NERFPLZ.LOL Stealth Rework Details Released in Extravagant Fashion! | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Jul 11, 2012

Stealth Rework Details Released in Extravagant Fashion!

1 comment
In a surprise release by Coming Soon TM's very own Morello, Statikk, and Classick, the details of the upcoming stealth rework on Eve and Twitch were released in a series of three Riot posts.

In order to prove to the Riot community that they were indeed working long and hard on these updates, the stealth rework required the long and lengthy red post below! Below are the specifics on the Eve and Twitch changes:

Behold! The brand new me!

Eve’s new stealth
Eve’s passive is now Shadow Walk. From Level 1, Evelynn is stealthed, meaning she can only be seen by enemy champions within a relatively short range of her, or when she passes through true sight (e.g., Vision Wards). She becomes unstealthed whenever she enters combat and reenters stealth after a brief cooldown once out of combat.

That means Evelynn is still hard to pinpoint in terms of map position, and she retains the feel of roaming around and scouting out areas for her team. Her new ring of visibility also introduces some interesting gameplay opportunities for great Evelynn players. Through careful attention, Eve can strategically juke around enemies, carefully set up surprise engagements, and unlock all sorts of new options that will reward player skill.

However, opponents now have a small window of opportunity to react, since she becomes visible before she’s directly on top of them (rather, she’ll be closing in on them at the time of detection).

Eve’s new kit
Since Eve’s now slightly more detectable at close range, we’ve been able to give her a much more robust kit:
  • We’ve enhanced Eve’s mobility: instead of just having a movement speed steroid on a long-cooldown ult, one of Eve’s new base abilities passively grants her stacking movement speed on spell hits, as well as an active sprint on a short cooldown. These effects can stack.
  • Hate Spike is getting a significantly longer range and the ability to hit more targets.
  • Eve’s getting a new ultimate -- a ranged AoE that damages and slows enemies while granting her some increased durability based on how successful she is at landing it.
All in all, these changes make Evelynn a much more viable, flexible pick. She’s still a strong duelist and ganker thanks to her stealthy nature, enhanced mobility and high damage output. These new changes also give her some much-needed team fight presence.

We’ll be putting Eve up on the PBE for final testing and QA in the next content patch – look forward to her full kit details and feel free to give her some hands-on testing at that time.

These changes will make you green with envy!

Twitch’s new stealth
We wanted to buff Twitch’s poison gameplay across the board, but in order to accomplish this we needed to address how Twitch used stealth. Because of the inherent advantages that long-term stealth brings, we haven’t been able to adequately buff the rest of Twitch’s abilities. This was impacting his competitive viability. The more we looked at Twitch’s kit and where we wanted him to end up, the more we realized that making Ambush a short-term, tactical tool would enable us to realize his envisioned potential.

Twitch’s new kit
Because Ambush’s stealth now has a short duration, we have some breathing room to buff Twitch in other departments:
  • Expunge now scales well into late-game, which includes getting additional damage from your bonus Attack Damage. It also now scales off of both AP and AD.
  • Spray and Pray is no longer about melting entire teams via AoE – it’s now more important as a tool for strategically stacking poisons.
  • We’ve remade Debilitating Poison into a new ability called Venom Cask, which now further contributes to his venom-stacking gameplay
  • His base stats are getting buffed.
  • Twitch is also getting some quality of life improvements, which include making his attack animation snappier.
Twitch is going to be in a much better spot at all levels of competition with his new abilities and focus. His core gameplay is getting some much-needed love, and his new Ambush feels great.

Original flowery posts here

What do you guys think of the stealth reworks? Overpowered, balanced, or underpowered? Post your comments below!

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1 comment:

  1. They will never get back the stun to eve :(..

    Sounds interesting, her passive is actually so stupid, can't believe riot took so long to fix it, but well... maybe they were taking their time to do it correctly, hope that now eve will be better pick..

    About twitch? I'd say just some changes, eve got buffed, twitch also, but not as much as his friend


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