Check out our top 10 traits below to help you find a brother to carry you to the chosen Division!

Finding the perfect duo partner can be a daunting task. The Rift is full of ragers, tilters and trolls. Some players do it less than others, but there are a number of traits that will lead you in the right direction and avoid red flags.Check out our top 10 traits below to help you find a brother to carry you to the chosen Division!
Similar Skill or Slightly Higher
Duo queuing with a player that's Bronze level while you're Gold will only weigh you down, even if you're both currently in silver. Unless you're only in it for fun, you're not going to find him to be a long-term duo queue partner. Meanwhile, similarly you don't want to pick up someone much higher ranked than you since they'll quickly get frustrated and leave you behind.
Minimal Raging
Just because your duo partner isn't raging at you doesn't mean he's not a rager. If he's constantly typing in game it reduces the overall performance of all the players. Avoid these people. If you duo with them, you'll just have one in every game. Even if they're good it's not worth the mental trauma.
Complimentary role, secondary role, and third role
If you're a support/jungle main duoing with a jungle/support main, this simply isn't going to work out the way you plan. Make sure you share a variety of roles and can easily swap between them in case one of you gets auto-filled.
Consistent Champion Pool
People who are one-trick ponies are no good, but everyone should have a go-to pick if they're first pick and in a role. Avoid people who say "I played that champion last game" or people who are milking mastery points. You want to have someone that's trying to win as his main goal.
Similar Time Zone (or play time)
Make sure you're playing with someone with a schedule that matches your own. If you don't, then they quickly fall off in value as a duo partners.
Willingness to Chain Games
If you want to climb and climb fast, make sure you're playing with someone who automatically hits the Play Again button every time the game ends. When you ask each other a question it should be "do you mind if we take a quick break" and not "want to play another game?" Packing as many games in as possible is the key to rising up the ranks quickly.
Handles Losses Well
Some people choose to blame everyone except for themselves after a tough loss. This is not good. Some people only blame themselves and fall into a melancholy. This is also not good. Make sure to duo with a someone that can shrug off losses and learn from mistakes. This type of duo partner will keep morale high and help push you forward.
Calls plays or follows appropriately
If you want to find success, make sure you have at least one person who shotcalls for you and your team. It might be you, and if it is then make sure your duo partner follows up on your calls quickly and appropriately. Building a bond of trust may take time, but make sure you're on the same wavelength when it comes to making plays. If you're not, duo queue won't grant you any advantages unless one of you is just getting carried.
Willing to give and take healthy criticism
This is the cornerstone of a healthy duo. Make sure not to belittle each other constantly, but also make sure to provide criticism to help each other improve. Be careful not to play the blame game when you lose, and remember that you're both trying to win.
Minimal tendency to DC or AFK
When it boils down to it, some people are great teammates and awesome players...when they're there. But life calls to some people more often than it does to others, and if your duo queue partner has a strange tendency to AFK or DC every other game, it might be time to move on. Even if you dominate every game where he's actually playing, it's simply not worth the stress during a promo.Conclusions
Finding the perfect duo queue partner isn't a perfect science. However, using the criteria above you'll be on a solid path. It's possible you may never find someone that fulfills all of the criteria above. However, if you do, keep them around. That's a League of Legends unicorn.
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