NERFPLZ.LOL Top 10 League Tips For New Players | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Sep 10, 2020

Top 10 League Tips For New Players

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What Tips All New Players Should Know?

There are some League of Legends tips that may not be intuitive at first glance. Today we're going to go over ten of our top tips below that should really be given to every new League player before they start playing the game.

What Tips All New Players Should Know?

There are some League of Legends tips that may not be intuitive at first glance. Today we're going to go over ten of our top tips below that should really be given to every new League player before they start playing the game.

Avoid Jungling

Seems like an easy enough role right? You farm NPC minions and wander around your own side of the map until you recruit the help of your teammates when they want to kill a big NPC? That's where you'd be's actually a role where every move you make is heavily criticized, even if it might be the right move. You're never ganking enough lanes, never taking the objectives everyone wants, and of course, sometimes taking/not taking enough of their farm.


Randomly Attacking Minions Is Bad

Okay, so no jungle. How about we jump in lane and PVP a bit right? How hard could it be, just walk into lane, smack the minions a bit, smack the enemies a bit, smack the towers a bit, easy peezy right?

WRONG. If you're walking into lane and just auto-attacking every minion mindlessly, you're losing out on wave control and potentially missing out on CS depending on how you're doing it. Make sure you're pressing the S key on your keyboard to avoid just attacking every time you get into range of a minion. There's a lot of nuance to managing the wave, but if you focus on just last-hitting it's a good start.

The Missing Ping Doesn't Always Mean Missing


Are you seeing a lot of these covering your body at all times? Confusingly, it indicates a champion is missing but that's're right here! Turns out when they're using this ping they're actually flaming you as hard they can. If you see this mark covering your body, the proper response is to type this to your teammates.

:} hehe xd

Use Summoner Spells Early With PURPOSE

Players often hold their summoner spell Flash until they're just about to die before using it, ensuring their death and a waste of a summoner spell. Instead, make sure you use it when you think you need to use it. This will save you health and lane pressure.

Similarly, Heal should be used before the enemy ignites you, just after there's enough damage to be healed.

Click Faster

However fast you're clicking, it's not fast enough. The better you are, the faster you want to click close to your body for movement for maximum control. You'll work your way up to it, but just like when FPS players say your sensitivity is too high, as a MOBA player your APM is too low.

Control Wards Are Worth

New players rarely buy control wards and opt to pick up items as their main focus instead. While sometimes it's okay to save a bit, if you're leaving the fountain with 75 gold and an open slot with no control ward you're doing it wrong.

Creep Score > Kills

Each kill is worth as much gold as 15 minions. If you're going to lose more than 15 minutes for a non-guaranteed kill, focus on CSing. You can assert your dominance with a CS lead instead of trying to wrestle your way into a low success rate play.

Tier Lists Are Good Starting Points

Tier lists like this one are great starting points when you're trying to decide which champions to pick when you're new, or when you want to select some champions from a pool of champions that you already play.

However, don't take them as law and give up champions you're skilled and good at just to jump to ones that you may not synergize with or know how to play.

You'll Eventually Meet Worse Players

The magic of the hidden skill rating system in League of Legends means that if you lose enough games, eventually you'll be at a skill rating where inevitably no matter how new you are, you'll run up against players that are worse than you. This is a certainty in life, much like death and taxes. Accept that you are in fact, not the worst League of Legends player in the world and someday you may be called upon to carry, even if you're not that good.

Bad Attitudes Lose Fastest

If there's one thing I've learned through all my years of League it's that player attitude loses games far more often than actually being bad at the game. Even a bad player generally allows your team to perform better than an AFK player. Half of League is mental, half of League is social, and player skill lies somewhere between those two halves. Keep a positive attitude and you'll go farther than you ever thought possible.

Which tips resonated with you the most? Got your own to add? Comment below!

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