NERFPLZ.LOL Combo Review #12: Akali + Zilean | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

May 11, 2016

Combo Review #12: Akali + Zilean

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After the latest changes to Hextech Gunblade, Akali's win rate is slowly rising, currently at the highest point it's been for the last five patches. As a powerful lifesteal based hypercarry, Akali's ability to absolutely annihilate teams by herself is well-established.

Meanwhile, hyper carries need supporting staff to enable their victory, and Zilean's also an underdog whose slow rise to fame remains relatively unnoticed, despite strong playtime by renown players like Faker.

Combined together, these two represent one of the most annoying combinations in the game, resulting in an inescapable, unkillable hypercarry with far too many gap closers to be considered fair. Check out the details below!


After the latest changes to Hextech Gunblade, Akali's win rate is slowly rising, currently at the highest point it's been for the last five patches. As a powerful lifesteal based hypercarry, Akali's ability to absolutely annihilate teams by herself is well-established.

Meanwhile, hyper carries need supporting staff to enable their victory, and Zilean's also an underdog whose slow rise to fame remains relatively unnoticed, despite strong playtime by renown players like Faker.

Combined together, these two represent one of the most annoying combinations in the game, resulting in an inescapable, unkillable hypercarry with far too many gap closers to be considered fair. Check out the details below!

Main Goals

Drop Bombs on Akali While Shrouded
Zilean bombs do not reveal invisible allied champions. This means that you can easily drop your bombs on Akali, and with good timing, add to her already absurd burst damage with a targeted gap closer.

Provide Massive Movement Speed
By far one of the most annoying movement speed enhancers in the game, Zilean gives any allied champion the ability to chase down other champions with ease. Although Zilean himself has difficulty fighting multiple enemies as a result of his squishy stature and slow burst damage, Akali's insanely fast gap closers allow her to take down enemies before they can react and move to the next one.

Keep the Carry Alive
Although Zilean's main job is generally to keep the marksman alive as the sole hypercarry, Akali can also perform her task very well as a result of her ability to annihilate the back line, spellvamp back up, and abuse her low cooldowns. Because Akali is a manaless champion, Zilean's ultimate really works well on her since her only true resources are health and cooldowns, both of which are brought back to full by Zilean's ultimate.

Alternative Champions


As another highly mobile, resourceless champion, Zilean works well with Katarina too. The only downfalls are that Katarina's spellvamp is limited to Hextech Gunblade, and she doesn't have an extra invisibility spell to get out of hairy situations.


Yorick provides much lower utility than Zilean, but his ultimate is also a powerful resurrection tool that could be used to keep Akali in the fray.


Combining Zilean with manaless champions that are cooldown reliant and have resets on assist is certainly one of the most annoying combos on the rift. Luckily, these champions haven't been particularly popular of late. However, with the latest buffs on Hextech Gunblade, it's definitely worth giving it a whirl!

What do you think about the Akali Zilean combo? Comment below!

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