How to Counter Darius?
Countering Darius is no simple feat. He's one of those champions that just picking someone off the tier list may not necessarily result in a victory. Picking the correct counter champion is paramount to getting a good start in defeating him.
Darius is one of those champions that's 1v5 stunned with a sliver of health remaining one moment, then full health penta-killing your team the next. His incredible healing power combined with his strong snowballing ability make him a pain to deal with both in lane and in game.
How do we stop this mad man?!
How do we stop this mad man?!

How to Counter Darius?
Countering Darius is no simple feat. He's one of those champions that just picking someone off the tier list may not necessarily result in a victory. Picking the correct counter champion is paramount to getting a good start in countering and defeating Darius.
Darius is one of those champions that can be 1v5 stunned with a sliver of health remaining one moment, then full health penta-killing your team the next. His incredible healing power combined with his strong snowballing ability make him a pain to deal with both in lane and in game.
How do we stop this mad man?! Let's look at his strengths and weaknesses before jumping into counter picks.
Darius is one of those champions that can be 1v5 stunned with a sliver of health remaining one moment, then full health penta-killing your team the next. His incredible healing power combined with his strong snowballing ability make him a pain to deal with both in lane and in game.
How do we stop this mad man?! Let's look at his strengths and weaknesses before jumping into counter picks.
Darius Overview
- Powerful 5-stack bleed transfer
- Crazy heals on the outside of his axe
- AOE initiation over walls
- Massive damage on reset
- No heal at close range
- One gap-closer
- Low Range on spells
Countering Darius
Based on the weaknesses and strengths list above, countering Darius largely comprises of champions that can accomplish the following:
- Play ranged to stay out of his damage radius
- Go invulnerable during his ultimate
- Out-burst him at close range
- Play mobile champions that can get away from his pull and slow
If you don't have any of these, then the following strategies work well too:
- Disengage at three or four stacks
- Run healing reduction items or summoners
Which Champions Counter Darius?

- Kayle - Kayle checks all the boxes when it comes to beating Darius. Her laning power against him may not be very good early, but as the game progresses she naturally becomes the ultimate counter. Her ultimate means that Darius will never be able to reset off an ultimate, and her range completely shreds him.
- Vayne - Vayne top in her current state checks the majority of boxes against Darius. Unlike Kayle, she starts off as a lane bully and can easily put distance between herself and Darius using her Condemn and tumble. Meanwhile, her tank killing power is immense late game, which means she can outburst Darius at any range.
- Quinn - Quinn isn't as popular as she used to be, but remains a staple melee counter in nearly every instance. Her early game bullying potential is very high, and her Vault allows her to put distance between herself and Darius at will.
Got more tips for countering Darius or champions that work well? Comment below!
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