NERFPLZ.LOL Top Team Comps #68: Zone Control Comp | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Sep 22, 2015

Top Team Comps #68: Zone Control Comp

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Hi everyone and welcome back to the revitalization of the Top Team Comp series! This week we're taking a look at a team composition that specializes in zone control. By laying down strategic channeled and/or long-lasting AOE spells, they force enemy champions to either move around it or face a rather nasty slew of bad weather.

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: A
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: B
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: A
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: B
Synergy: A
Waveclear: A

Early Game: B
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: A

S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad


Hi everyone and welcome back to the revitalization of the Top Team Comp series! This week we're taking a look at a team composition that specializes in zone control. By laying down strategic channeled and/or long-lasting AOE spells, they force enemy champions to either move around it or face a rather nasty slew of bad weather.

Check out the full team below!


Jinx [ADC] - One of the strongest hypercarries in the game, Jinx is extremely versatile and will more likely than not, quickly pick up her speed boost passive off an assist of Veigar or Gangplank's insane burst damage. Meanwhile, her chompers can effectively zone off enemy champions trying to dive her without good gap closers.

Veigar [Mid] - Back on top after the latest round of buffs, Veigar's actually quite good as a mid laner now. His zone control with his event horizon is very powerful, and the large diameter of the spell works well as a chokepoint skill or to stun enemies in place while he one-shots them.

Thresh [Support] - Thresh synergizes extremely well with Jinx, as he has the ability to pull/flay people directly onto Jinx's chompers, even if she mispositions them slightly. He also has excellent zone control with his ultimate, allowing for stacking boxes to aid in the mass chaos this team composition brings.

Nunu [Jungler] - When it comes to get out or get killed, there are few champions that hit the mark like Nunu. Go Rod of Ages for extra effect!

Gangplank [Top Laner] - With a Nunu jungle, it's always good to have some extra heavy ad based damage dealers top lane, and Gangplank fits the bill quite nicely. with his massive AOE ultimate, he can easily tuck away his entire team and their slew of AOEs inside of it to keep enemies from escaping. He also sports decent "poke" with his barrels if he chains them together properly. However, when he starts one shotting squishies late game with the barrels, I'm not sure if it's still considered "poke".

Key Concepts

  • This team can split push very effectively with Gangplank and kite enemy teams extremely hard with Nunu. Do this.
  • As the game progresses, decide whether Gangplank and Nunu are sufficiently ahead to have Nunu build either more damage or start picking up more of a support role.
  • No need to hard engage, Jinx range + Gangplank's barrel control is usually enough to force them off turret or take it outright.


Beating a team like this usually focuses around heavy CC and good mobility to survive through the damage.

Here's an example team that may succeed:
  • Galio [Mid] - With his excellent defenses and difficulty to be one-shot, Galio is ideal against Veigar.
  • Hecarim [Jungle] - Get fast, get furious. Hecarim is one of the few champions that has any chance of running down a Nunu team.
  • Malphite [Top] - Crushing Jinx will crush their spirit, and your ultimate goes through all their zone control. You ARE an unstoppable force.
  • Blitzcrank [Support] - Picking off Veigar before he picks one of your teammates off will make or break the game.
  • Caitlyn [ADC] - Fight zone control with zone control. Get those traps down and stay out of range of all those dangerous spells.

What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!

Click here for more team comps!

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