NERFPLZ.LOL Top 10 Ways Playing At Weird Hours Is Awesome | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Nov 20, 2015

Top 10 Ways Playing At Weird Hours Is Awesome

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Everyone knows classic League of Legends addicts often play into the late hours of the night. We also know that at a certain point in time, people should REALLY start going to bed. Namely, we're talking around 4 AM to 7 AM if you're in a standard time zone for your server.

During this interval strange things happen...the population of players shifts as drunk and/or sleepy people start heading off to bed and foreign language speakers begin popping up all over your lobby.

It's a strange but wonderful time. Let's check out some reasons why:


Everyone knows classic League of Legends addicts often play into the late hours of the night. We also know that at a certain point in time, people should REALLY start going to bed. Namely, we're talking around 4 AM to 7 AM if you're in a standard time zone for your server.

During this interval strange things happen...the population of players shifts as drunk and/or sleepy people start heading off to bed and foreign language speakers begin popping up all over your lobby.

It's a weirdly wonderful time. Let's check out some reasons why:

1. It's All About The Game

Anybody who's on playing at this time is probably very passionate about League of Legends. At a time when most people would consider doing something else, they're online grinding out games like it's their job. Hopefully they get paid some overtime MMR.

2. Larger MMR Spreads

When fewer players are online, the MMR spread for matchmaking gets wider the longer it can't find a suitable match for players. This means that while you're usually locked inside a few divisions worth of fluctuation, playing at strange hours may pull in oddly higher ranked players on both teams. This allows you to experience games played at a higher level than your current rank more often.

3. More Smart Pings

In most games, you'll find that there's a lot of chatter going on involving planning and general observations. However, when you're playing with more foreigners or simply people too tired to type, you may find that some games consist almost entirely of pinging. Luckily Riot's relatively new system of pings allows for all sorts of different ways to call attention to something.

Use this time to practice and observe smarter pinging techniques. This will aid you in your games as it's much faster than verbally speaking which means it's definitely faster than typing.

4. Lower Server Load

If you're prone to lag spikes that you think might be a result of either Riot's servers or your own internet connection, playing at these times are optimal. With fewer people online in general, this means that your chances of lagging are drastically lower compared to peak hours.

5. Better Relative Reaction Time

This early in the morning or late at night, you're sure to find people that are drunk or sleepy on all the time. However, by law of averages, if you're well rested and alert, this means that you have a 4/9 chance that the person in poor mental state is on your team and a 5/9 chance that they're on the enemy team. Not too shabby!

6. Less Verbal Abuse (Usually)

Early in the morning, it seems that people are less prone to bouts and fits of anger, unless of course they've been up all night. Again, the probability mapped out above still suggests that the angry people will be on the enemy team unless you yourself are an angry person.

That's not to say it doesn't happen of course, but morning people and people who don't speak English do seem to be less likely to verbally abuse least in English.

7. Older Demographic

If you're someone who often complains about playing with summoners prone to fits and anger issues, you might come to the conclusions that you're probably playing with young belligerent children. This might in fact be the case.

Supposing you're trying to stay away from them, playing early in the morning is a perfect way to ensure that the majority of people online are probably not under parental supervision.

8. More Hardcore Gamers

Many hardcore gamers are more prone to anger issues during the game. However, the overall skill level of this group is also higher. While you may still have feeders in your games, players that are online during strange hours are likely to also play more often in general, making their overall skill level and effort higher than your average player.

9. Shorter Games

With more hardcore games in the mix, games tend to usually be shorter and close out when they should close out. Again, that's not to say the occasional messing around doesn't occur, but for the most part players want to get in as many games as possible without missing their train.

10. Different Crowd

Lastly, if you're at a high enough division that you find yourself almost always playing with the same people over and over again, playing at strange hours does allow you to try your hand against a radically different set of people.


Playing in the "weird" hours of the early AM doesn't guarantee that you'll have a good time, but it does increase your chances of the 10 items above. 

What do you think about waking up early to play League of Legends? Worth it or no? Comment below!

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