Guide to Playing Varus Top
Below is a guide on how to play Varus top. We'll talk about how to play him, the rune set up, the item build, how Varus top works, the drawbacks of Varus top and how to counter it.
While most players are playing Varus as a marksman, Varus top tends to be a niche pick that performs exceptionally well against a variety of different champions. He's a massive lane bully and is very effective at pummeling melee bruisers top lane. Once you pick up a few core items, don't be surprised if you find yourself the prime focus of the enemy jungler's efforts.
While most players are playing Varus as a marksman, Varus top tends to be a niche pick that performs exceptionally well against a variety of different champions. He's a massive lane bully and is very effective at pummeling melee bruisers top lane. Once you pick up a few core items, don't be surprised if you find yourself the prime focus of the enemy jungler's efforts.

Guide to Playing Varus Top
Below is a guide on how to play Varus top. We'll talk about how to play him, the rune set up, the item build, how Varus top works, the drawbacks of Varus top and how to counter it.While most players are playing Varus as a marksman, Varus top tends to be a niche pick that performs exceptionally well against a variety of different champions. He's a massive lane bully and is very effective at pummeling melee bruisers top lane. Once you pick up a few core items, don't be surprised if you find yourself the prime focus of the enemy jungler's efforts.
Varus Top Table of Contents:
- How to Play Varus Top
- Varus Top Rune Setup
- How Varus Top Works
- Potential Pitfalls of Varus Top
- Countering Varus Top
How to Play
Rune Setup

How It Works
Massive Lane Bully
If you thought Vayne was a lane bully, wait until you meet Varus with his longer range and built in heal reduction. While he may not be as much of a flashy duelist as Vayne, Varus is able to get in a ton more poke using his range.
Low Effort Sniping
As a ranged champion, Varus tends to be able to bully enemy melee champions very hard early game to the point where they're cowering beneath their towers. Most other ranged champions would have trouble harassing enemies under turret. However, Varus can basically hit them for free due to his absurd range.
Mid to Late Game Engagement
Most of the time when you bring someone like Vayne top lane, you lose out on engagement potential from another champion. Varus is one of the few champions in the game with a built-in engagement tool via his ultimate. This gives your team the ability to play without losing out on a valuable asset. This same ultimate also gives his teleport ganks more success.
Flexible Strategies
Varus is able to play in pretty much any team composition as a result of his versatile kit. His sustained damage is high, he has good burst, and his poke is excellent as well. This means that you can adapt to what your team needs most.
If you thought Vayne was a lane bully, wait until you meet Varus with his longer range and built in heal reduction. While he may not be as much of a flashy duelist as Vayne, Varus is able to get in a ton more poke using his range.
Low Effort Sniping
As a ranged champion, Varus tends to be able to bully enemy melee champions very hard early game to the point where they're cowering beneath their towers. Most other ranged champions would have trouble harassing enemies under turret. However, Varus can basically hit them for free due to his absurd range.
Mid to Late Game Engagement
Most of the time when you bring someone like Vayne top lane, you lose out on engagement potential from another champion. Varus is one of the few champions in the game with a built-in engagement tool via his ultimate. This gives your team the ability to play without losing out on a valuable asset. This same ultimate also gives his teleport ganks more success.
Flexible Strategies
Varus is able to play in pretty much any team composition as a result of his versatile kit. His sustained damage is high, he has good burst, and his poke is excellent as well. This means that you can adapt to what your team needs most.
Potential Pitfalls
Low Escape Potential
As a top laner, Varus can be camped fairly easily by enemies with some sort of gap closer. While his dueling power is high, he has trouble once enemies actually jump on top of him. His slow is a good deterrent, but without Flash he tends to be a bit of a sitting duck.
Low Bulk
Similar to playing any other ranged top laner, picking Varus top takes away a potential tank from your team. This means that your team will need to play slightly differently from normal and also pick a support and jungle that will compliment the rest of the team.
As a top laner, Varus can be camped fairly easily by enemies with some sort of gap closer. While his dueling power is high, he has trouble once enemies actually jump on top of him. His slow is a good deterrent, but without Flash he tends to be a bit of a sitting duck.
Low Bulk
Similar to playing any other ranged top laner, picking Varus top takes away a potential tank from your team. This means that your team will need to play slightly differently from normal and also pick a support and jungle that will compliment the rest of the team.
Countering Varus Top
Countering Varus top is largely a matter of closing the gap and beating him down before he can ramp up his attack speed. For this, champions like Jax work particuarly well but you need to make sure to push your advantages and avoid taking free damage from his long-range poke and auto-attacks.
Varus top is a surprisingly versatile top lane bully that can effectively abuse most champions. If your jungle doesn't plan on ganking top and you see Varus on the enemy team, don't be surprised if your top lane ends up feeding. His built-in healing reduction and slows take away many of the tools bruisers need to avoid getting cheesed, and he's surprisingly viable for a low-mobility glass cannon top lane.
Suggested Tier: Tier 2
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