NERFPLZ.LOL #1 Taiwanese Solo Queue Player Reaching for #1 NA | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Jul 16, 2012

#1 Taiwanese Solo Queue Player Reaching for #1 NA

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#1 Ranked Taiwanese Solo queue player AtD GodJJ has currently tied LightSludge at 2733 for the Number One Spot on the NA solo queue ladder. Playing less than 300 games mostly as AD carry, he's scored impressive victory after victory.

As you can see from the screenshot below, he mains Ezreal, Kog'Maw, and Corki, playing them almost exclusively in his conquest of the solo queue ladder.

It's always interesting to see how other server's top players fare on our own ladder, and needless to say, the Taiwanese server is definitely showing its strength.

JJ's also a very avid streamer, and you can watch him as he climbs the ladder on Twitch TV, embedded below. He's currently offline, but worth a watch. I can't understand a thing though! (It's all in Chinese.)

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