NERFPLZ.LOL FOTM Ranked Solo Queue Tier List (High Elo) ~ Patch 7.19 - October | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Oct 1, 2017

FOTM Ranked Solo Queue Tier List (High Elo) ~ Patch 7.19 - October

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 Hi everyone, hope you're all grinding hard as the year comes to a close for that sweet LP. This patch features some interesting "buffs" and "nerfs" where player experience doesn't seem to match Riot's original intentions for the change. The Janna and Xin Zhao changes are somewhat unclear in terms of intent, but Janna's been hotfixed after a very brief stint hovering at 58% win rate and a continued close to 100% ban rate.

Meanwhile, Zed continues to dominate the hearts of solo queue players everywhere, so be sure to get that Zhonya queued up for purchase.

SEASON 7 - September- PATCH 7.19

Preface Chatter

Hi everyone, hope you're all grinding hard as the year comes to a close for that sweet LP. This patch features some interesting "buffs" and "nerfs" where player experience doesn't seem to match Riot's original intentions for the change. The Janna and Xin Zhao changes are somewhat unclear in terms of intent, but Janna's been hotfixed after a very brief stint hovering at 58% win rate and a continued close to 100% ban rate.

Meanwhile, Zed continues to dominate the hearts of solo queue players everywhere, so be sure to get that Zhonya queued up for purchase.

Check out the full list below! 

The purpose of the "Flavor of the Month" ("FOTM") list is to show which champions are popular in today's metagame in terms of pro picks and high Elo choices.
If you're looking for the division climber solo queue tier list, be sure to check it out via this link!
For a list of champions with the highest *potential* in the game without regard to difficulty or team synergies, check out the list of strongest potential champions in each position!
Be sure to check out our the Optimal Champion Bans by Division Listing!

Patch 7.19 Summary
Buffs: Azir, Xin Zhao, Aatrox, Caitlyn, Malphite, Orianna, Ornn, Vayne, Veigar
Nerfs: Ardent Censer
Tweaks: Janna
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The Tier List

God Tier [High Priority Picks]:
Mid-Lane GodsZed, Yasuo, Orianna, Kassadin, Vladimir
Jungle Gods: Sejuani, Kayn, Lee Sin
Marksman Gods: Tristana, Vayne, Twitch
Top Lane Gods: Yasuo, Fiora, Darius, Cho'Gath
Support Gods: Janna, Lulu, Thresh

Tier 1 [Meta Picks]:
Mid-Lane: Syndra, Katarina, Ahri, Fizz, Twisted Fate, LeBlanc, Azir, Malzahar, Veigar, Ekko, Lux, Talon, Jayce, Anivia, Corki, Ryze
Jungle: Ezreal, Twitch, Cho'Gath, Jarvan IV, Xin Zhao, Rammus, Kha'Zix, Elise, Master Yi, Gragas, Warwick, Zac, Maokai, Nidalee, Jax
MarksmanXayah, Caitlyn, Kog'Maw, Draven, Kalista, Ezreal
Top Lane: Riven, Jayce, Jax, Maokai, Renekton, Vladimir, Gnar, Nasus, Shen, Jarvan IV, Singed, Pantheon, Gangplank, Xin Zhao, Teemo, Malphite, Irelia, Galio, Camille
Support: Soraka, Blitzcrank, Rakan, Nami, Alistar, Sona, Morgana, Leona, Braum

Tier 2 [Crowd Favorites]:
Mid-Lane:  Cassiopeia, Taliyah, Diana, Lucian, Vel'Koz, Annie, Viktor, Xerath, Galio, Ziggs, Morgana, Brand, Akali, Gangplank, Lissandra
Jungle: Evelynn, Rek'Sai, Pantheon, Rengar, Vi, Shyvana, Shaco, Amumu, Nocturne, Hecarim, Graves, Diana, Ivern, Fiddlesticks
Marksman: Jinx, Jhin, Lucian, Ashe, Varus
Top Lane: Garen, Kled, Rumble, Tryndamere, Sion, Kennen, Ornn, Malzahar, Akali, Kayle, Wukong, Talon, Urgot, Trundle, Illaoi, Gragas, Poppy, Ekko
Support: Bard, Karma, Taric, Brand, Zyra, Veigar, Zilean, Lux

Tier 3 [Playable]:
Mid-Lane: Karthus, Aurelion Sol, Karma, Swain, Zilean, Heimerdinger, Kayle
Jungle:Kindred, Wukong, Ornn, Olaf, Nunu, Dr. Mundo
Marksman:  Sivir, Miss Fortune
Top LaneAatrox, Swain, Yorick, Dr. Mundo, Heimerdinger, Mordekaiser, Rengar, Olaf
Support: Vel'Koz, Tahm Kench, Nautilus, Annie

Tier 4 [Rarely Seen]:
Mid-Lane: Fiddlesticks
Jungle: Volibear, Udyr
Top Lane: Ryze, Quinn, Nautilus, Lissandra
Support: Fiddlesticks

Instructions and Caveats:
  • This tier list details which champions are most popular in today's current metagame, for better or for worse. Selecting a high popularity champion and doing mediocre is always favorable to selecting a low tier champion and doing mediocre for team morale.

Champion Explanations

  • Aatrox [Tier 3 Top] - It's been a long time coming, but at last, Aatrox is back in the game. He's by no means a popular pick in the game, but at least he registered as a non-troll pick after the latest round of buffs on all the stat sites. 
  • Caitlyn [Tier 1 Marksman] - The latest Caitlyn buffs aren't enough to bring her back into overpowered status, but anytime Caitlyn gets some lovin' the marksmen mains jump out of the walls to pick her back up again. Her lane control is exceedingly good, and she's very satisfying to dominate with alongside a traditional peel support.
  • Fiora [God Tier Top] - Fiora's still very good, but the honeymoon phase right after her buffs from 7.18 are wearing off. As a result, Yasuo's still the major fallback for most top laners.
  • Janna [God Tier Support] - Originally, we thought Janna's tweaks were a nerf, but turns out the days directly after the buff, Janna's win rate skyrocketed with her absurd damage output. Since then, she's been hotfixed, but continues to be very strong.
  • Lulu [God Tier Support] - The Ardent Censer buffs have made Lulu incredibly strong. Her attack speed boost was always good for marksmen like Twitch or Tristana, but now she gains more than ever before with Pix scaling hard with the increased attack speed boost.
  • Sejuani [God Tier Jungle] - Sejuani's one of the most feared junglers at higher divisons right now. She's impossible to burst and very difficult to prevent from engaging. Having Janna on your team helps, but her ultimate can still land even if you knock her back. It's a bit of a moot point though, since Janna's almost permabanned.
  • Tristana [God Tier Marksman] - Tristana continues to be a massive powerhouse with the latest changes to Ardent Censer. Although the defensive heal was reduced slightly, the offensive power was greatly amplified for auto-attacking champions that like to all-in (i.e. Tristana).
  • Zed [God Tier Mid] - Zed's one of those obnoxious champions where it seems like all the Zeds on the enemy team are Korean challengers and all the Zeds on your team are first-timers that just got stomped by a Korean challenger. Most people prefer to ban him out rather than deal with this kind of bipolar experience, but when he's not banned he's picked up quite often.
  • The purpose of this list is for discussion and to provide a starting point for champion selection.
Agree? Disagree? Comment below!

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