NERFPLZ.LOL FOTM Report: Teemo Rune Domination | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Nov 12, 2017

FOTM Report: Teemo Rune Domination

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  Teemo's back and stronger than ever before. He's dominating champions left and right, and stopping him is nearly impossible despite his tiny looking health bars. What's going on and who's fault is this anyway?

Might be because of a little mouse named Aery...check out the details below!


Teemo's back and stronger than ever before. He's dominating champions left and right, and stopping him is nearly impossible despite his tiny looking health bars. What's going on and who's fault is this anyway?

Might be because of a little mouse named Aery...check out the details below!

How to Play
Abilities: E, Q, W then prioritize R > E > Q > W
Summoner Spells: Flash + Ignite/Teleport
Starting Items: Doran's Ring + Health Potions
Core Items: Hextech Gunblade, Sorcerer's Shoes, Liandry's Torment, Nashor's Tooth, Void Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap

Rune Setup

Sorcery Tree
  • Summon Aery is the main reason why Teemo is so absolutely over the top broken right now. His Toxic Shot [E] deals damage over four seconds, and Summon Aery returns to you and procs again every two seconds. This means two Summon Aery procs for a single auto attack.
  • Ultimate Hat is a bit variable and some people seem to be taking Manaflow Band for free Blinding Dart [Q] harass, but otherwise I think Ultimate Hat is much better on Teemo for all those sweet shrooms.
  • Absolute Focus is pretty awesome for Teemo, and allows him to do bonus damage while he's sitting at the fountain and enemy champions walk into his shrooms.
  • Scorch is self-explanatory, as it gives him extra poke damage every 20 seconds and stacks well with his poison.
Domination Tree
  • Taste of Blood - This allows Teemo to go toe-to-toe with sustain based champions like Swain or Vlad no worse for the wear. Even ranged sustain champions will have trouble dealing with Teemo, which is generally his counter.
  • Ravenous Hunter - Similar to Taste of Blood, this makes Teemo nearly impossible to kill through his sustain and gives him the ability to snowball through team fights. 
The rest of the trees don't give him nearly as much bang for his buck.

Why It Works

Insane Poke Damage
As we mentioned above, Teemo's poke damage is absolutely through the roof, and he gains a lot from these runes that other champions simply don't get. If the runes are balanced or a little strong for other champions (see Summon Aery), anyone who gets EXTRA benefit from them is going to be over the top.

Free Sustain
Prior to this preseason, Teemo would need to wait until Gunblade or go on-hit in order to get any sort of sustain in lane. However, now that he has the domination tree, he gets a nice chunk of vampirism for free, making him impossible to kill in lane unless you have jungler help.

Potential Pitfalls

Weaker Teamfights
If Teemo doesn't snowball and ends up against someone like Maokai, he could potentially end up a bit useless late game as his team fighting ability is not strong and he causes his team to lack a strong front line engagement tool.

Prone to Jungle Camping
Whenever Teemo players get too abusive in lane and get trigger happy, the enemy jungler always comes to end his party a little too soon. Although he can manage his wave to keep his lane safe, this isn't always easy if the enemy laner is 30 feet back hiding behind his turret.


Teemo in preseason covers a core weakness via the new runes in the form of early game sustain. His poker damage was also amplified an incredible amount and is definitely very unfun to play against for any melee champions that end up against him.

Suggested Tier: God Tier

What do you think about Teemo in his current form? Comment below!

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