That being said, this team is also an excellent protect the AD carry composition with two support-type champions and excellent peeling power.

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: B
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 2
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: S
Initiation: B
Poke Power: C
Pushing Power: B
Sustain: S+
Synergy: A
Waveclear: B
Early Game: A
Mid Game: S
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 2
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: S
Initiation: B
Poke Power: C
Pushing Power: B
Sustain: S+
Synergy: A
Waveclear: B
Early Game: A
Mid Game: S
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
This week's team composition is somewhat of a hybrid composition focusing in on a lot of extremely popular champions in today's metagame. The main theme of this team composition lies primarily in their healing abilities, both on themselves and on teammates. With the amount of in-battle sustain this team provides, it becomes very difficult to take down this team without catching one out of position and instantly bursting them down with ignite.
That being said, this team is also an excellent protect the AD carry composition with two support-type champions and excellent peeling power.
That being said, this team is also an excellent protect the AD carry composition with two support-type champions and excellent peeling power.
Check out the full team below!
Vayne [ADC] - One of the strongest champions in today's metagame, Vayne dishes an extremely high amount of damage, compensating for the somewhat more utility based Lulu mid, heavy tank line, and low damage support.
Lulu [Mid] - As a champion with excellent low cooldown AOE, Lulu brings some much needed waveclear to the team. This combined with the massive amount of CC and death denying ability at her disposal means she works very well with the innately high healing power of this team comp.
Soraka [Support] - The pinnacle of healing power, Soraka provides extreme protection against any poke composition that comes that comes their way. Additionally, she gives Vayne an extremely safe laning phase, something that's typically Vayne's only weak point in any given game.
Warwick [Jungler] - With his team attack speed boost steroid, Warwick synergizes exceedingly well with Vayne. His single target peel or initiation is also extremely powerful depending on whether he's more fed or Vayne's more fed, and his natural blade of the ruined king build allows him to shred both tanks and squishies with ease.
Darius [Top Laner] - Ah...Darius, the death defying, rage-inducing machine. With Darius on the front line, Vayne almost gets free reign on the enemy champions. Whenever people see Darius start dunking, you can be sure they'll try their hardest to prevent the same fate from befalling them as well. Unfortunately, sometimes it's simply impossible to avoid.
Key Concepts
- Depending on how much CC the enemy team has to stop Warwick's ultimate and how fed Darius is, it may be easier to simply kite the enemy team and wait for them to engage.
- Together, this team is exceedingly strong. However, if Darius is extremely fed, it may be more beneficial to split push as well since he has trouble engaging.
Beating a team like this usually focuses around heavy burst damage and CC.
Here's an example team that may succeed:
Here's an example team that may succeed:
- Lux [Mid] - Despite the fact that poke won't stick on the enemy team, Lux is one of the few champions that may do extremely well. With her short cooldowns, long CC, and heavy ranged burst, she has the ability to possibly catch out an enemy and at worst, force them to use some of their ultimates early to survive.
- Ekko [Jungle] - Ekko's ability to be an excellent assassin as well as survival king gives him the potential to scare the enemy team into trying to burst him early, but quickly retreating back via his own ultimate.
- Lissandra [Top] - A natural counter to Darius, she also provides excellent burst damage, engagement potential, and CC to keep Vayne from surviving too long into the battle.
- Blitzcrank [Support] - If you can pick off Soraka early in the fight, it improves your chances of winning dramatically.
- Ashe [ADC] - Her kiting ability makes her one of the few AD carries who can solo Darius fairly easily late game, and her high range also allows her to bully Vayne early on. This combined with her game-changing arrow may make it much easier for Blitzcrank to land that all-important hook on Soraka...
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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