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- Alistar is very tanky.
- You can build him as an AP Tank, Straight Tank, or Support Hero.
- Your ult makes you super tanky
- Once you get good you can do the headbutt into pulverize combo
- Primary Summoner: Flash - Helps your position your skills and escape.
- Clairvoyance if you're playing support, Exhaust, Teleport, Ghost, all also viable
- Max your Pulverize, get at least one level of headbutt.
- If you're going AP caster max headbutt second with one level of heal.
- If you're going tanky or support, max heal after pulverize.
- Going straight down the defense or the utility mastery tree are both great.
- Defense Runes + Magic Penetration
Item Build:
- Support Build: Philospher's Stone, Heart of Gold, Ionian Boots, Sheen, Aegis of the Legion
- Tank Build: P-stone, HoG, Mercury Treads, Sheen, then pick one of these two
- AP Caster Build: Sheen, Sorceror Boots, Deathcap, Lichbane
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