NERFPLZ.LOL Combo Review #18: Blitzcrank + Caitlyn | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Sep 20, 2016

Combo Review #18: Blitzcrank + Caitlyn

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Typically, Caitlyn players play a poke lane, slowly whittling their opponents to oblivion one trade at a time. Meanwhile, Blitzcrank players do the opposite, quickly bursting down their opponents from 100 to 0. Basically, opposite play styles.

However, the often overlooked fact is that Caitlyn can potentially be a very strong 100 to 0 type champion given the right scenarios, and the stacking CC works extremely well for taking down foes before they can fight back.


Typically, Caitlyn players play a poke lane, slowly whittling their opponents to oblivion one trade at a time. Meanwhile, Blitzcrank players do the opposite, quickly bursting down their opponents from 100 to 0. Basically, opposite play styles.

However, the often overlooked fact is that Caitlyn can potentially be a very strong 100 to 0 type champion given the right scenarios, and the stacking CC works extremely well for taking down foes before they can fight back.

Main Strengths

Single Cupcake Power
Since Blitzcrank's hook takes a little time to bring enemies to you and his Rocket Punch knocks up enemies for one second, Caitlyn's cupcake trap has plenty of time for its 1.1 second preparation before stunning, meaning that any Blitzcrank pulls will almost always result in a three second CC if Caitlyn is paying attention and in range.

Double Cupcake Power
By using Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab to pull enemies into the initial trap, enemies can easily become stuck if they do not have a flash handy, resulting in a potential full 5.5 seconds of crowd control

After the initial cupcake trap is set off for two seconds, enemy targets are unable to be trapped for four seconds. However, once you combine Blitzcrank's Rocket Punch for one second and his silence for 0.5 seconds, enemies often find themselves in a position to be targeted by yet another trap (giving 0.5 seconds to flash out if available).

Few, if any champions can handle that kind of duration, generally resulting in either a kill or a won lane.

Kills On Enemy Turret
Most champion combinations nowadays have poor turret diving potential. As a result, Blitzcrank players often dislike playing with Caitlyn simply because they tend to push the lane up and make it difficult to score kills.

However, with the 5.5 second CC combo, it is still possible to safely take out enemy laners from the turret without diving. If you combine this with Caitlyn's delayed ultimate at long range, it becomes a relative breeze to take down enemies without retaliation.


  • Positioning difficulty - Without positioning correctly with cupcakes, it is difficult to land more than one cupcake combo. However, the three-second crowd control is still extremely potent as long as you do not pull someone like Braum or Leona on top of your marksman.
  • One Cupcake Pony - Outside of the cupcake-pull strategies, Caitlyn + Blitzcrank have relatively little synergy and do not play to their core strengths. As team-fighting champions they both perform very well, but in lane it can be clumsy if they do not have good synergy.


This combination is extremely fun, but really relies on landing this stun combo to be effective combined with Blitzcrank landing his hooks. As a result, supports like Soraka and Janna work better with Caitlyn and champions like Miss Fortune and Twitch work better with Blitzcrank.

What do you think about the Caitlyn + Blitzcrank combo? Got other alternatives or ideas? Comment below!

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