NERFPLZ.LOL Top 10 Champions To Master and Impress Your Friends | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Aug 20, 2016

Top 10 Champions To Master and Impress Your Friends

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Some games are not about winning, but about sending a message to both your friends and enemies. When you want to show the world your League of Legends expertise, there are few ways better than picking up the most difficult champions in the game and dominating with them.

These champions below epitomize some of the flashiest mechanics in the game. Just make sure you can pull off the combos to prevent making a fool out of yourself.


Some games are not about winning, but about sending a message to both your friends and enemies. When you want to show the world your League of Legends expertise, there are few ways better than picking up the most difficult champions in the game and dominating with them.

These champions below epitomize some of the flashiest mechanics in the game. Just make sure you can pull off the combos to prevent making a fool out of yourself.


The amount of flexibility Leblanc's kit provides her via her Mimic (R) ability is exceedingly high. She is one of the fastest 100 to 0 assassins in the game, and can quickly escape with little counterplay if you are good enough. This combined with her controllable passive clone means that she can pull off some sick mind games, perfect for establishing dominance through trickery.


Some top lane players complain that Riven is "brainless" and that "anybody can do it". On the other hand, there is a reason why they are not Riven mains. A champion with a low margin of error and constant mind games, Riven has a very narrow effective offensive field, but can potentially outplay multiple enemies in the tight corridors.

If you are good enough, maybe you can become more famous than Faker...

Lee Sin

The blind monk's star factor lies primarily in his mobility via ward jumps and the ability to cancel out of both of his jumps with the other (or flash). This gives players with excellent geometry skills the ability to juke and move around the map at will.

Meanwhile, truly skilled players can try kicking one enemy backwards through the other four to really impress.


Thresh is a champion that needs no introduction and has been the #1 favorite support for many seasons. While awing the ladies with the hook + flay combo is only a matter of landing it, truly skilled players need to predict the enemy and read them like a book.

Flash while someone is in the middle of traveling to you by lantern for bonus points. Do it over a wall for a standing ovation.


The ability to input buffer Vayne's Condemn (E) quickly brought her from a simple sexy auto-attack cancelling champion to one of the most "OHHHHH"-worthy marksmen in the game.

Her ability to take down both squishies and tanks with ease late game allows her to be one of few true "1v5" champions in the game. 


Ever since the advent of the Frozen Mallet Yasuo build, he's clearly much easier than ever before. His high mobility coupled with his ability to block all skillshots and auto attacks from a direction allows him to survive many near death plays to show your superiority.

Remember to always say "calculated".


If there is one master of KS that is completely justified in their actions, it would be Katarina. By staying out of the fight until an enemy champion is about to die, you effectively guarantee that your damage output is at least doubled for this fight.

Remember, KS stands for "Kill-secured" and KDA is the only thing that matters. Even if you die, as long as you get at least one kill /all "worth."


A master of shadows, Zed can run down enemies and 100 to 0 them with ease. Although he does not do it as fast as Leblanc, his delayed ultimate allows him just enough time to jump back out and toss up a mastery emote before his enemies die.


When it comes to kiting entire teams around the map, few can do it as well as Nidalee. Utilizing her resourceless wall jumps, a Nidalee master can escape any dangerous situation with some average ward coverage.


Even after his nerfs, Azir still commands respect as the emperor of Shurima. His late game carrying ability and self-peel allows for some amazing plays, and his passive grants him more turtling power than any one passive should ever allow.

Be sure to learn the Shurima shuffle for maximum effect. 

Got more champions you picked up to impress your friends? Comment below!

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