Buffs
11.2 Nerfs
Bugfixes/QoL Changes
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Eternals Progression no longer covers Honor Votes in the post-game lobby
- LEAGUE CLIENT: Cleaned up code to reduce the number of uncaught Javascript errors for an important plugin that launches prior to getting into Champ Select
- Fixed an issue that required you to have to press Shift+Enter twice in order to say "gg wp" after the Nexus explodes
- Soraka is no longer able to maintain increased move speed when a low-health Yuumi is attached to her
- Fixed a bug where the Rift Herald would occasionally do 0 damage to a turret
- Garen's E - Judgment spin speed now properly accounts for the bonus Legendary item attack speed that Trinity Force's Mythic passive grants
- Lissandra's R - Frozen Tomb no longer applies the Horizon Focus debuff to all enemies in its area of effect; now only debuffs the immobilized enemy
- Udyr is no longer able to trigger Eclipse's Ever Rising Moon with a single attack from Q - Tiger Stance or R - Phoenix Stance
- After hitting an enemy with Pantheon's spear from Grand Starfall, the slow debuff icon will now properly appear in the affected enemy's buff bar
- Runaan's Hurricane no longer gives less attack speed than its item components combined
- Descriptions of Umbral Glaive, Serpent's Fang, and Chempunk Chainsword have been updated in the Collection tab
- Fixed a bug where Zyra's Horizon Focus' debuff would reset if she has Scorch equipped
- Fixed a bug where jungle items would be removed from the Recommended items tab if the player purchased a Refillable Potion
- Fixed a bug where Smiting five times would not consume the jungle item, allowing the player to sell it for gold
- Draven's Q - Spinning Axe no longer generates more than the intended Tear of the Goddess mana charges
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released in this patch.
The following chromas will be released this patch:
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