NERFPLZ.LOL Renekton Mid Lane Melee SLAYER - FOTM Guide | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Nov 9, 2019

Renekton Mid Lane Melee SLAYER - FOTM Guide

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Mid Lane Renekton Strategy

Guide to Playing Mid Lane Renekton

Classically a top lane player, Renekton has found a new home in mid-lane as well. Although he's generally strongest against melee assassins, he can also do quite well against mages due to his incredible damage output. Pre-6 he plays very similar to Nocturne Mid, and then trades off range for damage and survivability.

Overall I'd say it's a very strong pick against melee assassins and decent against other picks.

Check out the details below!

Mid Lane Renekton Guide

Guide to Playing Mid Lane Renekton

Classically a top lane player, Renekton has found a new home in mid-lane as well. Although he's generally strongest against melee assassins, he can also do quite well against mages due to his incredible damage output. Pre-6 he plays very similar to Nocturne Mid, and then trades off range for damage and survivability.

Overall I'd say it's a very strong pick against melee assassins and decent against other picks.

Check out the details below!

How to Play
Abilities: Q, E, W then prioritize R > Q > E > W
Summoner Spells: Flash + Ignite
Starting Items: Doran Blade + Health Potion
Core Items: Tiamat, Spear of Shojin, Ninja Tabi, Black Cleaver, Sterak's Gage, Guardian Angel

What Runes for Mid Lane Renekton?

Inspiration: Press the Attack, Triumph, Alacrity, Coup De Grace
Precision: Bone Plating [or Second Wind], Overgrowth [or Revitalize]

What Makes Mid Lane Renekton Strong?

Incredibly Good Against Melee
As every top lane player knows, Renekton hard-counters all your favorite melee laners including Irelia, Riven, Yasuo, etc. They all have a terrible time when they're trying to survive the reptilian onslaught. Mid-lane, there's a reason assassins don't go top lane and Renekton will show them why.

Surprising Burst Damage

Most mid-laners don't expect the level of damage Renekton can dish out or the distance from which he can effectively 100 to 0 a champion. This means that you can quickly dispatch enemy players before they know what hit them.

Built-In Sustain
Most mid-laners lack sustain and rely on their ability to keep at a safe distance to survive. Renekton also does well against poke laners as a result of his built-in sustain and excellent waveclear. Similar to Nocturne, once he gets his Tiamat he can push and roam at will. Alternatively, this also gives him great shoving ability after massacring his mid-lane opponent.

What Weaknesses does Mid Lane Renekton Have?

No Poke
1v1 Renekton has no equals. However, once 5v5 team fights start, he has no poke. If his team doesn't want to follow up and dive with him, he's a sitting duck for the enemy team. Avoid picking him if you're seeing your allies go champions that are disengage heavy kiting types. Without dive buddies mid-lane Renekton struggles to stay effective during the late game.

Vulnerable to Early Camping
Renekton mid strives to continuously trade with enemy laners in order to assert his dominance. Mid-game, he can easily 1v2 the mid and jungler at will. However, if he gets camped early on it could spell trouble if he's playing too aggressively as Renekton players tend to do.

Countering Mid Lane Renekton

Countering mid lane Renekton really involves either kiting him or CC'ing him each time he tries to engage. Champions like Cassiopeia or Syndra do particularly well against him if he's too obvious with his attack pattern.


Mid Lane Renekton is an incredibly anti-melee pick mid-lane, and if you're struggling against champions like Yasuo or Zed he's highly recommended as a counters. Meanwhile, first picking him is generally okay since players will assume he's going top lane. However, if you're picking as the same time as your top lane you may want to reconsider blind-picking Renekton mid.

Suggested Tier: High Tier 2

What do you think about this pick? Fancy trying it out? Comment below!

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