NERFPLZ.LOL IWillDominate Tribunal Permaban & eSports Competition Ruling | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Dec 4, 2012

IWillDominate Tribunal Permaban & eSports Competition Ruling

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Earlier today, Dignitas' jungler IWillDominate was permanently banned along with all his smurf accounts as a result of toxic behavior and constant appearances in the Tribunal.

He has also been banned from LoL Pro Gaming for a period of a full year.

RedBeard had this to say on the matter:

Hi Summoners,

Today I’ve got some tough news to share with you. We take sportsmanship and player behavior very seriously, and we fundamentally believe that pro players should not be exempt from scrutiny over their behavior. In fact, we believe pros have an additional opportunity to act as positive role models for the entire community.

The decision to impact someone’s career is not one we make lightly, which is why this is tough news to deliver. Unfortunately, our Tribunal recently was forced to permanently ban a pro player as a response to his persistent toxic behavior, and after closely reviewing the individual’s case and history, the Riot eSports team has issued a ruling that follows this post.

We fully understand that there are other pro players who behave poorly from time to time, and we do not condone any unsportsmanlike behavior. It’s important to note how severe and consistent the behavior of this particular individual was, as is outlined in the ruling. No other professional players in NA approach this individual’s harassment score – that said, we monitor all pro player behavior actively and we will continue to make that clear to all pro teams, and will take necessary action should any other players demonstrate unacceptable behavior in the future.

Promoting good sportsmanship and improving player behavior is a mission that’s extremely important to Riot, and this ruling is a reflection of our commitment.

Meanwhile, bitingpig posted this official ruling:

League of Legends Competition Ruling

Player: Christian Rivera / IWillDominate 
Date of Ruling: 12.03.12
Subject: Suspension; Violations of Summoner’s Code

Recently, IWillDominate was brought before the Tribunal for consideration of a permanent ban. The majority of players voted to punish and today the Riot player behavior team has approved the ban after review of the case.

IWillDominate has been in Tribunal nine times and punished eight times, including the most recent permanent ban. He has a persistent record of in-game harassment, verbal abuse, offensive language and negative attitude. 

Despite the punishments and official warnings, his harassment score has risen more than 30% from early August to the present date, placing him at the top of the list of North American pro players and among the worst 0.7% of all North American players.

There also have been repeated incidents of similar behavior outside the game.

Relevant Rules:
The Summoner's Code establishes the standards of behavior for all League of Legends players. 

IWillDominate has consistently engaged in behavior which violates the letter and spirit of the Summoner’s Code. 

His persistent tendency to engage in verbal abuse and insults, his lack of cordial demeanor, and his treatment of less-skilled players is unacceptable for any player, especially a high-profile professional player who has a regular opportunity to lead the community by example. 

IWillDominate has violated the letter and spirit of the Summoner’s Code in a systematic fashion.

IWillDominate is ineligible to play in the League of Legends Championship Series for a period of one year. This suspension shall commence immediately. 

In addition, all other existing known accounts used by IWillDominate are permanently banned.

IWillDominate replied in response:
"Today i was informed by riot that I will be suspended for 1 year of the Season 3 Championship Series. Although the ruling is extremely tough, I agree with riot that player sportsmanship is a serious matter and i want to apologize to anyone that i've offended in game and my fans. I fully understand that pro players are viewed as role models and should act accordingly. I'd like to thank my teammates and the whole Dignitas organization for the amazing year that i have spent with them and wish the team the best of luck going into season 3. Personally I will not let this end my dreams of being a professional league of legends player. During my suspension I intend to keep my mechanics in top form and remain a competitive jungler. After my suspension i hope to rejoin the championship series and once again compete at the highest level. League of Legends is my life, and i will do everything in my power to play as long as possible."
We had a good run buddy...guess you gotta make like a tree and leaf :(

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